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Article Citation Count: Raza, al. (2019). "Competitive Numerical Analysis for Stochastic Hıv/Aıds Epidemic Model in A Two-Sex Population",Iet Systems Biology, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 305-315.Competitive Numerical Analysis for Stochastic Hıv/Aıds Epidemic Model in A Two-Sex Population(Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2019) Raza, A.; Rafiq, Muhammad; Baleanu, Dumitru; Arif, Muhammed Shoaib; Naveed, Muhammad; Ashraf, Kaleem; 56389This study is an attempt to explain a reliable numerical analysis of a stochastic HIV/AIDS model in a two-sex population considering counselling and antiretroviral therapy (ART). The authors are comparing the solutions of the stochastic and deterministic HIV/AIDS epidemic model. Here, an endeavour has been made to explain the stochastic HIV/AIDS epidemic model is comparatively more pragmatic in contrast with the deterministic HIV/AIDS epidemic model. The effect of threshold number H* holds on the stochastic HIV/AIDS epidemic model. If H* < 1 then condition helps us to control disease in a two-sex human population while H* > 1 explains the persistence of disease in the two-sex human population. Lamentably, numerical methods such as Euler–Maruyama, stochastic Euler, and stochastic Runge–Kutta do not work for large time step sizes. The recommended structure preserving framework of the stochastic non-standard finite difference (SNSFD) scheme conserve all vital characteristics such as positivity, boundedness, and dynamical consistency defined by Mickens. The effectiveness of counselling and ART may control HIV/AIDS in a two-sex population.Article Citation Count: Naveed, al. (2020). "Dynamical Behavior and Sensitivity Analysis of a Delayed Coronavirus Epidemic Model", CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 225-241.Dynamical Behavior and Sensitivity Analysis of a Delayed Coronavirus Epidemic Model(2020) Naveed, Muhammad; Baleanu, Dumitru; Rafiq, Muhammad; Raza, Ali; Soori, Atif Hassan; Ahmed, Nauman; 56389Mathematical delay modelling has a significant role in the different disciplines such as behavioural, social, physical, biological engineering, and bio-mathematical sciences. The present work describes mathematical formulation for the transmission mechanism of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Due to the unavailability of vaccines for the coronavirus worldwide, delay factors such as social distance, quarantine, travel restrictions, extended holidays, hospitalization, and isolation have contributed to controlling the coronavirus epidemic. We have analysed the reproduction number and its sensitivity to parameters. If, Rcovid 1 then this situation will help to eradicate the disease and if, Rcovid 1 the virus will spread rapidly in the human beings. Well-known theorems such as Routh Hurwitz criteria and Lasalle invariance principle have presented for stability. The local and global stabilizes for both equilibria of the model have also been presented. Also, we have analysed the effect of delay reason on the reproduction number. In the last, some very useful numerical consequences have presented in support of hypothetical analysis.Article Citation Count: Naveed, al. (2021). "Modeling the transmission dynamics of delayed pneumonia-like diseases with a sensitivity of parameters", Advances in Difference Equations, Vol. 2021, No 1.Modeling the transmission dynamics of delayed pneumonia-like diseases with a sensitivity of parameters(2021) Naveed, Muhammad; Baleanu, Dumitru; Raza, Ali; Rafiq, Muhammad; Soori, Atif Hassan; Mohsin, Muhammad; 56389Pneumonia is a highly transmitted disease in children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the most affected regions include South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. 15% deaths of children are due to pneumonia. In 2017, 0.88 million children were killed under the age of five years. An analysis of pneumonia disease is performed with the help of a delayed mathematical modelling technique. The epidemiological system contemplates subpopulations of susceptible, carriers, infected and recovered individuals, along with nonlinear interactions between the members of those subpopulations. The positivity and the boundedness of the ongoing problem for nonnegative initial data are thoroughly proved. The system possesses pneumonia-free and pneumonia existing equilibrium points, whose stability is studied rigorously. Moreover, the numerical simulations confirm the validity of these theoretical results. © 2021, The Author(s).Article Citation Count: Naveed, al. (2022). "Treatment of polio delayed epidemic model via computer simulations", Computers, Materials and Continua, Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 3415-3431.Treatment of polio delayed epidemic model via computer simulations(2022) Naveed, Muhammad; Baleanu, Dumitru; Raza, Ali; Rafiq, Muhammad; Soori, Atif Hassan; 56389Through the study, the nonlinear delayed modelling has vital significance in the different field of allied sciences like computational biology, computational chemistry, computational physics, computational economics and many more. Polio is a contagious viral illness that in its most severe form causes nerve injury leading to paralysis, difficulty breathing and sometimes death. In recent years, developing regions like Asia, Africa and sub-continents facing a dreadful situation of poliovirus. That is the reason we focus on the treatment of the polio epidemic model with different delay strategies in this article. Polio delayed epidemic model is categorized into four compartments like susceptible, exposed, infective and vaccinated classes. The equilibria, positivity, boundedness, and reproduction number are investigated. Also, the sensitivity of the parameters is analyzed. Well, known results like the Routh Hurwitz criterion and Lyapunov function stabilities are investigated for polio delayed epidemic model in the sense of local and global respectively. Furthermore, the computer simulations are presented with different traditions in the support of the analytical analysis of the polio delayed epidemic model.