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Conference Object Citation Count: Küçükoğlu, Afşin; Baykal, Yahya. "Genişbant Erişim Telekomünikasyon Sistemlerinin Kullanım Kriterleri", pp. 158-160.Genişbant Erişim Telekomünikasyon Sistemlerinin Kullanım Kriterleri(1) Küçükoğlu, Afşin; Baykal, Yahya; 7812Hızla artan bilgisayar ağı ihtiyacını gidermek ve yüksek hızı son kullanıcı noktalarına ulaştırabilmek amacıyla geliştirilmiş olan genişbant erişim sistemlerinin (access systems) teknolojik son durumu incelendi. Herhangi bir erişim uygulamasında kullanılması gereken tercih nedenleri karşılaştırıldı. Bu karşılaştırmayı sistematik olarak yapan internet tabanlı bir yazılım geliştirildi. Yazılımda, sistem kullanıcısının ihtiyacı ve mevcut altyapı faktörleri doğrultusunda hangi erişim sisteminin kullanıcı tarafından tercih edilmesi gerektiği kararına optimum olarak varılabilmesi hedeflendi. Çalışmamız, xDSL (x Digital Subscriber Line) ile Fiber Optic erişimlerini kapsayan kablolu ve LMDS (Local Multipoint Distribution Services) ile FSO (Free Space Optics) erişimlerini kapsayan kablosuz sistemleri içermektedir. Yazılım tarafından istenilen sorular ihtiyaç doğrultusunda cevaplandırıldığında, tüm sistemler bir ana karşılaştırma tablosunda toplanmakta, sistem maliyetleri de göz önüne alınarak bir karşılaştırma yapılmakta, sonuçta ise teknik ve ekonomik olarak uygulanabilir çözümler ve optimum çözüm önerilmektedir.Conference Object Citation Count: Şentarlı, İnci. "Quality Cost Modeling Process for Production Systems", Quality Cost Modeling Process for Production Systems.Quality Cost Modeling Process for Production Systems(1) Şentarlı, İnciConference Object Citation Count: M. Saran; U. Güleç, "Contribution of Intelligent Repeat Engine in Mobile Learning for Enhancing Students’ Learning in Industrial Engineering Education".Contribution of Intelligent Repeat Engine in Mobile Learning for Enhancing Students’ Learning in Industrial Engineering Education(1) Saran, Murat; Güleç, Ulaş; 17753Article Citation Count: Siddique, Imran; (2023). "Novel precise solutions and bifurcation of traveling wave solutions for the nonlinear fractional (3 + 1) -dimensional WBBM equation", International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.37, No.2.Novel precise solutions and bifurcation of traveling wave solutions for the nonlinear fractional (3 + 1) -dimensional WBBM equation(20) Siddique, Imran; Mehdi, Khush Bukht; Jarad, Fahd; Elbrolosy, Mamdouh E.; Elmandouh, Adel A.; 234808The nonlinear fractional differential equations (FDEs) are composed by mathematical modeling through nonlinear corporeal structures. The study of these kinds of models has an energetic position in different fields of applied sciences. In this study, we observe the dynamical behavior of nonlinear traveling waves for the M-fractional (3 + 1)-dimensional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mohany (WBBM) equation. Novel exact traveling wave solutions in the form of trigonometric, hyperbolic and rational functions are derived using (1/G′), modified (G′/G2) and new extended direct algebraic methods with the help of symbolic soft computation. We guarantee that all the obtained results are new and verified the main equation. To promote the essential propagated features, some investigated solutions are exhibited in the form of 2D and 3D graphics by passing on the precise values to the parameters under the constrain conditions, and this provides useful information about the dynamical behavior. Further, bifurcation behavior of nonlinear traveling waves of the proposed equation is studied with the help of bifurcation theory of planar dynamical systems. It is also observed that the proposed equation support the nonlinear solitary wave, periodic wave, kink and antikink waves and most important supernonlinear periodic wave. © 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company.Article Citation Count: Baleanu, D., Mustafa, O.G., O'regan, D. (2011). A Nagumo-like uniqueness theorem for fractional differential equations. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 44(39). Nagumo-like uniqueness theorem for fractional differential equations(IOP Publishing Ltd, 30) Baleanu, Dumitru; Mustafa, Octavian G.; O'Regan, DonalWe extend to fractional differential equations a recent generalization of the Nagumo uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations of first orderMaster Thesis Citation Count: Fırtına, Görkem (2022). Kıbrıs anayasalarında hükümet sistemi: Kıbrıslı Türklerin anayasaları üzerine bir inceleme / Governmental system in Cyprus constitutions: A study of Turkish Cypriot constitutions. