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Article Citation Count: Özaktaş, Hakan; Kırkavak, Nureddin; Alpay, Ayşe Nilay (2021). "A Paradox of the Average Waiting Time for the Case of a Single Bottleneck on the Commuters' Route", Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, Vol. 2021.A Paradox of the Average Waiting Time for the Case of a Single Bottleneck on the Commuters' Route(2021) Özaktaş, Hakan; Kırkavak, Nureddin; Alpay, Ayşe Nilay; 58272Average waiting time is considered as one of the basic performance indicators for a bottleneck zone on a route for commuter traffic. It turns out that the average waiting time in a queue remains paradoxically unchanged regardless of how fast the queue dissolves for a single bottleneck problem. In this study, the paradox is verified theoretically for the deterministic case with constant arrival and departure rates. Consistent results with the deterministic case have also been obtained by simulation runs for which vehicle interarrival time is a random variable. Results are tabulated for interarrival times which have uniform, triangular, normal, and exponential distributions along with a statistical verification of the average waiting time paradox.Article Citation Count: Demirkiran, Z.K.; Altunok, T., "A Systems Approach for Technology Assessment and Selection", Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings, pp. 6E11-6E111, (2012).A Systems Approach for Technology Assessment and Selection(2012) Demirkiran, Zuhal Kale; Altunok, TanerEach system development project necessitates making decisions on the selection of technologies among available alternatives for the system and is covered in the technology assessment phase in the acquisition process. For the assessment very limited numbers of methodologies most of which are qualitative are defined in the literature. This study aims to propose a systematic model, which can be used as a guide by planners or system architects in the multi-criteria technology selection process. The model also proposes a method to define the critical technology elements for a system. A case study on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) communication systems is presented to illustrate the applicability of the model.Article Citation Count: Kabarcık, Ahmet; Kandiller, Levent; Aygüneş, Haluk, "Ağların hareketli yol-kesici tarafından en kısa güzergâh kullanılarak kesilmesi", Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 223-237, (2012).Ağların hareketli yol-kesici tarafından en kısa güzergâh kullanılarak kesilmesi(2012) Kabarcık, Ahmet; Kandiller, Levent; Aygüneş, Haluk; 17500; 5706; 57149Bu makalede yolların hareketli yol-kesici tarafından devre dışı bırakıldığı bir ağ kesme problemi ele alınmıştır. İçiçe geçmiş iki ağdan biri ağ-kullanıcı tarafından, diğeri ise yol-kesici tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Yol-kesici ağı üzerindeki düğümler ağ-kullanıcı ağındaki yolların ya da düğümlerin üzerinde konuşlanmıştır. Yol-kesici ağı üzerindeki düğümler imha edilmeye aday noktalardır. Bu çalışmada ağ-kullanıcının başlangıç ve hedef düğümleri arasındaki tüm güzergâhlarını imha etmek için yol-kesicinin kullanacağı en kısa güzergâh bulunmaya çalışılmaktadır. Problemin çözümü için dal-sınır yöntemi kullanılarak bir algoritma geliştirilmiştir.Article Citation Count: Karasakal, Esra; Karasakal, Orhan; Bozkurt, Ahmet (2019). "An approach for extending PROMETHEE to reflect choice behaviour of the decision maker", Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 123-140.An approach for extending PROMETHEE to reflect choice behaviour of the decision maker(2019) Karasakal, Esra; Karasakal, Orhan; Bozkurt, Ahmet; 216553In this study, an approach based on PROMETHEE is developed to correctly reflect the choice behavior of the decision maker that is not explained by the utility theory. The prospect theory argues that losses have higher impact than gains. We integrate the prospect theory into PROMETHEE through defining new preference functions. The proposed approach is behaviorally realistic and tolerates some degree of intransitivities in the preferences of the decision maker. For determining the criteria weights, we utilize pairwise comparison method of Analytic Hierarchy Process. Performance of the approach is demonstrated on a university ranking problem.Article Citation Count: Alp Ertem, M.; Buyurgan, N., "An Auction-Based