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Mittag-Leffler form solutions of natural convection flow of second grade fluid with exponentially variable temperature and mass diffusion using Prabhakar fractional derivative

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Rehman, Aziz Ur
Awrejcewicz, Jan
Riaz, Muhammad Bilal
Jarad, Fahd

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In this article, heat source impact on unsteady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows of Prabhakar-like non integer second grade fluid near an exponentially accelerated vertical plate with exponentially variable velocity, temperature and mass diffusion through a porous medium. For the sake of generalized memory effects, a new mathematical fractional model is formulated based on newly introduced Prabhakar fractional operator with generalized Fourier's law and Fick's law. This fractional model has been solved analytically and exact solutions for dimensionless velocity, concentration and energy equations are calculated in terms of Mittag-Leffler functions by employing the Laplace transformation method. Physical impacts of different parameters such as α, Pr, β, Sc, Gr, γ, Gm are studied and demonstrated graphically by Mathcad software. Furthermore, to validate our current results, some limiting models such as classical second grade model, classical Newtonian model and fractional Newtonian model are recovered from Prabhakar fractional second grade fluid. Moreover, compare the results between second grade and Newtonian fluids for both fractional and classical which shows that the movement of the viscous fluid is faster than second grade fluid. Additionally, it is visualized that for both classical second grade and viscous fluid have relatively higher velocity as compared to fractional second grade and viscous fluid.



Analytical Solution, Magnetic Effect, Mittag-Leffler Functions, Physical Aspect Via Graphs, Prabhakar Derivative, Slip Conditions

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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Rehman, Aziz Ur;...et.al. (2022). "Mittag-Leffler form solutions of natural convection flow of second grade fluid with exponentially variable temperature and mass diffusion using Prabhakar fractional derivative", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol.34.


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Case Studies in Thermal Engineering




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