Bir Mobilya Fabrikasında Hücre Tasarımı ve Hücre Etkinliğinin Belirlenmesi
Yozgat, Simge
Atmaca, Ediz
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Günümüzde, işletmeler artan rekabete uyum sağlayabilmek ve müşterilere daha hızlı cevap verebilmek için
geleneksel üretim yöntemlerinin dışına çıkmak zorunda kalmaktadır. Üretkenliği arttırmak için benzer parça ve
makinelerin bir araya getirilmesi felsefesine dayanan grup teknolojisi birçok işletme tarafından yaygın bir şekilde
kullanılmaktadır. Hücresel imalat yaklaşımında, parçalar, tasarım ve imalat açısından benzerliklerine göre
gruplandırılıp parça aileleri haline getirilirken, makineler ise iş akışına göre hücrelerde gruplandırılmaktadır.
Böylece, hazırlık zamanları ve ara stoklardaki yığılmalar azalarak, üretim planlama ve çizelgelemede etkinlik artışı
gözlenmektedir. Bu da üretimde verimliliği sağlar. Yapılan çalışmada, hat akışı üretim sistemine sahip olan bir
mobilya fabrikasının taşımalardan kaynaklanan kayıplarını önlemek ve üretimde verimliliği artırmak amacıyla
hücresel imalata geçiş için bir ön hazırlık yapılmıştır. Fabrikada makine grupları, parça aileleri ve hücre oluşum
problemi üzerinde durulmuştur. Grup etkinliğini sağlamayı hedefleyen bir matematiksel model yardımıyla problem
çözümlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Matematiksel model sonuçlarının mevcut durum ile karşılaştırılması yapılarak, firmaya
önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Today, businesses are forced to go beyond traditional production methods in order to be able to adapt to increasing competition and respond to customers faster. Group technology based on the philosophy of bringing together similar parts and machines to increase productivity is widely used by many businesses. In the cellular manufacturing approach, the parts are grouped according to their similarities in terms of design and manufacturing and turned into part families, while the machines are grouped into cells according to work flow. Thus, setup times and stacks in buffer stocks are reduced while efficiency increase in production planning and scheduling is observed. This also ensures the efficiency in production. In this study, a preliminary work was made for the transition to cellular manufacturing in order to prevent losses caused by the transportation of a furniture factory having a line flow production system and to increase efficiency in production. Machine groups, parts families and cell formation problem are discussed in the factory. The problem has been tried to be solved using a mathematical model which aims to provide the group efficiency. Mathematical model results were compared with the current situation and suggestions were made to the firm.
Today, businesses are forced to go beyond traditional production methods in order to be able to adapt to increasing competition and respond to customers faster. Group technology based on the philosophy of bringing together similar parts and machines to increase productivity is widely used by many businesses. In the cellular manufacturing approach, the parts are grouped according to their similarities in terms of design and manufacturing and turned into part families, while the machines are grouped into cells according to work flow. Thus, setup times and stacks in buffer stocks are reduced while efficiency increase in production planning and scheduling is observed. This also ensures the efficiency in production. In this study, a preliminary work was made for the transition to cellular manufacturing in order to prevent losses caused by the transportation of a furniture factory having a line flow production system and to increase efficiency in production. Machine groups, parts families and cell formation problem are discussed in the factory. The problem has been tried to be solved using a mathematical model which aims to provide the group efficiency. Mathematical model results were compared with the current situation and suggestions were made to the firm.
Hücresel Üretim, Makine-Parça Gruplaması, Grup Etkinliği, Cellular Production, Machine-Parts Grouping, Group Efficiency
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
Fields of Science
Yozgat, Simge; Atmaca, Ediz (2018). "Bir Mobilya Fabrikasında Hücre Tasarımı ve Hücre Etkinliğinin Belirlenmesi", Çukurova Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 377-390.
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