Framework for Resource Allocation in Disaster Relief", Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 170-188, (2011).An Auction-Based Framework for Resource Allocation in Disaster Relief(Emerald Group Publishing LTD, 2011) Ertem, Mustafa Alp; Buyurgan, Nebil; 52460Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to address the inefficiency problems in procurement operations in disaster relief logistics which are mainly due to the lack of coordination among less organized suppliers and partnerships. Such problems lead to poor responsiveness and hinder timely procurement of required goods. Design/methodology/approach – An auction-based framework for procurement of goods, which is suitable for a single coordinating platform in disaster relief logistics, is proposed. Integer programming formulations are used in auctioning operations. A simulation model that generates problem instances is used to evaluate and tune system-level design parameters. Findings – Design parameters greatly affect the behaviour and responsiveness of the system and the performance of the auction-based framework in different problem instances. Combinations of those parameters may allow suppliers with limited capacities to become more involved in the bidding process. In addition, the procurement shares of bidders may change substantially with different values of the parameters. Research limitations/implications – Even though the presented framework is inspired from real-life applications, it is not implemented in real-life disaster relief operations. The goodness of fit for the framework would best be evaluated by a real disaster case. In addition, transportation scheduling and vehicle routing considerations and budgeting issues are not considered in the framework. Originality/value – This paper presents an auction-based framework for less organized suppliers of goods and their partnerships, such as local humanitarian organizations, private companies, and standby partners. The presented framework offers a background for coordination during disaster relief operations which provides opportunities to act as a set of organized entities. This background also helps those entities coordinate their efforts to enhance the capabilities of local governments and NGOsArticle Citation Count: Murugadoss, Prakash Raj;...et.al. (2023). "Analysis of Dengue Transmission Dynamic Model by Stability and Hopf Bifurcation with Two-Time Delays", Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark, Vol.28, No.6.Analysis of Dengue Transmission Dynamic Model by Stability and Hopf Bifurcation with Two-Time Delays(2023) Murugadoss, Prakash Ra; Ambalarajan, Venkatesh; Sivakumar, Vinoth; Dhandapani, Prasantha Bharathi; Baleanu, Dumitru; 56389Background: Mathematical models reflecting the epidemiological dynamics of dengue infection have been discovered dating back to 1970. The four serotypes (DENV-1 to DENV-4) that cause dengue fever are antigenically related but different viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. It is a significant global public health issue since 2.5 billion individuals are at risk of contracting the virus. Methods: The purpose of this study is to carefully examine the transmission of dengue with a time delay. A dengue transmission dynamic model with two delays, the standard incidence, loss of immunity, recovery from infectiousness, and partial protection of the human population was developed. Results: Both endemic equilibrium and illness-free equilibrium were examined in terms of the stability theory of delay differential equations. As long as the basic reproduction number (R0) is less than unity, the illness-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable; however, when R0 exceeds unity, the equilibrium becomes unstable. The existence of Hopf bifurcation with delay as a bifurcation parameter and the conditions for endemic equilibrium stability were examined. To validate the theoretical results, numerical simulations were done. Conclusions: The length of the time delay in the dengue transmission epidemic model has no effect on the stability of the illness-free equilibrium. Regardless, Hopf bifurcation may occur depending on how much the delay impacts the stability of the underlying equilibrium. This mathematical modelling is effective for providing qualitative evaluations for the recovery of a huge population of afflicted community