Debt buy–back operations and growth: Evidence from HIPCs
Pirim, İbrahim
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Sürdürülebilir olmayan borç yüküne sahip devletlerin; ödeme aczi, temerrüt ve/veya borç krizleri ile karşı karşıya kalma potansiyeli görece yüksektir. Bu tür arzu edilmeyen durumlar, devlet borçlarının yeniden yapılandırılmasına yönelik uygulamaları zorunlu hale getirebilir. Söz konusu borç yapılandırma işlemlerinin birden çok sayıda olmak ve aynı zamanda art arda gerçekleşmek suretiyle seri borç yapılandırmaları niteliğinde olması hali uygulamada sıkça karşılaşılan bir durumdur. Devlet borç yapılandırma işlemlerinin bahsi geçen şekilde seri halde gerçekleştirildiği durumlarda, bu yapılandırma işlemlerinin sonuncusuna literatürde nihai yeniden yapılandırma denir. Devlet borçlarının yeniden yapılandırılması işlemleri sayesinde borçlu ülkelerin kredi notları yükselebilir, finansal piyasalara tekrar erişimleri sağlanabilir, ülkelerin borç yükleri hafifletilebilir ve/veya borçlanma maliyetleri iyileştirilebilir, böylece borçlu ülkelerin mali sürdürülebilirlikleri yeniden tesis edilebilir ve nihayetinde bu ülkeler yeniden yapılandırma işlemleri öncesi döneme nazaran borçlanma ve ekonomik büyüme açısından daha istikrarlı ve böylece yüksek bir performans sergileyebilmektedir. Tüm bu bahsi geçen gelişmelerin ise özellikle de "nihai yapılanmaların" ardından gerçekleşmesi beklenir. Nitekim 1975 yılından bu yana toplamda 124 ülke bu ve benzeri amaçlar ile çeşitli borç yapılandırma uygulamaları tecrübe etmiştir. Ancak, devlet borçlarının yeniden yapılandırması işlemlerinin borç geri alım (debt buy-back) şeklinde ifa edilmesi borçlu ülkelerin makroekonomik dinamiklerini olumsuz etkileme potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu çalışma, genel çerçevede, devlet borçlarının yeniden yapılandırılması işlemlerinin borçlarını yapılandıran borçlu statüsündeki ülkelerin büyüme performansı üzerindeki olası kısa ve orta dönem etkilerini pozitif ve normatif bakış açıları ile incelemeyi ve analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bununla birlikte, çalışma, devlet borçlarının yeniden yapılandırılması işlemlerinin borç geri alım uygulamaları şeklinde gerçekleştirilmesi durumunda borçlu ülkelerin büyüme performanslarının bundan ne şekilde etkilendiği hususuna odaklanmaktadır. Bu olası etkileşim çalışmada pozitif ve normatif yaklaşımlar ile irdelenmektedir. Bu çerçevede, bahsi geçen olası ilişkinin pozitif yaklaşım temelinde ampirik olarak analiz edilmesi amacı ile Havuzlanmış En Küçük Kareler panel regresyon modeli uygulanmıştır. Normatif yaklaşım çerçevesinde ise ilgili borç yapılandırmaları uygulamalarının genel anatomisi ve uygulama farklılıkları ile çalışma dahilinde icra edilen ampirik analizlere ait bulgular karşılaştırılmalı olarak analiz edilip konuya ilişkin politika önerilerinde bulunulmuştur. Belirtilen hususlar çalışmada Ağır Borç Yükü Altındaki Yoksul Ülkeler (HIPCs) özelinde incelenmiştir. Çalışma neticesinde ise devlet borç yapılandırma işlemlerinin borç geri alım sözleşmeleri şeklinde icra edilmesinin borçlu ülkelerin büyüme performanslarını kısa ve orta vadede olumsuz olarak etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Devlet Borcu, Devlet Borç Yapılandırması, Borç Geri Alım, Büyüme, HIPCs
Governments with unsustainable debt burden have relatively high potential to face the situations such as insolvency, default and/or debt crises. Such undesirable situations may make it necessary to restructure the government debt. It is a common situation in practice that the said debt restructuring transactions are in the nature of serial debt restructurings by being more than one and occurring at the same time. In cases where the government debt restructuring operations are realized in series as mentioned, the last of these restructuring processes is called final restructuring in the literature. Thanks to the restructuring of government debt, the credit ratings of debtor countries can be increased, their access to financial markets can be restored, the debt burden of countries can be alleviated and/or borrowing costs can be improved, thus the financial sustainability of debtor countries can be reestablished, and ultimately these countries will be able to increase their borrowing and economic growth compared to the period before restructuring and, become more stable in terms of growth and thus can show a high performance. All these developments are expected to take place especially after the final restructurings. As a matter of fact, since 1975, a total of 124 countries have experienced various debt restructuring practices for these and similar purposes. However, the execution of government debt