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Article Citation Count: Arslan, Ömer; Dağhan, Gökhan; Akkoyunlu, Buket (2020). "Adaptation of the Student Expectations of Online Learning Survey Revised (SEOLS-R) into Turkish", Türk Bilgisayar ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 438-460.Adaptation of the Student Expectations of Online Learning Survey Revised (SEOLS-R) into Turkish(2020) Arslan, Ömer; Dağhan, Gökhan; Akkoyunlu, Buket; 8539The aim of this study is to adapt the Student Expectations of Online Learning Survey Revised [SEOLS-R] developed by Harris, Larrier and Castano-Bishop (2011) into Turkish. For this purpose, the adaptation process of the scale, which consists of 7 factors and 43 items in the 5-point Likert structure, started first with the necessary permissions, and then a translation and cultural adaptation process was carried out. After the cultural adaptation process, the construct validity of the scale was tested with 411 students who study in distance education programs of Amasya University. After the construct validity findings, the reliability values of the scale were examined. In line with the findings, it was concluded that the Turkish version of the SEOLS-R scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool suitable for Turkish culture.Article Citation Count: Bardakçı, Salih; Akkoyunlu, Buket; Yelbay Yılmaz, Yasemin (2024). "An Exploration of the Landscape of Instructional Design: Understanding Changes and Pandemic Effects (2017-2022)", Participatory Educational Research, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 227-243.An Exploration of the Landscape of Instructional Design: Understanding Changes and Pandemic Effects (2017-2022)(2024) Bardakçı, Salih; Akkoyunlu, Buket; Yelbay Yılmaz, Yasemin; 8539The purpose of this study is to examine the scope of the field of instructional design and technology, along with the working area (desk) of the expert in this field, in the context of the effects of the pandemic. The study is a bibliographic mapping research. The data set includes bibliographic records of 2.397 scientific texts retrieved from the WOS Core Collection within the time range of 2017-2022 using search terms instructional design or instructional designer. Co-occurrence analyses encompassing author keywords were conducted on the data. As a result, maps and related outputs were obtained that reveal the concepts that the field focused on before and after the pandemic, as well as the relationships between these. Additionally, attempts were made to identify emerging concepts for both periods based on the outputs. According to the results, there has been a significant expansion in the concepts falling within the scope of instructional design and technology, and consequently in the roles and responsibilities of designers, in conjunction with the 2020s and the Covid-19 pandemic. Design concepts and variables, context, human factors, and research methodology are enriched within this expansion. This enrichment shifts the design process from a micro perspective focusing on learning environment and environmental variables to a macro perspective that emphasizes instructors, educational institutions, and culture. Within this perspective, while the weight of real instructional problems increases, the emphasis on theory, approach, and models significantly decreases.Article Citation Count: Yılmaz Soylu, M.; Demiröz, S.; Akkoyunlu, B. (2021). "An Investigation of the Digital Footprint Awareness and Experiencesof Secondary School Students", Journal of Computer and Education Research, Vol.9, No.17, pp.178-198.An Investigation of the Digital Footprint Awareness and Experiences of Secondary School Students(2021) Yılmaz Soylu, Meryem; Demiröz, Seva; Akkoyunlu, Buket; 8539The aim of this study is to examine the digital footprint awareness of middle school students according to grade level, gender, time spent on electronic devices and media. First of all, the digital footprint scale developed for secondary school students was evaluated in terms of its psychometric properties. Then, the digital footprint awareness of the participants was examined according to the variables mentioned above. Participants consisted of 204 female and 189 male students. In addition to the Digital Footprint Scale, participants were given a form containing questions about students' gender, age, grade levels, and time spent with a mobile phone, internet, social media, and online game playing. The results indicated that the Digital Footprint Scale is a valid and reliable tool for the use of researchers, educators, administrators, and parents.Article Citation Count: Bardakçı, Salih...et al (2021). "Collaborations, concepts, and citations in educational technology: A trend study via bibliographic mapping", Education and Information Technologies.Collaborations, concepts, and citations in educational technology: A trend study via bibliographic mapping(2021) Bardakçı, Salih; Soylu, Meryem Yılmaz; Akkoyunlu, Buket; Deryakulu, Deniz; 8539Research trends studies have emerged in education technologies (ET) to determine research manner and changes. Although the precedent examples dated back to the 1950s, trend studies within ET have gradually been increasing since the 1970s. This study aimed to examine the ET publications and research