members with a time delay.Article Citation Count: Türker, Ö.; Akkaya, Ayşen D. (2005). "Basit Doğrusal Otoregresif Modeller Sisteminde Parametre Tahmini ve Hipotez Testi: Simetrik İnovasyonlar", İstatistik Araştırma Dergisi, Vol.4, No.1, pp.75-91.Basit Doğrusal Otoregresif Modeller Sisteminde Parametre Tahmini ve Hipotez Testi: Simetrik İnovasyonlar(2005) Türker, Özlem; Akkaya, Ayşen D.; 56416Bu çalışmada, simetrik dağılıma sahip hata terimli basit otoregresif modeller sistemi incelenerek normal dağılım varsayımının geçersiz olduğu durumlardaki metodoloji birden fazla bağımsız bilgi kaynağı olduğu durumlara genellenmiş, uyarlanmış en çok olabilirlik yöntemi ile tahmin ediciler elde edilmiş ve parametre vektörünün tüm kaynaklar için değişip değişmediğini test edecek sağlam ve etkin test istatistikleri geliştirilmiştir. Elde edilen tahmin ediciler ve test istatistikleri bu alandaki uygulamalarda sıkça kullanılan en küçük kareler yöntemi ile elde edilen tahmin edici ve test istatistikleri ile karşılaştırılmış ve daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği görülmüştür.Article Citation Count: Aydemir Karadağ, Ayyüce (2021). "Bi-Objective Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm for the Healthcare Waste Periodic Location Inventory Routing Problem", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.Bi-Objective Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm for the Healthcare Waste Periodic Location Inventory Routing Problem(2021) Aydemir Karadağ, Ayyüce; 116059There has been an unexpected increase in the amount of healthcare waste during the COVID-19 pandemic. Managing healthcare waste is vital, as improper practices in the waste system can lead to the further spread of the virus. To develop effective and sustainable waste management systems, decisions in all processes from the source of the waste to its disposal should be evaluated together. Strategic decisions involve locating waste processing centers, while operational decisions deal with waste collection. Although the periodic collection of waste is used in practice, it has not been studied in the relevant literature. This paper integrates the periodic inventory routing problem with location decisions for designing healthcare waste management systems and presents a bi-objective mixed-integer nonlinear programming model that minimizes operating costs and risk simultaneously. Due to the complexity of the problem, a two-step approach is proposed. The first stage provides a mixed-integer linear model that generates visiting schedules to source nodes. The second stage offers a Bi-Objective Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm (BOALNS) that processes the remaining decisions considered in the problem. The performance of the algorithm is tested on several hypothetical problem instances. Computational analyses are conducted by comparing BOALNS with its other two versions, Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm and Bi-Objective Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm (BOLNS). The computational experiments demonstrate that our proposed algorithm is superior to these algorithms in several performance evaluation metrics. Also, it is observed that the adaptive search engine increases the capability of BOALNS to achieve high-quality Pareto-optimal solutions.Article Citation Count: Satır, B.; Yıldırım, G.; Kırca, Ö. (2012). "Broiler House Performance Analysis and Chick Entrance Planning for a Broiler Chicken Integration", İstatistik Araştırma Dergisi, Vol.9, No.3, pp.54-63.Broiler House Performance Analysis and Chick Entrance Planning for a Broiler Chicken Integration(2012) Satır, Benhür; Yıldırım, Gonca; Kırca, Ömer; 54700; 45908Increasing rates of chicken meat production has a substantial impact on the Turkish economy. Per capita production in Turkey is close to the average production of the top 20 countries in the world. The production is done by integrated organizations, incorporating an integrator chicken company affiliated with all aspects of the production in an organization. There are many complicated processes, stages and parties involved in a typical integration, bringing with them many interesting problems. In this paper, we focus on tactical and operational decisions required during the broiler growing stage, motivated by the requirements of a moderate-sized integrator in the Marmara Region of Turkey. We