Browsing by Author "Baleanu, Mihaela Cristina"
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Article Citation Count: Baleanu, al. (2009). Fractional Electromagnetic Equations Using Fractional Forms, 48(1), 3114-3123. Electromagnetic Equations Using Fractional Forms(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2009) Baleanu, Dumitru; Golmankhaneh, Ali K.; Golmankhaneh, Alireza K.; Baleanu, Mihaela CristinaThe generalized physics laws involving fractional derivatives give new models and conceptions that can be used in complex systems having memory effects. Using the fractional differential forms, the classical electromagnetic equations involving the fractional derivatives have been worked out. The fractional conservation law for the electric charge and the wave equations were derived by using this method. In addition, the fractional vector and scalar potentials and the fractional Poynting theorem have been derivedArticle Citation Count: Golmankhaneh, al. (2011). Fractional odd-dimensional mechanics. Advance in Difference Equations. odd-dimensional mechanics(Springer International Publishing, 2011) Golmankhaneh, Ali K.; Golmankhaneh, Alireza K.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Baleanu, Mihaela CristinaThe classical Nambu mechanics is generalized to involve fractional derivatives using two different methods. The first method is based on the definition of fractional exterior derivative and the second one is based on extending the standard velocities to the fractional ones. Fractional Nambu mechanics may be used for nonintegrable systems with memory. Further, Lagrangian which is generate fractional Nambu equations is definedArticle Citation Count: Golmankhaneh, al. (2010). Hamiltonian structure of fractional first order lagrangian. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 49(2), 365-375. structure of fractional first order lagrangian(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2010) Golmankhaneh, Ali K.; Golmankhaneh, Alireza K.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Baleanu, Mihaela CristinaIn this paper, we show that the fractional constraint Hamiltonian formulation, using Dirac brackets, leads to the same equations as those obtained from fractional Euler-Lagrange equations. Furthermore, the fractional Faddeev-Jackiw formalism was constructedArticle Citation Count: Baleanu, al. (2014). "Local Fractional Variational Iteration and Decomposition Methods for Wave Equation on Cantor Sets within Local Fractional Operators", Abstract and Applied Analysis.Local Fractional Variational Iteration and Decomposition Methods for Wave Equation on Cantor Sets within Local Fractional Operators(Hindawi LTD, 2014) Baleanu, Dumitru; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Cattani, Carlo; Baleanu, Mihaela Cristina; Yang, Xiao-Jun; 56389We perform a comparison between the fractional iteration and decomposition methods applied to the wave equation on Cantor set. The operators are taken in the local sense. The results illustrate the significant features of the two methods which are both very effective and straightforward for solving the differential equations with local fractional derivative.Article Mappings for Special Functions on Cantor Sets and Special Integral Transforms via Local Fractional Operators(Hindawi LTD, 2013) Zhao, Yang; Baleanu, Dumitru; Baleanu, Mihaela Cristina; Cheng, De-Fu; Yang, Xiao-Jun; 56389The mappings for some special functions on Cantor sets are investigated. Meanwhile, we apply the local fractional Fourier series, Fourier transforms, and Laplace transforms to solve three local fractional differential equations, and the corresponding nondifferentiable solutions were presented.Article Citation Count: Preoteasa, Cristina al. (2013). "Multidimensional Scaling for Orthodontic Root Resorption",Mathematıcal Problems In Engineering.Multidimensional Scaling for Orthodontic Root Resorption(Hindawi LTD, 2013) Preoteasa, Cristina Teodora; Lonescu, Ecaterina; Preoteasa, Elena; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Baleanu, Mihaela Cristina; Baleanu, Dumitru; 56389The paper investigates the risk factors for the severity of orthodontic root resorption. The multidimensional scaling (MDS) visualization method is used to investigate the experimental data from patients who received orthodontic treatment at the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Faculty of Dentistry, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, during a period of 4 years. The clusters emerging in the MDS plots reveal features and properties not easily captured by classical statistical tools. The results support the adoption of MDS for tackling the dentistry information and overcoming noise embedded into the data. The method introduced in this paper is rapid, efficient, and very useful for treating the risk factors for the severity of orthodontic root resorption.Article Citation Count: Yang, X.J., Baleanu, D., Baleanu, M.C. (2015). Observing diffusion problems defined on cantor sets in different co-ordinate systems. Thermal Science, 19, 151-156. diffusion problems defined on cantor sets in different co-ordinate systems(Vinca Inst Nuclear Sci., 2015) Yang, Xiao-Jun; Baleanu, Dumitru; Baleanu, Mihaela CristinaIn this paper, the 2-D and 3-D diffusions defined on Cantor sets with local fractional differential operator were discussed in different co-ordinate systems. The 2-D diffusion in Cantorian co-ordinate system can be converted into the symmetric diffusion defined on Cantor sets. The 3-D diffusions in Cantorian co-ordinate system can be observed in the Cantor-type cylindrical and spherical co-ordinate methods.