trends in a 5-year time period from 2014 to 2018. With a bibliographic mapping tool, namely VOSviewer, three research questions were addressed relating to collaborations, concepts, and citations in educational technology studies. The data set was extracted from ISI Web of Science databases and included 1690 articles published in six educational technology journals between 2014 and 2018. We used co-authorship analysis to determine the collaborating researchers' institutions and their geographical locations (countries) when they published the articles. A co-occurrence analysis was used to investigate concepts. Finally, a co-citation analysis was employed to determine the most cited papers and journals. Co-authorship analyses revealed that the number of articles published by researchers affiliated with institutions in the USA was the highest in the data set. According to co-occurrence analysis, online learning, especially in open learning environments, was the most studied concept. Moreover, co-citation analysis showed that the most frequently cited articles were published in Computers & Education. Additional findings, discussion, and limitations of the study were explained in the full text.Article Citation Count: Menzi Çetin, Nihal...et al (2019). "Determining Reflectivity Levels of Prospective Teachers Through Blogs", International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 582-596.Determining Reflectivity Levels of Prospective Teachers Through Blogs(2019) Menzi Çetin, Nihal; Telli, Esra; Dağhan, Gökhan; Akkoyunlu, Buket; 8539In this study, it was aimed to determine the reflective thinking levels of prospective teachers and the change of their reflectivity levels within the teaching practicum process. For this purpose, the blog postings, which written by the prospective teachers at different themes, were analyzed. Within the scope of the study, reflective thinking levels were discussed based on the six different criteria with the following titles: Attending to feeling, sharing personal experience, analysis and meaning-making, depth of reflection, language use and writing quality, use of textual evidence and historical context, and transfer of knowledge. In this study, the document analysis method was used as a data collection technique. The study was carried out with 37 prospective teachers, attending Teaching Practicum in the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) of a state university in Ankara, Turkey. Prospective teachers wrote about their teaching experiences throughout teaching practicum on their blogs. Blogs were evaluated with the help of the reflection level rubric, which prepared by the researchers. It was concluded that the lowest reflection level emerged with regard to the use of textual evidence and historical context criteria and that less reflective blogs were, in almost all criteria, with respect to the overall evaluation of the course (Theme-5). In the last section, further results and related recommendations are mentioned.Article Citation Count: Gündüz, Abdullah Yasin; Akkoyunlu, Buket (2020). "Effectiveness of Gamification in Flipped Learning", Sage Open, Vol. 10, No. 4.Effectiveness of Gamification in Flipped Learning(2020) Gündüz, Abdullah Yasin; Akkoyunlu, Buket; 8539The success of the flipped learning approach is directly related to the preparation process through the online learning environment. It is clear that the desired level of academic achievement cannot be reached if the students come to class without completing their assignments. In this study, we investigated the effect of the use of gamification in the online environment of flipped learning to determine whether it will increase interaction data, participation, and achievement. We used a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design, which implies collecting and analyzing quantitative and then qualitative data. In the online learning environment of the experimental group, we used the gamification. However, participants in the control group could not access the game components. According to the findings, the experimental group had higher scores in terms of interaction data, participation, and achievement compared with the control group. Students with low participation can be encouraged to do online activities with gamification techniques.Article Citation Count: Nuhoğlu Kibar, Pınar; Akkoyunlu, Buket (2017). "Fostering and assessing infographic design for learning: the development of infographic design criteria", Journal of Visual Literacy, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 20-40.Fostering and assessing infographic design for learning: the development of infographic design criteria(2017) Nuhoğlu Kibar, Pınar; Akkoyunlu, Buket; 8539In this ever more digital and visual world, it has become more vital that students are encouraged to create content during the learning process through effective visualization of their knowledge. Infographics are an effective method for such visualization. The current study therefore proposes an infographic design rubric (IDR) as a criteria-based framework to be used in the learning process for the creation and evaluation of infographics. The IDR was developed based on the infographic design model (IDM), a process of how to design infographics for teachers and learners using the