use analysis of variance to compare the performances of available broiler houses, and to find the factors effecting the performance measures. Then, we present a mixed-integer linear program which uses the results of our performance analysis to find the least costly set of broiler houses with which the integrator should work, and the chick entrance times into these houses over a planning period.Article Citation Count: Uygur, S.; Yıldırım, F. (2011). "Cinsiyete bağlı insani gelişme endeks yaklaşımları: Türkiye örneği", TİSK Akademi, Vol.6, No.11, pp.30-58.Cinsiyete bağlı insani gelişme endeks yaklaşımları: Türkiye örneği(2011) Uygur, Sevil; Yıldırım, FetihUlusal İnsani Gelişme Raporları, Türkiye'de yoksullukla savaşımın çok aktörlü ve geniş katılımlı bir ortaklık anlayışı ile yürütülmesini özendirme vizyonunu taşımaktadır. Birleşmiş Milletler’in 2008 yılı Küresel İnsani Gelişme Raporu “İklim Değişikliğiyle Mücadele: Bölünmüş Bir Dünya’da İnsani Dayanışma” odaklıdır. 2007/2008 İnsani Gelişme Raporu uzun zamandır uluslararası gündemde yar alan iklim değişikliği sorununun hak ettiği en büyük ilgiyi görmeye başladığı dönemde sunulmuştur. Hükümetler arası iklim değişikliği panelinin son bulguları adeta savaş borusu çalmakta, gezegenimize ait iklim sisteminin ısındığını kesin bir biçimde onaylamakta ve nedenini doğrudan insan davranı şlarına bağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınışaması, Düzey 2’ye göre Cinsiyete Bağlı İnsani Gelişme Endeksi (CBİGE) farklı alternatif yaklaşımlara göre hesaplanmıştır. Türkiye ve Dünya ölçeğine göre, endeksi oluşturan bileşenlerin aritmetik ve geometrik ortalamalarına göre endeks değeri hesaplanmıştır. Endeks değerlerine göre; genel olarak Avrupa Birliği İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınışaması (İBBS)’ye göre Düzey 1 seviyesinde Kuzeydoğu Anadolu, Ortadoğu Anadolu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu bölgelerindeki, Düzey 2 seviyesinde alt bölgelerin tamamına yakın kısmının, göreceli olarak Batı Marmara, Ege ve Doğu Marmara bölgelerindeki alt bölgelere göre hayli düşüktür. 2005 ve 2008 yılları için CBİGE değerleri endeks sıra numaralarına göre “sıra numara analizi” ile test edilmiş ve farklılıklar istatistiksel olarak ortaya konulmuştur. 2008 yılında genel olarak tüm alt bölgelerde endekse eğitim bileşeni, en yüksek katkıyı sağlamıştır. 2005 ve 2008 yılları arasında genel olarak alt bölgelerin CBİGE değerlerinde bir yükselme eğilimi gözlenmesine karşın bu eğilim, alt bölgelerin yüksek kategoride yer alabilmeleri için yeterli olmamıştır. Aynı yıllar için alt bölgelerin CBİGE değerlerine göre sıralamasayıları arasındaki farkın 0,05 yanılma düzeyinde istatistiksel olarak önemli olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.Article Citation Count: Çetinkaya, Ferda Can; Yeloğlu, P.; Çatmakaş, H.A. (2021). "Customer order scheduling with job-based processing on a single-machine to minimize the total completion time", International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 273-292.Customer order scheduling with job-based processing on a single-machine to minimize the total completion time(2021) Çetinkaya, Ferda Can; Yeloğlu, P.; Çatmakaş, H.A.; 50129This study considers a customer order scheduling (COS) problem in which each customer requests a variety of products (jobs) processed on a single flexible machine, such as the computer numerical control (CNC) machine. A sequence-independent setup for the machine is needed before processing each product. All products in a customer order are delivered to the customer when they are processed. The product ordered by a customer and completed as the last product in the order defines the customer order’s completion time. We aim to find the optimal schedule of the customer orders and the products to minimize the customer orders’ total completion time. We have studied this customer order scheduling problem with a job-based processing approach in which the same products from different customer orders form a product lot and are processed successively without being intermingled with other products. We have developed two mixed-integer linear programming models capable of solving the small and medium-sized problem instances optimally and a heuristic algorithm for large-sized problem instances. Our empirical study results show that our proposed tabu search algorithm provides optimal or near-optimal