Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü Yayın Koleksiyonu
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Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gecim, H. S. (2022). "Accurate method to calculate noise figure in a low noise amplifier: Quantum theory analysis", Microelectronics Journal, Vol.128.Accurate method to calculate noise figure in a low noise amplifier: Quantum theory analysis(2022) Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gecim, H. Selcuk; 182579In this study, a low-noise amplifier is quantum-mechanically analyzed to study the behavior of the noise figure. The analysis view has been changed from classic to quantum, because using quantum theory produces some degrees of freedom, which may be ignored when a circuit is analyzed using classical theory. For this purpose, the Lagrangian is initially derived by considering the related nonlinearity of the transistor, and then using the Legendre transformation and canonical quantization procedure, the quantum Hamiltonian is derived. As an interesting point of this study, the low-noise amplifier is deliberately considered as two oscillators connecting to each other to share the photonic modes between them; accordingly, the voltage and current as measurable observations and the noise figure as a critical quantity in a low-noise amplifier are theoretically expressed in terms of the oscillator's mean photon number. The main goal of this work is to study quantities such as the noise figure in a sufficient detail using quantum theory. In addition, as an advantage of this theory, one can control and manipulate the noise figure only by manipulation of the oscillator's mean photon number and coupling it between two oscillators. Finally, the circuit is classically designed and simulated to verify the derived results using quantum theory. The comparison results show that there is a partial consistency between the two approaches; as the frequency increases, the noise figure becomes minimized at a particular frequency.Article Citation Count: Salmanoğli, A., Geçim, H.S. (2018). Array of nanoparticles coupling with quantum-dot: Lattice plasmon quantum features. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems&Nanostructures, 100, 54-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2018.03.006Array of nanoparticles coupling with quantum-dot: Lattice plasmon quantum features(Elsevier Science BV, 2018) Salmanogli, Ahmad; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 182579In this study, we analyze the interaction of lattice plasmon with quantum-dot in order to mainly examine the quantum features of the lattice plasmon containing the photonic/plasmonic properties. Despite optical properties of the localized plasmon, the lattice plasmon severely depends on the array geometry, which may influence its quantum features such as uncertainty and the second-order correlation function. To investigate this interaction, we consider a closed system containing an array of the plasmonic nanoparticles and quantum-dot. We analyze this system with full quantum theory by which the array electric far field is quantized and the strength coupling of the quantum-dot array is analytically calculated. Moreover, the system's dynamics are evaluated and studied via the Heisenberg-Langevin equations to attain the system optical modes. We also analytically examine the Purcell factor, which shows the effect of the lattice plasmon on the quantum-dot spontaneous emission. Finally, the lattice plasmon uncertainty and its time evolution of the second-order correlation function at different spatial points are examined. These parameters are dramatically affected by the retarded field effect of the array nanoparticles. We found a severe quantum fluctuation at points where the lattice plasmon occurs, suggesting that the lattice plasmon photons are correlated.Conference Object Citation Count: Demirel, M...et al. "Design and Modeling Interdigitated Capacitor - Spiral Inductor Resonator for Optical Pressure Sensor", 13th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), pp. 195-200, 2021.Design and Modeling Interdigitated Capacitor - Spiral Inductor Resonator for Optical Pressure Sensor(IEEE, 2021) Demirel, M.; Duyguluer, G.; Öztürk, M.; Salmanogli, A.; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 182579In this study, an optical pressure sensor is designed to sense a force. To achieve that, an interdigitated capacitor connected to a spiral inductor that oscillates at GHz region is proposed to be designed. To sense a force with very low amplitude, some different materials are applied as a dielectric material between the layers of the interdigitated capacitor. Thus, by applying the force, the circuit’s capacitance is changed due to the displacement of the selected dielectric. This leads to change of the circuit's scattering parameters which lets to sense the lowest scale of the pressure possible. For simulation, the circuit is designed in COMSOL, theoretically studied the scattering parameters and the effect of the force on the circuit characteristic and finally, Advanced Design System is used to optimize the parameters for this specific aimConference Object Citation Count: İşpak, T. S...et al. "Design and Modeling of Very Narrow Band-pass Radio Frequency Filter for Optical Pressure Sensor ", 13th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), pp. 201-205, 2021.Design and Modeling of Very Narrow Band-pass Radio Frequency Filter for Optical Pressure Sensor(2021) İşpak, T. S.; Başaraner, G.; Ceylan, S.; Salmanogli, A.; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 182579In this study, an optical pressure sensor is designed to sense a force