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.Kıbrıs anayasalarında hükümet sistemi: Kıbrıslı Türklerin anayasaları üzerine bir inceleme(202) Fırtına, GörkemHer devletin bir yönetim şekli bulunmaktadır. Anayasacılık akımının doğmasıyla birlikte yazılı anayasaların varlığı önem kazanmıştır. Bu anayasalar, kurdukları hukuk düzeni ile yasama ve yürütme organları arasında farklı şekillerde ilişkiler öngörmektedir. Bu ilişkiler sosyal bilimlerde hükümet sistemi olarak ifade edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada konu hükümet sistemleri açısından ele alınarak Kıbrıs tarihinde Kıbrıslı Türklerin taraf olduğu anayasalar incelenmektedir. Kıbrıslı Türkler Kıbrıslı Rumlar ile öncelikle 1960 Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti Anayasası'na taraf olmuş ve bu Anayasa kısa süre de olsa yürürlükte kalmıştır. 1974 Kıbrıs Harekâtından sonra Kıbrıs Türkleri 1975 Kıbrıs Türk Federe Devleti Anayasası'nı yürürlüğe koymuş ve bu Anayasa'nın çizdiği hükümet sistemi ile yönetilmiştir. 1983 yılına gelindiğinde ise Kıbrıslı Türkler self-determinasyon hakkı çerçevesinde bağımsızlıklarını ilan etmiş ve 1985 Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Anayasası'nı hazırlamışlardır. Günümüze kadar hiçbir değişikliğe uğramayan 1985 Anayasası'nın kurmuş olduğu hükümet sistemi hâlâ bazı çevrelerde tartışılmaktadır. Çalışmamız Kıbrıslı Türklerin bu üç anayasasının öngördüğü hükümet sistemlerini inceleme gayesini taşımaktadır. Kıbrıs'taki hükümet sistemleri incelenirken konumuzun temelde bir anayasa hukuku çalışması olduğu göz ardı edilmeden, sınırlı bir ölçüde de olsa diğer hukuk dallarıyla dirsek temasında bulunulacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hükümet Sistemleri, Kıbrıs, Anayasa, 1960 Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti Anayasası, 1975 Kıbrıs Türk Federe Devleti Anayasası, 1985 Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti AnayasasıArticle Citation Count: Ibrahim, Rabha al. (2022). "Similarity Analytic Solutions of a 3D-Fractal Nanofluid Uncoupled System Optimized by a Fractal Symmetric Tangent Function", CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES, Vol. 130, No. 1, pp. 221-232.Similarity Analytic Solutions of a 3D-Fractal Nanofluid Uncoupled System Optimized by a Fractal Symmetric Tangent Function(202) Ibrahim, Rabha W.; Ajaj, Ahmed M.; Al-Saidi, Nadia M. G.; Baleanu, Dumitru; 56389The science of strategy (game theory) is known as the optimal decision-making of autonomous and challenging players in a strategic background. There are different strategies to complete the optimal decision. One of these strategies is the similarity technique. Similarity technique is a generalization of the symmetric strategy, which depends only on the other approaches employed, which can be formulated by altering diversities. One of these methods is the fractal theory. In this investigation, we present a new method studying the similarity analytic solution (SAS) of a 3D-fractal nanofluid system (FNFS). The dynamic evolution is completely given by the concept of differential subordination and majorization. Subordination and majorization relationships are the sets of observable individualities. Game theory can simplify the conditions under which particular sets combine. We offer an explicit construction for the complex possible velocity, energy and thermal functions of two-dimensional fluid flow (the complex variable is suggested in the open unit disk, where the disk is selected at a constant temperature and concentration with uniform velocity). We establish that whenever the 3D-fractal nanofluid system is approximated by a fractal function, the solution has the same property, so a class of fractal tangent function gives SAS. Finally, we demonstrate some simulations and examples that give the consequences of this methodology.Article Citation Count: Turhan, M. (1976). "Anayasaya Aykırı Anayasa Değişiklikleri", Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.33, No.1.Anayasaya Aykırı Anayasa Değişiklikleri(1976) Turhan, Mehmet; 5382Article Citation Count: Taşeli, H.; Eid, R. (1998). "The