solutions in a very short time. We have also compared the job-based and order-based processing approaches for both setup and no-setup cases and observed that the job-based processing approach yields better results when jobs have setup times. © 2021 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.Article Citation Count: Konur, D.; Yıldırım, G., "Cycle Cost Considerations in A Continuous Review Inventory Control Model", Journal of the Operational Research Society, (2020).Cycle Cost Considerations in A Continuous Review Inventory Control Model(Taylor&Francis LTD, 2020) Korur, Dinçer; Yıldırım, Gonca; 45908In this study, the continuous review order-quantity–re-order point (Q, R) model is analysed with cycle cost considerations. First, we formulate the maximum cycle cost of a given (Q, R) policy using a distribution-free approach. Then, two approaches are introduced to minimize the maximum cycle cost: (i) adjusting R of a given (Q, R) policy and (ii) designing a new (Q, R) policy. Optimum inventory control decisions are characterized for each approach. A set of numerical studies is presented to compare the outcomes of both approaches to three long-term cost minimization approaches, namely the cost minimizing (Q, R) policy, the distribution-free minmax (Q, R) policy, and the distribution-free (Q, R) policy based on the maximum entropy principle. Our numerical results demonstrate the viability of the two approaches introduced and discuss implications of penalty costs and lead time demand’s coefficient of variation. Later, we formulate a bi-objective model with the objectives of expected cost and maximum cycle cost minimizations and propose a bi-directional method to approximate the set of Pareto efficient solutions. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the algorithm and demonstrate the Pareto front.Publication Citation Count: Yuksel, Ebru; Bayrak, "Ozlem Turker, Cyclical behavior of stock exchange index by sectors: a case from Turkey", World Conference On Business, Economics and Management (Bem-2012), Vol. 62, pp. 947-951, (2012)Cyclical Behavior of Stock ExchangeIndex By Sectors: A Case From Turkey(Elsevier Science BV, 2012) Bayrak, Özlem Türker; Yüksel, Ebru; 18500In this study, the relation between the cyclical behaviors of stock market indices of industry, service, finance and technology sectors at Istanbul Stock Exchange and gross domestic product of Turkey between the 1998 January and 2011 September, is analyzed. The results suggest that stock exchange indices move in the same direction with economic activity and stock market leads the economy by about one quarter. However, when the sectoral differences are considered, movements in technology sector index are transmitted to economy in two months whereas it is three months for the industrial and service sector. The slowest sector is the financial sector for which pass-through speed is four months. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Huseyin ArasliArticle Citation Count: Karadağ, Ayyüce Aydemir; Akdere, Erol (2023). "Design of a distribution network for the school lunch program", Journal of Engineering Research (Kuwait), Vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 252-263.Design of a distribution network for the school lunch program(2023) Karadağ, Ayyüce Aydemir; Akdere, Erol; 116059The national school lunch program (NSLP) is crucial for providing healthy, inexpensive, or free lunches to children, thus benefiting society. Designing a distribution network for the program requires solving a location and routing problem. In this paper, first, we formulate a multi-objective non-linear integer programming formulation of the problem. Next, we develop a two-step approach since the problem is Np-hard. The first stage presents a K-mean clustering method that deals with routing decisions by determining the locations of food processing centers and allocating schools to these centers. The second stage offers a multi-objective mixed-integer linear mathematical model for finding the locations of distribution centers. Besides economic and environmental factors, we optimize travel time in the network as perishable items are involved. A weighted sum approach is presented for different weights of objectives. We provide a real case study in Turkey to demonstrate the applicability of the two-stage approach proposed in this study. The numerical results provide