on the scale of 100 nN. For this purpose, a very narrow radio frequency band-pass filter is designed and modeled to detect the optical pressure force. The center frequency of the filter is fixed in L-band. Thus, by applying an external force, the circuit’s characteristics such as scattering parameters and the center frequency of the filter is changed. That is the method particularly employed to sense a very low scale optical pressure. In this study, the open-stub technique is used to design the radio frequency filter and results are compared with the lumped elementbased circuit models. Also, the circuit design is simulated in COMSOL Multiphysics, and the scattering parameters are studied. Finally, the circuit is optimized for the specific aim using Advanced Design System software.Article Citation Count: Salmanoğli, Ahmad; Gökçen, Dinçer; Geçim, H. Selçuk (2020). "Entanglement Sustainability in Quantum Radar", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 26, No. 6.Entanglement Sustainability in Quantum Radar(2020) Salmanoğli, Ahmad; Gökçen, Dinçer; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 182579In this study, some important parts of a quantum radar are designed using the quantum electrodynamics theory and significantly focused on entanglement conservation. Quantum radar is generally defined as a detection sensor that utilizes the microwave photons like a classical radar and simultaneously employs quantum phenomena to improve detection, identification, and resolution capabilities. However, the entanglement is so fragile, unstable, and difficult to preserve for a long time. Also, more importantly, the entangled states have a tendency to leak away due to the noise. The points mentioned enforces that the entangled states should be carefully studied at each step of the quantum radar detection processes such as the creation of the entangled photons in the tripartite system, the amplification of the photons, the propagation into the atmosphere, and the reflection from the target. At each step, the parameters related to the real mediums and target material can affect the entangled states to leak away easily. The results of simulations indicate that the features of the tripartite system and amplifier are so important to lead the detected photons to remain entangled with the optical modes. Nonetheless, it is found that a lot of entangled photons lose the related non-classical correlation.Article Citation Count: Salmanoğli, Ahmad; Geçim, H. Selçuk (2020). "Optical and Microcavity Modes Entanglement by Means of Plasmonic Opto-Mechanical System", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 26, No. 3.Optical and Microcavity Modes Entanglement by Means of Plasmonic Opto-Mechanical System(2020) Salmanoğli, Ahmad; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 182579In this study, plasmonic opto-mechanical tripartite system is proposed to improve the performance of the traditional tripartite opto-mechanical system. In the new design, significantly, optical cavity and microwave cavity modes are directly coupled to each other. The originality of this work consists in embedding a microsphere in the optical cavity where the plasmon-plasmon interaction between the metal plates generates a plasmon mode inside the optical cavity and changes the electric field distribution. The plasmonic property influences the microsphere electrical properties and interacts with the photonic mode inside the optical cavity by which the microwave cavity properties are also affected through coupling to the optical cavity. Microsphere introduces a capacitor as a function of plasmonic properties that can strongly influence the microwave cavity resonance frequency. That is the feature that we want to utilize to enhance the performance of the system at high temperature. The results show that the optical cavity and microwave cavity modes remain entangled at high temperature. It is contributed to the plasmonic-based capacitor induced by the microsphere which is not affected by the thermally induced photons (noise). It is worth mentioning that the induced noise strongly restricts the traditional tripartite system operated with a wide bandwidth.Article Citation Count: Salmanoğli, Ahmad; Gökçen, Dinçer; Geçim, H. Selçuk (2019). "Plasmonic Effect on Quantum-Dot Photodetector Responsivity", IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 3660-3667.Plasmonic Effect on Quantum-Dot Photodetector Responsivity(2019) Salmanoğli, Ahmad; Gökçen, Dinçer; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 280089; 182579In this paper, we analyze and simulate the plasmonic effect on the quantum-dot photodetector responsivity. For this purpose, a plasmonic-based quantum-dot photodetector is designed in which a few quantum dots are embedded in the hot-spot regions of the plasmonic nanoparticles, wherein a high-intensity localized field is created. Notably, due to the maximum overlapping of the plasmonic field with the quantum dots at the hot spot, some of the optical characteristics of the quantum dot, particularly the spontaneous emission decay rate, are changed. This paper focuses on the engineering of the decay rate, through which we found that the quantum-dot photodetector responsivity is strongly enhanced with the order of 100 times at the visible range. For analyzing the proposed system, we first work on the plasmonic effect of the nanoparticle on the quantum-dot lifetime using the Heisenberg-Langevin equations. It is shown that by embedding the quantum dots at the hot spot of the nanoparticle, the decay rate of the quantum dot is dramatically influenced. In the following, plasmonic-quantum dot system responsivity is theoretically