confined system approximation for solving non-separable potentials in three dimensions", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 31, No. 13, pp. 3095-3114.The confined system approximation for solving non-separable potentials in three dimensions(1998) Taşeli, H.; Eid, R.The Hubert space L2(ℝ3), to which the wavefunction of the three-dimensional Schrödinger equation belongs, has been replaced by L2(Ω), where Ω is a bounded region. The energy spectrum of the usual unbounded system is then determined by showing that the Dirichlet and Neumann problems in L2(Ω) generate upper and lower bounds, respectively, to the eigenvalues required. Highly accurate numerical results for the quartic and sextic oscillators are presented for a wide range of the coupling constants.Conference Object Citation Count: Erden, Z; Erkmen, AM; Erden, A, "A Petri Net-based inference network for design automation under nondeterminism applied to mechatronic systems", 6th UK Mechatronics Forum International Conference, pp. 17-22, (1998).A Petri Net-based inference network for design automation under nondeterminism applied to mechatronic systems(1998) Erden, Z.; Erkemn, A. M.; Erden, A.This paper introduces the completed part of an ongoing research, in which a Petri Net-based design inference network is developed for the representation and analysis of the functions and their interrelationships through information flow for the conceptual design stage of mechatronic systems in order to facilitate design automation. The theoretical framework behind the network is based on transition of Hybrid Automata into Petri Nets and application of this framework is introduced by a mechatronic design example.Book Citation Count: Öztan, Bilge. Türk medeni kanunu, borçlar kanunu, içtihadi birleştirme kararları. Turhan Kitabevi, 1999.Türk medeni kanunu, borçlar kanunu, içtihadi birleştirme kararları(Turhan Kitabevi, 1999) Öztan, BilgeArticle Citation Count: Baleanu, D; Guler, Y, "Hamilton-Jacobi quantization of the finite-dimensional systems with constraints", Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica B-General Physics Relativity Astronomy and Mathematical Physics and Methods, Vol. 114, No. 6, pp. 709-714, (1999).Hamilton-Jacobi quantization of the finite-dimensional systems with constraints(Editrice Copmpositori Bologna, 1999) Baleanu, Dumitru; Güler, Yurdahan; 56389The Hamiltonian treatment of constrained systems in Guler's formalism leads us to the total differential equations in many variables. These equations are integrable if the corresponding system of partial differential equations is a Jacobi system. The main aim of this paper is to investigate the quantization of the finite-dimensional systems with constraints using the canonical formalism introduced by Guler. This approach is applied for two systems with constraints and the results are in agreement with those obtained by Dirac's canonical quatization method and path integral quantization method.Article Citation Count: Baleanu, D; Guler, Y, "Quantization of Floreanini-Jackiw chiral harmonic oscillator", Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica B-General Physics Relativity Astronomy and Mathematical Physics and Methods, Vol. 114, No. 9, pp. 1023-1028, (1999).Quantization of Floreanini-Jackiw chiral harmonic oscillator(Editrice Copmpositori Bologna, 1999) Baleanu, Dumitru; Güler, Yurdahan; 56389The Floreanini-Jackiw formulation for the chiral quantum mechanical system oscillator is a model of constrained theory with only second-class constraints in Dirac's classification. The covariant quantization needs an infinite number of auxiliary variables and a Wess-Zumino term. In this paper we investigate the path integral quatization of this model using Guler's canonical formalism. All variables are gauge variables in Guler's formalism. Siegel's action is obtained using Hamilton-Jacobi formulation of the systems with constraints.Article Citation Count: Avcı, al (1999). "Fragmentation of a Non-Rotating Ni19 Cluster: A Molecular Dynamics Study", Mathematical and Computational Applications, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 99-106.Fragmentation of a Non-Rotating Ni19 Cluster: A Molecular Dynamics Study(1999) Avcı, Halil; Çivi, Mehmet; Güvenç, Ziya Burhanettin; Jellinek, JuliusCollisionless fragmentation of a non-rotating Ni19 cluster is studied using constant-energy molecular dynamics computer simulations. The cluster is modelled by an embedded atom model (EAM) energy surface. Distribution of the channel-specific fragmentation probabilities, and global rate constants are computed and analyzed as functions of the internal energy of the cluster. The results are compared with those obtained using the RRK statistical approach, and also compared with the other multi-channel fragmentation work.Article Citation Count: Eid, R, "Higher order finite element solution of the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation", International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. 