valuable information for decision-makers and authorities to prioritize and prepare action plans.Article Citation Count: Yıldırım, Gonca; Yıldırım, Bora; Satır, Benhür (2019). "Design of a Rectangular Parking Lot Using a Cutting-Stock Formulation", Çankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-16.Design of a Rectangular Parking Lot Using a Cutting-Stock Formulation(2019) Yıldırım, Gonca; Yıldırım, Bora; Satır, Benhür; 54700Ever-increasing number of vehicles on the roads and in need of parking facilities at a site creates a constant burden for drivers trying to find a parking space and obstructs maneuvering both in parking areas and also along the roadways on which cars are, sometimes arbitrarily, parked. These problems are aggravated for sites built long time ago when demand for parking used to be much less than it is now. The available space may be limited because of the buildings, green areas, etc., surrounding the parking spaces and the site, and construction of a multi-story garage may not be an option in some cases due to regulations and/or financial reasons. We use a cutting-stock formulation to redesign parking lots that are rectangular in shape but with various dimensions in order to maximize the number of parking stalls. Spreadsheets are used to facilitate pattern generation and Excel Solver add-in is used to solve the optimization model for a set of selected parking lots at a university campus and we obtained improvements up to 22% more parking stalls per lotArticle Citation Count: Yıldırım, Gonca; Aydemir Karadağ, Ayyüce (2021). "DESIGNING AN ANNUAL LEAVE SCHEDULING POLICY: CASE OF A FINANCIAL CENTER", Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization.DESIGNING AN ANNUAL LEAVE SCHEDULING POLICY: CASE OF A FINANCIAL CENTER(2021) Yıldırım, Gonca; Aydemir Karadağ, Ayyüce; 45908; 116059Providing annual leave entitlements for employees can help allevi-ate burnout since paid-time off work directly affects the health and productivity of workers as well as the quality of the service provided. In this paper, we de-velop realistic vacation scheduling policies and investigate how they compare from both the employer and the employees' perspectives. Among those poli-cies, we consider one that is used in practice, another that we propose as a compromise which performs very well in most cases, and one that is similar to machine scheduling for benchmarking. Integer programming models are for-mulated and solved under various settings for workload distribution over time, substitution and unit of time for vacations. We use three performance mea-sures for comparisons: penalty cost of unused vacation days, percent vacation granted and level of employee satisfaction. We provide a real-life case study at a bank's financial center. Numerical results suggest that an all-or-nothing type of vacation policy performs economically worse than the others. Attrac-tive annual leave scheduling policies can be designed by administering vacation schedules daily rather than weekly, ensuring full cover for off-duty employees, and offering employees some degree of choice over vacation schedules.Article Citation Count: Satır, B. (2012). "Enformasyon Yönetimi Sistemi Tasarımının Üretim Yapan İşletmelerde Faaliyet Temelli Maliyet Muhasebesi İçin Önemi", Bilgi Dünyası, Vol.13, No.1, pp.82-92.Enformasyon Yönetimi Sistemi Tasarımının Üretim Yapan İşletmelerde Faaliyet Temelli Maliyet Muhasebesi İçin Önemi(2012) Satır, Benhür; 54700Ürün maliyetlerinin gerçek değerlerine yakın tahmini, ürün kârlılıkları ve işletmelerin pazarda rekabetçi olabilmeleri için çok önemlidir. İşletme bir üretim işletmesi ise, özellikle siparişe dayalı üretim yapıyor veya çok çeşitli tipte ürün üretiyorsa maliyet tahmini zorlaşmaktadır. Bunlara ek olarak, üretim koşulları zorlu bir işletme ise, ürün maliyeti için üretim sürecinden gelmesi gereken üretim enformasyonunun sağlıklı olması zorlaşmakta ve işletme için maliyet tahmini gerçek değerinden oldukça farklı olabilmektedir. Bazı ürünler için üretim ve teslimat süreci bittikten sonra, tahmini maliyete göre kâr beklenirken, gerçekleşen maliyetin fiyattan bile yüksek çıktığı ve aslında bu üretimden zarar edildiği çok geç olarak anlaşılabilmektedir. Bütün bu zorluklar aşılarak doğru bir maliyet tahmini yapılması için, enformasyon yönetim sisteminin maliyet muhasebesi sistemine uygun tasarlanmasının yanı sıra, sistemin sağlıklı ve güncel tutulması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada üretim koşullarının en zor olduğu işletmelerden birisi olan dökümhâneler için Faaliyet Temelli Maliyetlendirme Yöntemi uygulamaları esas alınarak, Enformasyon Yönetimi Sisteminin buna uygun nasıl tasarlanması gerektiği anlatılmıştır.Article Citation Count: Aslantaş, Tankut. (2021). "İnovasyon Kapasitesini Değerlendirmeye Yönelik Bir Uygulama"Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation, Vol.8, No.3, pp.339-360.