examined using a time-varying perturbation theory. Using this approach is necessary because the spontaneous emission cannot be analyzed with the classical methods. Consequently, it is proved that using plasmonic effect leads to enhanced photodetector responsivity, suggesting that even very small incoming signals are detectable.Article Citation Count: Hatem, S.; Salmanogli, A.; Geçim, H.S. (2023). "Quantum dot transition rate modifying by coupling to lattice plasmon", Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol.55, No.9.Quantum dot transition rate modifying by coupling to lattice plasmon(2023) Hatem, Sude; Salmanogli, Ahmad; Geçim, H.Selçuk; 182579In this study, a plasmonic system coupled to a quantum dot is defined to generate the entanglement between two non-simultaneous emitted output modes. The quantum dot with three energy levels creates two different transition rates by which non-simultaneous photons are emitted. Thus, it seems that the entanglement between two emitted modes is forbidden. However, the simulation results show the entanglement between the output modes. It is because the original transition rates of the quantum dot are modified due to the lattice plasmon coupling effect. It means that the effective transition rate affected by the lattice plasmon plays a key role. The lattice plasmon coupling to quantum dot at some locations leads to a simultaneous transition by which the entanglement between output modes is established. The entangled output modes refer to the entangled photons with a specific frequency (e.g., the emission frequency). This unique behavior is theoretically discussed and the results show that using the lattice plasmon can change the transition rates by which the two emitted modes become entangled.Article Citation Count: Salmnoğli, A., Geçim, H.S. (2018). Quantum eye: Lattice plasmon effect on quantum fluctuations and photon detection. Quantum eye: Lattice plasmon effect on quantum fluctuations and photon detection. Annals of Physics, 394, 162-178. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2018.04.029Quantum eye: Lattice plasmon effect on quantum fluctuations and photon detection(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018) Salmanogli, Ahmad; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 182579In this work, arrays of plasmonic nanoparticles coupled to a detector are designed and considered as a quantum eye. In the designed system, the plasmonic nanoparticles have a role like an ommatidium in the artificial compound eye; however, the quantum eye ommatidium acts with different functionality. To better understand this system, we analyze it with the full quantum theory, quantize lattice plasmon generated by the array of plasmonic nanoparticles, and finally derive bosonic operators using Heisenberg-Langevin equations. Moreover, we theoretically derive the radiative and non-radiative losses introduced by this system and examine lattice plasmon effect on spontaneous emission of the quantum dot (Purcell factor). The main goal of this article is to investigate the quantum eye's quantum properties such as quantum fluctuations, which is modeled and analyzed by studying the second-order correlation function. This function exhibits a significant bunching as a function of lattice plasmon optical properties. We can easily manipulate and improve the lattice plasmon optical properties, which dramatically depend on the array geometry. Finally, we study the quantum eye photon detection by a quantum measuring approach and show that the lattice plasmon has a strong effect on quantum properties after the one-count process.Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad "Raman mode non-classicality through entangled photon coupling to plasmonic modes", Journal of the Optical Society of Amerıca B-Optical Physics, Vol.35, No. 10, pp. 2467-2477, (2018)Raman Mode Non-Classicality Through Entangled Photon Coupling To Plasmonic Modes(Optıcal Soc Amer, 2018) Salmanogli, Ahmad; 182579In this article, non-classical properties of Raman modes are investigated. The original goal, actually, is to identify how and by which method we can induce non-classicality in Raman modes. We introduce a plasmonic system in which Raman dye molecules are buried between two shells of the plasmonic materials, similar to an onionlike core/shell nanoparticle. This system is excited by the entangled two-photon wave, followed by analysis of its dynamics of motion using the Heisenberg-Langevin equations by which the time evolution of the signalidler mode and Raman modes are derived. Interestingly, the entangled two-photon wave is coupled to the plasmonic modes, which are used to improve the non-classicality. It is shown that the exciting system with the entangled photons leads to inducing the non-classicality in Raman modes and entanglement between them. Moreover, it is seen that the plasmon-plasmon interaction in the gap region has a strong effect on the non-classicality of the input modes and also affects entangling of the Raman modes, which means that plasmonic modes generated by the core/shell nanoparticles manipulate the Raman modes' quantum properties. It is shown that the quantum properties in the designed system are dramatically influenced by the environmental temperature and the location of the Raman molecules in the gap region. The modeling results demonstrate that by changing the location of the Raman molecules, the non-classicality of the Raman modes and their entanglement are altered. Finally, as an important result, it is revealed that the Raman modes, such as the Stokes and anti-Stokes modes, show a revival behavior, which is a quantum phenomenon. (c) 2018 Optical Society of America.