three main components of content generation, visual design generation and digital design. The development process was conducted in the five design cycles of criteria determination, validity and reliability studies involving colleagues, university students, pre-service teachers and teachers. IDR criteria were generated based on content generation and visual design generation dimensions of IDM. The content generation dimension focuses on the quality and organization of the information presented, while the visual design generation dimension investigates the visual features of the infographic. Results of the inter-rater reliability analysis represent significant intraclass correlations. The proposed IDR is considered to be an important step for visualization in the learning process. © 2017, © 2017 International Visual Literacy Association.Article Citation Count: Menzi Çetin, Nihal; Akkoyunlu, Buket (2020). "Integrating scientific communication into middle school lessons: A curriculum design research", Education and Information Technologies, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 2371-2391.Integrating scientific communication into middle school lessons: A curriculum design research(2020) Menzi Çetin, Nihal; Akkoyunlu, Buket; 8539In this study, a Scientific Communication Curriculum (SCC) was designed for middle school students and teachers to equip them with scientific communication (SC) skills, and the skills included in the SCC were integrated into the middle school lessons. Within the framework of the Curriculum Design Research (CDR), designing the Scientific Communication Curriculum (SCC) and integrating into the lessons were conducted by two cycles and each cycle consisted of four stages; analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation. In the first cycle, SCC was developed and implemented for the evaluating the effectiveness of the SCC in terms of teaching scientific communication skills to the students with the help of Information Technology (IT) course teacher. In the second cycle, the scientific communication skills were integrated into the lessons in collaboration with the teachers and the School Librarian (SL). As a part of the design process, the Teacher Training Program (TTP) was organized to equip all middle school teachers with scientific communication skills and to help them how to teach and how to integrate the SC skills. Furthermore the TTP served as a professional development component of the CDR framework. Based on the quasi-experimental study results and also opinions of the students and the IT teacher towards the first implementation stage, it was concluded that the SCC was effective in equipping students with scientific communication skills. Regarding the findings from the second cycle, the integration process was satisfying for the teachers and the SL. Teachers found the TTP helpful for their professional development. According to views of the teachers and the SL on the integration process was a positive and useful step for them. The results of this study were addressed and discussed under the headings of design principles, curriculum components, and professional development that are components of the CDR model.Article Citation Count: Darvish, Hamid. (2010). "Intellectual freedom and libraries: A quantitative discourse analysis", Bilgi Dünyası, Vol.11, No.2, pp.444-449.Intellectual freedom and libraries: A quantitative discourse analysis(2010) Darvish, Hamid; 19489United Nation published Human Rights Declaration in 1948. The most important part of the Human Right Declaration is that, everyone has the right to search and receive information at any time. To this respect, libraries play a significant task in disseminating information (Knowledge) to each individual. An exploratory approach is applied to selected discourses from organizations such as IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), ALA (American Library Association) and TLA (Turkish Librarians’ Association) to find out if there is a coherent relation among texts, by applying Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) technique. Results yield that there existed a positive relation among discourses.Conference Object Citation Count: Menzi Çetin, Nihal; Akkoyunlu, Buket. "Investigating Information Seeking Process Using Think-Aloud Protocol of Students Living in Rural Areas", ECIL 2021: Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era, pp. 590-601, 2022.Investigating Information Seeking Process Using Think-Aloud Protocol of Students Living in Rural Areas(2022) Menzi Çetin, Nihal; Akkoyunlu, Buket; 8539In this study, we investigated how students in a rural secondary school searched for online information for their school assignments, and we employed the think-aloud protocol to reveal students’ information seeking processes. In this study, three students were given three search tasks that were similar to their school assignments and they were asked to search the web for the tasks. To obtain data from each student’s web search, we used screen-capture software and collected audio and video records. Recordings were subsequently transcribed and analyzed. Results showed that while the students completed the easy and medium-level search tasks to a great extent, they had difficulty in completing the difficult task. In