Yeni toplumsal hareketlerin kavramsal ve tarihsel çerçevede okunması
Oğurtanı Yıldırım, İlknur
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Bu çalışmada, 1960 sonrasında meydana gelen ve 'Yeni Toplumsal Hareketler' başlığı altında ele alınan toplumsal hareketlerin 1999 Seattle Dünya Ticaret Örgütü (DTÖ) İşgalleri ile farklı bir yöne doğru kırılmaya başlayarak 2008 Küresel Ekonomik Krizi'nde amaçları, mobilizasyon biçimleri, örgütlenmeleri, etkileşim taktikleri ve sonuçları bakımından nihai farklılaşma gösterdiği ortaya konulacaktır. 2008 Küresel Ekonomik Krizi önceki hareketler, toplumun farklı kesimlerinin uğradığı ekonomik yoksulluğa, haksızlığa, adaletsizliğe ve sivil hakların ihlaline karşı tepkiler olarak gelişen hareketler olarak ele alınırken 2008 Küresel Ekonomik Krizi ile başlayıp halen devam eden toplumsal hareketler ise hükümetlerin oluşturdukları siyasi ve ekonomik baskılar sonucunda sistem karşıtı hareketler olarak incelenecektir. Bu inceleme yapılırken hareketler arasındaki belirgin farklılaşmalara ve aktivistlerin kendilerine özgü stratejilerinin dayanağı olan iletişim ağlarına ve sosyal medyaya vurgu yapılacaktır. Farklılaşmalar ve iletişim ağlarının yanı sıra, küreselleşmenin mağdurları tarafından küresel neoliberalizm karşıtı verilen tepkiler ortaya konulmaya çalışılacaktır. Bütün bu ayrımlar detaylı bir biçimde ele alınırken, Fransız düşünür Alain Badiou'nun olaylara bakış açısı, toplumsal hareketlere yaklaşımı bu araştırmada merkezi teşkil edecektir. Badiou'nun toplumsal hareket anlayışı, bu çalışmada toplumsal hareketlere veya ayaklanmalara daha geniş siyasal ve ekonomik açıdan bakmamıza fırsat sağlayacaktır.
This paper sets forth that social movements, which took place after 1960s and fall in the category of the new social movement paradigm, begun to tilt towards a new direction in 1999 Seattle WTO protests with regard to their objectives, mobilization methods, organization, interaction tactics as well as outcomes and they differentiated greatly from their precedents, ultimately taking a new form after the financial crisis of 2007–2008. While this study examines social movements before the financial crisis of 2007–2008 as a series of reactions by people of different backgrounds to poverty, inequality, injustice and violation of civil rights, it considers social movements which started with the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and continue to date, as anti-government backlashes against systems as a result of government's politic and economic pressures. This paper puts great emphasis on the clear differentiation among movements, networks laying foundation for protestors' unique strategies and social media interactions. In addition to the differentiation between movements and networks, this study also looks into reactions by the victims of globalization to neoliberalization. While explicitly analyzing the differences mentioned afore, French Philosopher Alain Badiou's perspective and attitude on social movements constitute the cornerstone of this work. Badiou's understanding of social movements provides us an opportunity to understand social movements/uprisings with a broader politic and economic perspective.
This paper sets forth that social movements, which took place after 1960s and fall in the category of the new social movement paradigm, begun to tilt towards a new direction in 1999 Seattle WTO protests with regard to their objectives, mobilization methods, organization, interaction tactics as well as outcomes and they differentiated greatly from their precedents, ultimately taking a new form after the financial crisis of 2007–2008. While this study examines social movements before the financial crisis of 2007–2008 as a series of reactions by people of different backgrounds to poverty, inequality, injustice and violation of civil rights, it considers social movements which started with the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and continue to date, as anti-government backlashes against systems as a result of government's politic and economic pressures. This paper puts great emphasis on the clear differentiation among movements, networks laying foundation for protestors' unique strategies and social media interactions. In addition to the differentiation between movements and networks, this study also looks into reactions by the victims of globalization to neoliberalization. While explicitly analyzing the differences mentioned afore, French Philosopher Alain Badiou's perspective and attitude on social movements constitute the cornerstone of this work. Badiou's understanding of social movements provides us an opportunity to understand social movements/uprisings with a broader politic and economic perspective.
Toplumsal Hareketler, İletişim Ağları, Tarihsel Uyanış, Tarihsel İsyan, Neoliberalizm, Alain Badiou, Social Movements, Network, History of Rebirth, Historical Riot, Neoliberalism, Alain Badiou
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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Oğurtanı Yıldırım, İlknur (2020). Yeni toplumsal hareketlerin kavramsal ve tarihsel çerçevede okunması / Analysis of new social movements from the conceptual and historicity stand points. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara. Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
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