İnovasyon Kapasitesini Değerlendirmeye Yönelik Bir Uygulama(2021) Aslantaş, Tankutİnovasyon; günümüzde işletmelerin rekabet avantajı oluşturması, karlılığını arttırması ve yeni ürünlerle pazarda yer alarak değer yaratması adına önemli bir araç haline gelmiştir. Değer yaratan yenilik olarak da ifade edilen inovasyona yönelik çeşitli sınıflandırmalar bulunmaktadır. Farklı türdeki inovasyonların, farklı kaynaklardan beslenerek farklı derecelerde ortaya çıkması problemi işletmeleri inovasyon yönetimi faaliyetlerine teşvik etmekte ve inovasyon stratejilerini belirleme konusunda yönlendirmektedir. Bununla birlikte işletmelerin inovasyon yapabilme yeteneğini ifade etmek adına; araştırma geliştirme faaliyetleri, insan kaynakları yatırımları, iş birlikleri, bilgi iletişim teknolojileri alt yapıları, fikri mülkiyet hakları faaliyetleri ve inovasyon finansmanı gibi konuları içerecek şekilde inovasyon kapasitesinin değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, inovasyon yönetimi faaliyetlerinin, işletmelerin inovasyon kapasitesi üzerinde etkisi incelenmiş, Ankara ilinde faaliyet gösteren, ilaç ve sağlık ürünleri üretimi gerçekleştiren işletme örneklem olarak seçilmiş ve tek grup ön test - son test çalışması yapılmıştır. Ön test ve son test çalışması esnasında IMP3rove İnovasyon ölçüm aracından yararlanılmış ve saha çalışması neticesinde inovasyonun beş boyutuna göre değişimler gözlemlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak inovasyon faaliyetlerinin işletmelerin inovasyon kapasitesi üzerinde olumlu yönde etkisi olduğu saptanmıştırConference Object Citation Count: Ertem, Mustafa Alp; Şahin Arslan, Ayşenur. "İnsani Yardım Lojistiği için Konteyner Deposu Tasarımı", 39. Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2019) Bildiriler Kitabı, pp. 102-103, 2019.İnsani Yardım Lojistiği için Konteyner Deposu Tasarımı(2019) Ertem, Mustafa Alp; Şahin Arslan, Ayşenur; 52460Article Citation Count: Kavlak, Hasan; Ertem, Mustafa Alp; Satır, Benhür (2022). "Intermodal Humanitarian Logistics Using Unit Load Devices", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 3821-3846.Intermodal Humanitarian Logistics Using Unit Load Devices(2022) Kavlak, Hasan; Ertem, Mustafa Alp; Satır, Benhür; 57708; 52460; 54700Intermodal freight transportation facilitates today’s global trade. The benefits of intermodal freight transportation have been studied and are more observable in commercial logistics; however, the potential benefits of humanitarian logistics have not been thoroughly investigated. This research aims to present a resilient transportation framework by modeling intermodal transportation utilizing interoperable loading devices during disaster responses. We developed an integer programming model based on a time–space network by considering route and vehicle availabilities that are allowed to change with time. We consider vehicles with varying capacities in three transportation modes (i.e., ground, maritime, and air). The contribution of this study is threefold: (1) Two compatible unit load devices are proposed for humanitarian logistics; (2) a mathematical model that includes integer variable representation for vehicle fleets in different transportation modes is developed; and (3) intermodal transportation is compared with single-mode transportation using a real-life dataset. Our main results are as follows: In terms of cost, intermodal transportation is effective when demand occurs in consecutive periods and response time is short. Inventory is held more in intermodal transportation when it is cost-effective to use transportation modes with large capacities. Thus, the benefits of the responsiveness of intermodal transportation outweigh the costs of mode interchange and inventory holding for sudden-onset disasters where quick responses are needed within a short time. © 2021, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.