addition, students performed the tasks with various steps and durations. Emotions such as hesitation, satisfaction, frustration and anxiety were observed in the students while they were performing the tasks. The results were also discussed in terms of the characteristics of the information seeking process.Article Citation Count: Özerem, Ayşen; Akkoyunlu, Buket (2015). "Learning Environments Designed According to Learning Styles and Its Effects on Mathematics Achievement", Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 61, pp. 61-80.Learning Environments Designed According to Learning Styles and Its Effects on Mathematics Achievement(2015) Özerem, Ayşen; Akkoyunlu, Buket; 8539Problem Statement: While designing a learning environment it is vital to think about learner characteristics (learning styles, approaches, motivation, interests… etc.) in order to promote effective learning. The learning environment and learning process should be designed not to enable students to learn in the same manner and at the same level, but rather designed by giving thought to students’ existing learning styles. Purpose of the Study: The aim of this study is to examine primary students’ and inspectors’ opinions on different learning environments designed according to students’ learning styles and its effects on students’ achievement. Method: Fifty-five seventh grade students and seven inspectors constituted the research sample. The data were collected through an open-ended questionnaire; a mathematics achievement test and the Pat Wyman Personal Learning Style Inventory were used as data collection tools in the research. Since the group consisted of less than 30 participants, the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for Paired Samples was used. Findings and Results: The difference of pre-post test results of visual auditory learners, auditory-kinesthetic learners, and visual-auditory learners are statistically significant. When the ranked average of different grades and their sums are considered, the observed difference is in positive ranking, meaning it is in favor of post-test results. According to these results, different learning environments designed for visualauditory-kinesthetic learners have a positive effect on student grades. The majority of the students stated that the aforementioned activities used in the mathematics lesson could also be used in other school subjects. Conclusions and Recommendations: Student responses emphasized that learning environments should be designed according to student learning styles. Inspectors underlined that learning styles designed according to students’ individual learning styles may increase student success. In addition, inspectors thought that some of the advantages of designing learning environments according to students’ learning styles included an opportunity to learn fairly, an increase in student motivation towards the lesson, and enabling students to learn at their own pace. In the upcoming studies, student behaviors and motivations towards environments designed according to students’ learning styles will be analyzed.Conference Object Citation Count: Akkoyunlu, Buket; Soylu Yılmaz, Meryem. "Mediating Effects of Writing Achievement Goals on Self-Efficacy and Affect in Secondary School", Almanya: EARLI, p. 117, 2019.Mediating Effects of Writing Achievement Goals on Self-Efficacy and Affect in Secondary School(2019) Akkoyunlu, Buket; Soylu Yılmaz, Meryem; 8539Achievement goal theory describes human as being goal directed. Research has generally shown that achievement goals predict students’ motivation, and selfbeliefs. The aim of this study is to explore relationships among writing achievement goals, self-efficacy and affect. Three hundred thirteen 7th and 8th grade students from a private school in Ankara, Turkey participated the study. The majority of participants were 7th graders (n = 177). Of those reporting gender (n = 313), 161 were boys and 152 were girls. Mean reported age was 12.68. Data were collected with several scales including the Writing Achievement Goals Scale, Self-Efficacy for Writing Scale, and Liking Writing Scale. The theoretical model represents relationships among writing achievement goals, writing self-efficacy and affect using structural equation modeling including students’ responses to the study scales. Results from the analysis revealed that there is a good fit between a model depicting hypothesized relations among the constructs and the data. Overall, all of the achievement goals showed a direct relationship with writing self-efficacy. However, the strength and direction of this relationship differed in components of both achievement goals and self-efficacy. Contrary to performance approach goals, mastery goals and performance avoidance goals had a direct relationship to liking writing. Moreover, liking writing almost equally and positively impacted all components of self-efficacy for writingConference Object Citation Count: Gündüz, A. Y.; Dağhan, G., & Akkoyunlu, B. "Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Bilimsel İletişim Becerilerini Uygulama Düzeyleri", 12. Uluslararası Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 2 – 4 Mayıs İzmir, 2018.Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Bilimsel İletişim Becerilerini Uygulama Düzeyleri(2018) Gündüz, A. Y.; Dağhan, G.; Akkoyunlu, Buket; 8539Article Citation Count: Demirel, M.; Özmat, D.; İmgehan, Ö.E. (2016). "Primary school teachers perceptions about character education", Educational Research and Reviews, Vol.11, No.17, pp.1622-1633.Primary school teachers perceptions about character education(2016) Demirel, Melek; Özmat, Demet; İmgehan, Özkan Elgün; 17308The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of primary school teachers about character education. In this descriptive study, data were collected by using a survey questionnaire which required descriptive analysis. Based on the findings, it was revealed that primary school teachers (n=60) defined the character education as moral values necessary to be taught to individuals and behaviors for their personality development. According to the teachers, the most important responsibility of them is to be a model for their students and in order to be a good model they should have the desired characteristics. Some of the teachers think that students who do not get enough support from their parents can have positive characteristics thanks to intense communication and collaboration among school-parents and teachers. On the other hand, some teachers do not think that such kind of students can change. However, the majority of teachers think that students having negative characteristics such as telling lie, cheating and showing disrespectful behaviors can be changed through support. Almost all teachers think that nowadays students lack of respect and responsibility, and they believe that character education conducted at schools is not enough for students.Article Citation Count: Akkoyunlu, Buket; Dağhan, Gökhan; Erdem, Mukaddes (2015). "Teacher’s Professional Perception as a Predictor of Teacher – Student Friendship in Facebook: A Scale Development Study", International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 242-259.Teacher’s Professional Perception as a Predictor of Teacher – Student Friendship in Facebook: A Scale Development Study(2015) Akkoyunlu, Buket; Dağhan, Gökhan; Erdem, Mukaddes; 8539In this study, a scale was developed for providing to make a relation between the tendency and reasons of teachers to add their students as “Friend” on Facebook and their professional perceptions. The study group consists of 158 teachers; 81 of them state that they are “friends” with their students on Facebook and 77 of them state that they are not. The factor structures of the scale were determined through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the aforementioned theoretical structure was tested through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results indicate that each sub-scale separates into 4 factors that have an eigenvalue of 1 or above and that they have construct validity and reliability. Depending on the fact that both sub-scales had 4 factors, the aim was to find a common structure among the sub-scales. Regarding the meanings that the related items had, it was found that both sub-scales consisted of sub-factors that could be described as responsibility perception, student perception, professional identity perception and school perception. A secondarylevel confirmatory factor analysis was applied to validate the structures that were determined at the sub-scales and to test whether responsibility perception, student perception, professional identity perception and school perception structures inclined to an upper structure, i.e. teaching perception, or not. The findings indicated that both sub-scales had this hierarchical structure and each model had acceptable goodness-of-fit values. The survey developed a structure that had strong psychometrical features and determined that teachers’ interactions with their students on social networks were related to their professional perceptions.Article Citation Count: Gündüz, Abdullah Yasin; Akkoyunlu, Buket (2020). "The Gamification Tool for the Classroom Response Systems: Kahoot!", Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi-Hacettepe University Journal of Education, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 480-488.The Gamification Tool for the Classroom Response Systems: Kahoot!(2020) Gündüz, Abdullah Yasin; Akkoyunlu, Buket; 8539Classroom response systems (CRS), which are used to gather immediate feedback from students throughout the teaching process, have been called by different names in the past and present. Examples of CRS implementations include question-answer systems, student response systems, electronic response systems, or cloud-based classroom response systems. The objective of this study is to inform educators who embrace flipped learning about students' perceptions of the use of Kahoot. This study employed a mixed-method research approach with 53 sophomore students. Both quantitative and qualitative data about Kahoot activity were gathered at the end of a 9-week flipped learning implementation process. At the end of the study, the students stated that a CRS may be used within the scope of any lesson. Students also underlined that the use of CRS in learning environments could be an efficient way to increase motivation for the lesson and create an enjoyable learning environment. Therefore, teachers may be advised to use CRS when deciding on classroom activities in flipped learning.