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Exact analysis of second grade fluid with generalized boundary conditions

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Convective flow is a self-sustained flow with the effect of the temperature gradient. The density is non-uniform due to the variation of temperature. The effect of the magnetic flux plays a major role in convective flow. The process of heat transfer is accompanied by mass transfer process; for instance condensation, evaporation and chemical process. Due to the applications of the heat and mass transfer combined effects in different field, the main aim of this paper is to do comprehensive analysis of heat and mass transfer of MHD unsteady second-grade fluid in the presence of time dependent generalized boundary conditions. The non-dimensional forms of the governing equations of the model are developed. These are solved by the classical integral (Laplace) transform technique/method with the convolution theorem and closed form solutions are developed for tem-perature, concentration and velocity. Obtained generalized results are very important due to their vast applications in the field of engineering and applied sciences. The attained results are in good agreement with the published results. Addition-ally, the impact of thermal radiation with the magnetic field is also analyzed. The influence of physical parameters and flow is analyzed graphically via computational software (MATHCAD-15). The velocity profile decreases by increasing the Prandtl number. The existence of a Prandtl number may reflect the control of the thickness and enlargement of the thermal effect. © 2021, Tech Science Press. All rights reserved.



Dynamical Analysis, Laplace Transformation, MHD Second Grade Fluid, Porous Medium, Radiation Effect, Time Dependent Velocity

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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Saeed, Syed Tauseef...et al. (2021). "Exact analysis of second grade fluid with generalized boundary conditions", Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 547-559.


Scopus Q


Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing





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