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Article Citation Count: Narayanamoorthy, al. (2021). "A new extension of hesitant fuzzy set: An application to an offshore wind turbine technology selection process", IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 15, No. 11, pp. 2340-2355.A new extension of hesitant fuzzy set: An application to an offshore wind turbine technology selection process(2021) Narayanamoorthy, Samayan; Ramya, Lakshmanaraj; Kang, Daekook; Baleanu, Dumitru; Kureethara, Joseph Varghese; Annapoorani, Veerappan; 56389Wind energy is an energy source that is naturally clean, safe and cheap. It comes from a variety of sources. The electric energy generated by a wind turbine manifests as kinetic energy throughout the earth. The energy received from the wind is clean and is permanently available and can be generated forever. Turbine characteristics also have an impact on wind energy production. The turbine properties within a wind farm are important in estimating the load on power generation and wind turbine energy. The amount of energy released is calculated according to the type of the turbine model applied. In many situations, the choices of turbine model can incur various vague and complicated hesitation situations. To manage this situation, a hesitant fuzzy set with the Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is used. In the present research, the newly proposed Normal Wiggly Hesitant Fuzzy-Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (NWHF-CRITIC) and Normal Wiggly Hesitant Fuzzy-Multi Attribute Utility Theory (NWHF-MAUT) methods were employed to rank turbine models based on quality, power level, voltage, and capacity. As part of this process, the NWHF method was utilized to extract and gather deeper information from the decision-makers.Article Citation Count: Narayanamoorthy, al. (2020). "A novel assessment of bio-medical waste disposal methods using integrating weighting approach and hesitant fuzzy MOOSRA", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 275.A novel assessment of bio-medical waste disposal methods using integrating weighting approach and hesitant fuzzy MOOSRA(2020) Narayanamoorthy, S.; Annapoorani, V.; Kang, Daekook; Baleanu, Dumitru; Jeon, Jeonghwan; Kureethara, Joseph Varghese; Ramya, L.; 56389Bio-medical waste (BMW) management is highly important precaution for human health and environmental concern. There are several disposal treatment followed by medical practitioners in medical waste management. Here, a few disposal treatment is considered to be an alternatives. When assessing, it is necessary to evaluate and assume that all disposal treatment methods are safe and hygienic. In this way, every alternative assessment is evaluated based on the social acceptance, technology and operation, environmental protection, cost, noise and health risk. Finally the best alternative is chosen. When BMW is disposed and we select the best treatment method in BMW management, it can lead to multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) processes related to uncertain critical assessments. When making a decision, the decision makers having some hesitation to give their suggestions. Therefore, here we use hesitant MCDM method. In today's practice we have choose five methods of BMW disposal methods used in the medical world and we have its alternatives. One of these alternative is sorted by six criteria weights for selecting the best method. The main aim of this research paper is propose a new methodology of hesitant fuzzy weight finding technique, it is named as Hesitant Fuzzy Subjective and Objective Weight Integrated Approach (HF-SOWIA) and also propose a new hesitant fuzzy rank finding methodology, it is named as Hesitant Fuzzy Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Simple Ratio Analysis (HF-MOOSRA). After evaluation, the result shows that autoclaving is the best alternative for BMW disposal treatment methods. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is make in order to observe the difference of alternative ranking when the importance of subjective and objective weights changes. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: Geetha, Selvaraj; (2022). "An adoptive renewable energy resource selection using Hesitant Pythagorean Fuzzy DEMATEL and VIKOR methods", Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.43, No.4, pp.4285-4302.An adoptive renewable energy resource selection using Hesitant Pythagorean Fuzzy DEMATEL and VIKOR methods(2022) Geetha, Selvaraj; Narayanamoorthy, Samayan; Kang, Daekook; Baleanu, Dumitru; 56389Nowadays, energy from renewable energy resources (RERs) partially satisfies society's energy demands. Investment in the renewable energy system is an arduous task because of huge investments. Generally, RERs selection involves conflicting criteria. Hence there is necessary to evaluate the RERs alternatives in economic, technological, and environmental aspects. Here, DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method has been utilized to assess the interrelationship among the criteria under hesitant Pythagorean fuzzy (HPF) information. The Pythagorean fuzzy set (PFS) has recently obtained enormous attention and is applied widely in decision-making. We have proposed an integrating model with DEMATEL and VIKOR (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje) methods to identify and evaluate the criteria and alternatives in RERs selection. Within the proposed model, the HPF-DEMATEL method is utilized for weighting the criteria, and the HPF-VIKOR method is utilized for ranking. Finally, an illustrative example demonstrates the proposed method.Article Citation Count: Aicevarya, Devi S.; (2022). "An intuitionistic fuzzy decision support system for COVID-19 lockdown relaxation protocols in India", Computers and Electrical Engineering, Vol.102, No.108166.An intuitionistic fuzzy decision support system for COVID-19 lockdown relaxation protocols in India(2022) Aicevarya, Devi S.; Felix, A.; Narayanamoorthy, Samayan; Ahmadian, Ali; Balaenu, Dumitru; Kang, Daekook; 56389In January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified a world-threatening virus, SARS-CoV-2. To diminish the virus spread rate, India implemented a six-month-long lockdown. During this period, the Indian government lifted certain restrictions. Therefore, this study investigates the efficacy of India's lockdown relaxation protocols using fuzzy decision-making. The decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) is one of the fuzzy MCDM methods. When it is associated with intuitionistic fuzzy circumstances, it is known as the intuitionistic fuzzy DEMATEL (IF-DEMATEL) method. Moreover, converting intuitionistic fuzzy into a crisp score (CIFCS) algorithm is an aggregation technique utilized for the intuitionistic fuzzy set. By using IF-DEMATEL and CIFCS, the most efficient lockdown relaxation protocols for COVID-19 are determined. It also provides the cause and effect relationship of the lockdown relaxation protocols. Additionally, the comparative study is carried out through various DEMATEL methods to see the effectiveness of the result. The findings would be helpful to the government's decision-making process in the fight against the pandemic.Article Citation Count: Nithyanandham, (2023). "Bipolar intuitionistic fuzzy graph based decision-making model to identify flood vulnerable region", Environmental Science and Pollution Research.Bipolar intuitionistic fuzzy graph based decision-making model to identify flood vulnerable region(2023) Nithyanandham, Deva; Augustin, Felix; Narayanamoorthy, Samayan; Ahmadian, Ali; Baleanu, Dumitru; Kang, Daekook; 56389Bipolar intuitionistic fuzzy graphs (BIFG) are an extension of fuzzy graphs that can effectively capture uncertain or imprecise information in various applications. In graph theory, the covering, matching, and domination problems are benchmark concepts applied to various domains. These concepts may not be defined precisely using a crisp graph when the vertices and edges are more uncertain. Therefore, this study defines the covering, matching and domination concepts in bipolar intuitionistic fuzzy graphs (BIFG) using effective edges with certain important results. To define these concepts when the effective edges are absent, some novel approaches are discussed. To illustrate the domination concepts, the applications in disaster management and location selection problems are discussed. Further, a BIFG-based decision-making model is designed to identify the flood-vulnerable zones in Chennai, where the city’s most and least vulnerable zones are identified. From the proposed model, Kodambakkam (Z10) is the most susceptible zone in Chennai. Finally, a comparative analysis is done with the existing techniques to show the efficiency of the model.Article Citation Count: Kang, Daekook; "Intuitionistic fuzzy MAUT-BW Delphi method for medication service robot selection during COVID-19", Operations Research Perspectives, Vol.9.Intuitionistic fuzzy MAUT-BW Delphi method for medication service robot selection during COVID-19(2022) Kang, Daekook; Devi, S. Aicevarya; Felix, Augustin; Narayanamoorthy, Samayan; Kalaiselvan, Samayan; Baleanu, Dumitru; Ahmadian, Ali; 56389Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), a new illness caused by a novel coronavirus, a member of the corona family of viruses, is currently posing a threat to all people, and it has become a significant challenge for healthcare organizations. Robotics are used among other strategies, to