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Article Citation Count: Dinç, al. (2012). A new approach to the characterization of the nano-surface structure by using factor analysis. Communications In Nonlinear Science And Numerical Simulation, 17(2), 1012-1020. new approach to the characterization of the nano-surface structure by using factor analysis(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Dinç, Erdal; Baleanu, Dumitru; Solak, Ali Osman; Ekşi, Haslet; Güzel, Remziye; 6981; 234363; 192756The study provides a new approach to explore the existence of a nanostructure on the benzoic acid-modified glassy carbon electrode (BA-GC) system by applying factor analysis with varimax rotation of factors. The infrared spectra (IR) spectra of the bare glassy carbon electrodes (GC) and the BA-GC electrode systems with benzoic acid-nanofilm (BA-FILM) were obtained by using 10 different surface modification experiments. The IR data of the bare GC, BA-GC and BA-FILM were categorized into three series corresponding to the GC, BA-GC and BA-FILM. The factor analysis method was separately applied to each group to extract the factor loadings. By making use of these loadings, the rotated factor loadings corresponding to the first two factors were computed to estimate the relationship among and within groups. The results provided by the factor analysis method indicate the existence of the BA-FILM on the BA modified glassy carbon electrodeArticle Citation Count: Nigmatullin, al. (2010). Analysis of a nanofilm of the mercaptophenyl diazonium modified gold electrode within new statistical parameters. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 7(3), 562-570. of a nanofilm of the mercaptophenyl diazonium modified gold electrode within new statistical parameters(Amer Scientific Publishers, 2010) Nigmatullin, Raoul R.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Dinç, Erdal; Üstündağ, Zafer; Solak, Ali Osman; Kargin, Roman V.; 6981; 129297The main aim of this study is to characterize the nanosurface of the mercaptophenyl diazonium modified gold (Au) surface by a new statistical approach. In this study the gold electrode surfaces were self-assembled in ethyl alcohol by 1.0 mM mercaptophenyl diazonium. FT-IR spectra of the surface modifier molecules in both solid and nanofilm of mercaptophenyl diazonium (MCP-Au) forms were recorded in the spectral range of 600-4,000 cm(-1). The FT-IR spectra of solid mercaptophenyl diazonium tetrafluoroborate salt were obtained by using KBr pellets. The above FT-IR spectra of both bare Au and its nanofilm of mercaptophenyl diazonium were processed by new statistical approach to reach optimal smoothing trend for the characterization of the modified electrode surface consisting of the nanofilm of gold-mercaptophenyl diazonium. In the frame of new statistical approach all measured spectra have been 'read' in terms of a set of universal statistical parameters. These new parameters help to establish the statistical proximity of the smoothed spectra compared and give a possibility to classify the measured spectra in accordance with new set of statistical and robust quantitative values. Besides, there is a possibility to receive the relative fluctuations and the smoothed spectra of the second order. So, thanks to new approach we do not loose any measured information: the smoothed spectra and accompanied them noise (relative fluctuations) can be analyzed separately for detection of possible influence of predominant external factors that can be essential for this type of measurementsArticle Citation Count: Nigmatulin, al. (2010). Analysis of the effect of potential cycles on the reflective infrared signals of nitro groups in nanofilms: application of the fractional moments statistics. Electroanalysis, 22(4), 419-426. of the effect of potential cycles on the reflective infrared signals of nitro groups in nanofilms: application of the fractional moments statistics(Wiley, 2010) Nigmatullin, Raoul R.; Alekhin, A. P.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Dinç, Erdal; Üstündağ, Zafer; Ekşi, Haslet; Solak, Ali Osman; 6981The effect of the potential cycles on the reflective IR signals of nitro-groups in nanofilms was studied for the statistical characterization of nitrobenzene (NB) and nitroazobenzene (NAB)-modified glassy carbon (GC) surfaces. Both NB and NAB nanofilms were obtained by the electrochemical reduction of the diazonium tetrafluoroborate salts in acetonitrile using cyclic voltammetry (CV). The modified surfaces were denoted as GC-(NB)(n) and GC-(NAB)(n), respectively, where n indicates the number of CV cycles performed during modification. Reflective IR signals of the normalized NB and NAB nanofilms and GC were used for the quantitative evaluation of the effect of the potential cycles on the reflective IR signals of nitro-groups in nanofilms. The detection and quantitative 'reading' of the influence of number of CV cycles were realized in the frame of a new error controllable approach that was applied for analysis of all available set of data. This approach includes in itself the following basic steps: (a) the procedure of the division (normalization) on the GC spectra, (b) the comparison of the smoothed spectra for their statistical proximity in the frame of the statistics of the fractional moments, (c) extraction of possible calibration parameters for possible calibration of the normalized spectra with respect to the number of CV cycles. These three basic steps are becoming effective for detection of the influence of some external factors. In our case it is important to detect the influence of the factor n characterizing CV cyclesArticle Citation Count: Tenreiro Machado, J. al. (2012). "Analysis of the Nano-Surface of a Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode by Pseudo Phase Plane Method" Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 1986-1992.Analysis of the