147-152, (1999).Higher order finite element solution of the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation(Wiley, 1999) Eid, R.The one-dimensional Schrodinger equation has been examined by means of the confined system defined on a finite interval. The eigenvalues of the resulting bounded problem subject to the Dirichlet boundary conditions are calculated accurately to 20 significant figures using higher order shape functions in the usual isoparametric finite element method. Numerical results are given for an arbitrary polynomial potential of degree M. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Article Citation Count: Böyükata, all (1999). "D2 +Nin(T), n=7 and 9, Collision System", Mathematical and Computational Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 61-67.D2 +Nin(T), n=7 and 9, Collision System(1999) Böyükata, Mustafa; Durmuş, Perihan; Özçelik, Süleyman; Güvenç, Ziya Burhanettin; Jellinek, JuliusIn this study the kinetics of reactions of Nin n=7 and 9, clusters with a deuterium D2 molecule are studied via quasiclassical molecular dynamics. Dissociative chemisorption probabilities as functions of impact parameters, collision energies, and a rovibrational state of a molecule are calculated. And the corresponding reactive cross sections are evaluated. Resonance formation in the low collision energy region is discussed.Article Citation Count: Güvenç, Ziya B.; Güvenç, Dilek; Jellinek, Julius (1999). "Structural forms and energies of Nin, n = 12-14, clusters", Mathematical and Computational Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 75-81.Structural forms and energies of Nin, n = 12-14, clusters(1999) Güvenç, Ziya B.; Güvenç, Dilek; Jellinek, JuliusEquilibrium structural forms of the Nin, n = 12-14, clusters, as defined by an embedded-atom potential, are obtained using molecular dynamics and thermal quenching simulations. The isomers (locally stable geometric forms) are distinguished from those stationary structures that correspond to saddle points of the potential energy surface. Isomer statistics are obtained using a large number of initial quenching configurations generated along high-energy trajectories (the energies are high enough to `melt' the clusters). Probabilities of sampling the basins of attraction of the different isomers are computed and the spectra of their energies are analyzed.Book Citation Count: Önen, Turgut (1999). "Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler", Ankara: Yargı Kitabevi.Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler(1999) Önen, TurgutConference Object Citation Count: Baleanu, D; Baskal, S, "Lax tensors and separable coordinates in (2+1) dimensions", 9th International Colloquium on Quantum Groups and Interfrable Systems, Vol. 50, No. 11, pp. 1189-1194, (2000).Lax tensors and separable coordinates in (2+1) dimensions(2000) Baleanu, Dumitru; Baskal, S.; 56389We study the Lax tensors of the separable coordinates in (2+1) dimensions. The Lax tensors of the dual manifolds are investigated.Article Citation Count: Baleanu, D; Guler, Y, "A general treatment of singular Lagrangians with linear velocities", Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica B-General Physics Relativity Astronomy and Mathematical Physics and Methods, Vol. 115, No. 3, pp. 319-324, (2000).A general treatment of singular Lagrangians with linear velocities(Editrice Copmpositori Bologna, 2000) Baleanu, Dumitru; Güler, Y.; 56389The Hamilton-Jacobi treatment of singular systems with linear velocities is investigated. Since the rank of Hessian matrix is zero, all the generalized coordinates are independent parameters. Integrability conditions reduce the degrees of freedom. Path integral quantization is analyzed.