lower COVID's fatality and spread rates globally. The robot resembles the human body in shape and is a programmable mechanical device. As COVID is a highly contagious disease, the treatment for the critical stage COVID patients is decided to regulate through medication service robots (MSR). The use of service robots diminishes the spread of infection and human error and prevents frontline healthcare workers from exposing themselves to direct contact with the COVID illness. The selection of the most appropriate robot among different alternatives may be complex. So, there is a need for some mathematical tools for proper selection. Therefore, this study design the MAUT-BW Delphi method to analyze the selection of MSR for treating COVID patients using integrated fuzzy MCDM methods, and these alternatives are ranked by influencing criteria. The trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy numbers are beneficial and efficient for expressing vague information and are defuzzified using a novel algorithm called converting trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy numbers into crisp scores (CTrIFCS). The most suitable criteria are selected through the fuzzy Delphi method (FDM), and the selected criteria are weighted using the simplified best–worst method (SBWM). The performance between the alternatives and criteria is scrutinized under the multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) method. Moreover, to assess the effectiveness of the proposed method, sensitivity and comparative analyses are conducted with the existing defuzzification techniques and distance measures. This study also adoArticle Citation Count: Geetha, al. (2021). "The hesitant Pythagorean fuzzy ELECTRE III: An adaptable recycling method for plastic materials", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 291.The hesitant Pythagorean fuzzy ELECTRE III: An adaptable recycling method for plastic materials(2021) Geetha, Selvaraj; Narayanamoorthy, Samayan; Kureethara, Joseph Varghese; Baleanu, Dumitru; Kang, Daekook; 56389In this research article, introduce a novel decision making method called HPF-ELECTRE method by extending the ELECTRE III (ELimination and Choice Expressing REality) method with HPF (Hesitant Pythagorean Fuzzy) set. The efficiency of the new method is testing in the plastic recycling problem. One of the most hazardous domestic materials is plastic. The low biodegradability nature of plastic is a serious threat to the environment and to human life. Plastic is a synthetic chemical that do not belong to the natural world. Owing to the non-biodegradability, the only way to deal with this modern-world problem is recycling. Finding a suitable recycling method for disposing and recycling plastic materials is a major research issue. Propose the HPF-ELECTRE III method to find out the adaptable recycling method for plastics materials. The outranking in HPF-ELECTRE III method expand on concordance and discordance acceptability value values. Established method is an effective tool for decision making problems.Article Citation Count: Narayanamoorthy, (2022). "The novel augmented Fermatean MCDM perspectives for identifying the optimal renewable energy power plant location", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol.53, No.2.The novel augmented Fermatean MCDM perspectives for identifying the optimal renewable energy power plant location(2022) Narayanamoorthy, Samayan; Nallasivan Parthasarathy, Thirumalai; Pragathi, Subramaniam; Shanmugam, Ponnan; Baleanu, Dumitru; Ahmadian, Ali; Kang, Daekook; 56389The Fermatean fuzzy set has been authorized as a suitable tool for the uncertainty and vagueness of information by augmenting the spatial space of acceptance membership and non-acceptance membership degrees of both intuitionistic and Pythagorean fuzzy sets. Solar energy does not emit any hazardous gases into the atmosphere, making it one of the most effective strategies to reduce global warming in the environment. Under a variety of circumstances, finding a spot for a photovoltaic solar power plant might be difficult. As a result, we experiment with multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques. We presented a hybrid technique based on the PV-SPSS method based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC) and Multiple Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis with Full Multiplicative Form (MULTIMOORA) analysis. The MEREC approach is used to calculate the weightage of each attribute, and MULTIMOORA is used to find the ranking of the alternatives. Also, a new rectified generalized score function determines the score value of FFSs. Culmination: the validity of the result is assessed by implementing the existing MCDM approaches and by changing the criterion weight.