Nano-Surface of A Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode By Pseudo Phase Plane Method(Amer Scientific Publishers, 2011) Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Dinc, Erdal; Eksi, Haslet; Solak, Ali Osman; 56389This paper presents the Pseudo phase plane (PPP) method for detecting the existence of a nanofilm on the nitroazobenzene-modified glassy carbon electrode (NAB-GC) system. This modified electrode systems and nitroazobenze-nanofilnn were prepared by the electrochemical reduction of diazonium salt of NAB at the glassy carbon electrodes (GCE) in nonaqueous media. The IR spectra of the bare glassy carbon electrodes (GCE), the NAB-GC electrode system and the organic NAB film were recorded. The IR data of the bare GC, NAB-GC and NAB film were categorized into five series consisting of FILM1, GC-NAB1, GC1; FILM2, GC-NAB2, GC2; FILM3, GC-NAB3, GC3 and FILM4, GC-NAB4, GC4 respectively. The PPP approach was applied to each group of the data of unmodified and modified electrode systems with nanofilm. The results provided by PPP method show the existence of the NAB film on the modified GC electrode.Article Citation Count: Tenreiro Machado, al. (2011). Characterization approach to modified glassy carbon electrode-nanofilm system within multidimensional scaling. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 8(2), 268-273. approach to modified glassy carbon electrode-nanofilm system within multidimensional scaling(Amer Scientific Publishers, 2011) Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Dinç, Erdal; Solak, Ali Osman; Ekşi, Haslet; Güzel, Remziye; 6981; 192756The aim of this work is to characterize the nanofilm consisting of the benzoic acid-modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode system through multidimensional scaling space analysis. The surface modification is based on the electrochemical reaction between the GC electrode and benzoic acid-diazonium salt (BA-DAS). As a result, the nonofilms regarding the benzoic acid-glassy carbon (BA-GC) electrode surface was obtained. For the analysis of the naonfilm of BC-GC electrode system, the IR spectra of the modified BA-GC electrode surface, GC surface and BA-DAS were recorded in the spectral range of 599.84 - 3996.34 [cm(-1)]. The IR data vectors of the above three forms were processed by the using the multidimensional scaling space approach to demonstrate the existence of a nanofilm on the modified BA-GC electrode system. Two- and three-dimensional MDS profiles obtained by application of multidimensional scaling approach to the data sets {CG1, ... ,CG10}, {BA-GC1, ... ,BA-GC10} and {FILM1, ... ,FILM10} allow a good recognition of the nanofilm on the modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode systemArticle Citation Count: Nigmatullin, al. (2009). Characterization of a benzoic acid modified glassy carbon electrode expressed quantitatively by new statistical parameters. Physica-Low-Dimensional Systems&Nanostructures, 41(4), 609-616. of a benzoic acid modified glassy carbon electrode expressed quantitatively by new statistical parameters(Elsevier Science Bv, 2009) Nigmatullin, Raoul R.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Dinç, Erdal; Solak, Ali Osman; 6981The main aim of this study is to characterize the nanosurface of the benzoic acid modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode by using a new statistical approach. In this study, the electrode surfaces were modified by cyclic voltametry in the potential range of +0.4 and -0.8 V at a scan rate 200 mV s(-1) for four cycles versus Ag/Ag(+) electrode in acetonitrile containing 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium tetraflouroborate (TBATFB). FT-IR spectra of the surface modifier molecules in both solid (GC and nanofilm (GC-benzoic acid)) forms were recorded in the spectral range 600-4000 cm(-1). The FT-IR spectra of p-aminobenzoic acid were obtained by using KBr pellets. The above FT-IR spectra of both GC and its nanofilm with benzoic acid were processed by new statistical approach to reach optimal smoothing trend for the characterization of the modified electrode surface consisting of the nanofilm of GC-benzoic acid. In the frame of new statistical approach all measured spectra have been 'read' in terms of a set of universal statistical parametersArticle Citation Count: Dinc, al. (2012). "Factor Analysis for the Characterization of the Nano-Surface of the Nitroazobenzene-Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode", Journal of Computatıonal and Theoretıcal Nanoscıence, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 319-326.Factor Analysis for the Characterization of the Nano-Surface of the Nitroazobenzene-Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode(Amer Scientific Publishers, 2012) Dinç, Erdal; Baleanu, Dumitru; Solak, Ali Osman; Ekşi, Haslet; Güzel, Remziye; 56389Factor analysis with orthogonal varimax rotation was applied to determine the existence of a nano-structure on the nitroazobenze-modified glassy carbon electrode (NAB-GC) system. The NAB-GC electrode systems and benzoic acid-nanofilm (NAB-FILM) were obtained by using the electrochemical surface modification experiments. The IR spectra of the bare glassy carbon electrodes (GC), the NAB-GC electrode system and NAB-FILM were recorded. The IR data of the bare GC, BA-GC and BA-FILM were categorized into five series consisting of FILM1, GC-NAB1, GC1; FILM2, GC-NAB2, GC2; FILM3, GC-NAB3, GC3; FILM4, GC-NAB4, GC4; FILM5, GC-NAB5, GC5, respectively. The factor loadings were extracted by making use of the factor analysis approach applied to each group. The orthogonal varimax rotation technique was used to obtain the rotated factor loadings corresponding to the first two factors. After the estimation of the relationship among and within groups, the results predict the existence of the NAB-FILM on the NAB modified glassy carbon electrodes.