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Article Citation Count: Ökdem, Meltem (2020). "Assessment of Criminal Charges Brought Against Teachers", Journal of Education and Future, No. 17, pp. 83-94.Assessment of Criminal Charges Brought Against Teachers(2020) Ökdem, Meltem; 45368The aim of this study was to assess the charges brought against teachers in criminal courts in Turkey. A qualitative research method was used in the study. The study used the document analysis method because it involved the study of legal documents. In order to determine what cases against teachers were brought to trial between 2004 and 2018, charges filed against teachers were obtained via www.kazancı.com and databases. The themes in the study were determined in accordance with the Turkish Criminal Law as crimes against the person, crimes against the nation and the state, and crimes against society. The study was initiated as a result of the fact that cases of violence in schools have increased rapidly in recent years. One factor in this is offenses committed by teachers, and this situation will cause grave social problems in the future if no measures are taken. It was found that most charges brought against teachers in the criminal courts were cases related to crimes against the person. This was followed by crimes against the nation and state and crimes against society. The curriculum of Faculties of Education should include courses such as human rights, education law, anger control and conflict management to raise teachers’ awareness of these issues.Article Citation Count: Kılıç, Ayşe Funda (2020). "Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesinde Önemli Zarar Kriteri ve 15 Numaralı Protokolde Yapılan Değişiklik", Çankaya Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 2017-2036.Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesinde Önemli Zarar Kriteri ve 15 Numaralı Protokolde Yapılan Değişiklik(2020) Kılıç, Ayşe Funda; 1842114 Numaralı Protokolle, AİHS’in kabul edilebilirlik koşullarının yer aldığı 35. maddesine eklenen kriterlerden biri, başvurucunun önemli bir zarara uğramasıdır. Bu kabul edilebilirlik kriteri, insan haklarına saygı ilkesinin başvurunun esastan incelenmesini gerektirmesi veya ihlal iddiasının ulusal mahkeme tarafından gereğince incelenmemiş olması halinde uygulanmamaktadır. 15 Numaralı Protokol bu koruyucu hükümlerden ikincisini Sözleşme metninden çıkarmaktadır. Çalışmada, iki temel sorunsal değerlendirilmektedir. Bunlardan ilki AİHS’de yer alan hak kategorilerinin önemli bir zarar doğmadığı gerekçesiyle koruma kapsamından çıkarılması ve ikincisi Sözleşmenin 15 Numaralı Protokolle değiştirilecek haliyle, bu hakların bütün olarak yargısal denetimin dışına çıkarılmasına olanak tanıyan yeni düzenlemedir.Article Citation Count: Ökdem, M. (2023). "Mobbing Used Against Teachers By School Administrators: Examples Of Case", Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi, Vol.38, No.1, pp.90-101.Mobbing Used Against Teachers By School Administrators: Examples Of Case(2023) Ökdem, Meltem; 45368Mobbing means psychological violence, siege, harassment, inconvenience or annoyance. Mobbing against a teacher in schools can also negatively affect other teachers and create negativities in their performance. Also, this costs society a lot. It is crucial for teachers raising young people who are our future to work peacefully in their workplace both for themselves and for students. The purpose of this study was to assess mobbing behaviors, which are used by school principals against teachers and are submitted to the court. The study chose the “qualitative” research method. The study reached the mobbing cases opened by teachers against school principals on ( The study investigated the mobbing cases by giving keywords without date restriction. Since the study investigated the court decisions to determine the mobbing behaviors used by school principals against teachers, it used the “document review” method and reached 15 cases between 2010 and 2020 within this scope. As a result of the study the school principals most displayed behaviors in the category of “attacks against professional career” of the teachers. Eight of the cases were attacks against professional career. Then the study reached six mobbing cases against communication. However, the study encountered no behaviors related to “attacks against social relations”. In order to prevent these behaviors, we can recommend the following: Awareness should be raised in teachers concerning psychological harassment/intimidation in schools, seminars should be organized for them to protect from such behaviors via in-service training applications, awareness should be raised in teachers concerning their legal rights, the crime of administrators applying mobbing should be registered and they should not be allowed to get promotion and should be suspended for a certain period of time.