restructuring transactions in the form of debt buy-backs has the potential to adversely affect the macroeconomic dynamics of debtor countries. In general, this study aims to examine and analyze the possible short and medium-term effects of government debt restructuring on the growth performance of debtor countries with positive and normative perspectives. However, the study focuses on how the growth performances of debtor countries are affected if government debt restructuring is carried out in the form of debt buy-back practices. This possible interaction is examined in the study with positive and normative approaches. In this framework, Pooled Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) panel regression model was applied in order to empirically analyze the aforementioned possible relationship on the basis of the positive approach. Within the framework of the normative approach, the general anatomy and application differences of the related debt restructuring practices and the findings of the empirical analyzes carried out within the study were analyzed comparatively and policy recommendations were made on the subject. The mentioned issues have been examined in the study specifically for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs). As a result of the study, it has been determined that the execution of government debt restructuring transactions in the form of debt repurchase agreements negatively affects the growth performance of debtor countries in the short and medium term. Keywords: Sovereign Debt, Sovereign Debt Structuring, Debt Buy-back, Growth, HIPCs
Governments with unsustainable debt burden have relatively high potential to face the situations such as insolvency, default and/or debt crises. Such undesirable situations may make it necessary to restructure the government debt. It is a common situation in practice that the said debt restructuring transactions are in the nature of serial debt restructurings by being more than one and occurring at the same time. In cases where the government debt restructuring operations are realized in series as mentioned, the last of these restructuring processes is called final restructuring in the literature. Thanks to the restructuring of government debt, the credit ratings of debtor countries can be increased, their access to financial markets can be restored, the debt burden of countries can be alleviated and/or borrowing costs can be improved, thus the financial sustainability of debtor countries can be reestablished, and ultimately these countries will be able to increase their borrowing and economic growth compared to the period before restructuring and, become more stable in terms of growth and thus can show a high performance. All these developments are expected to take place especially after the final restructurings. As a matter of fact, since 1975, a total of 124 countries have experienced various debt restructuring practices for these and similar purposes. However, the execution of government debt restructuring transactions in the form of debt buy-backs has the potential to adversely affect the macroeconomic dynamics of debtor countries. In general, this study aims to examine and analyze the possible short and medium-term effects of government debt restructuring on the growth performance of debtor countries with positive and normative perspectives. However, the study focuses on how the growth performances of debtor countries are affected if government debt restructuring is carried out in the form of debt buy-back practices. This possible interaction is examined in the study with positive and normative approaches. In this framework, Pooled Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) panel regression model was applied in order to empirically analyze the aforementioned possible relationship on the basis of the positive approach. Within the framework of the normative approach, the general anatomy and application differences of the related debt restructuring practices and the findings of the empirical analyzes carried out within the study were analyzed comparatively and policy recommendations were made on the subject. The mentioned issues have been examined in the study specifically for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs). As a result of the study, it has been determined that the execution of government debt restructuring transactions in the form of debt repurchase agreements negatively affects the growth performance of debtor countries in the short and medium term. Keywords: Sovereign Debt, Sovereign Debt Structuring, Debt Buy-back, Growth, HIPCs
Sovereign Debt, Sovereign Debt Structuring, Debt Buy-back, Growth, HIPCs, Devlet Borcu, Devlet Borç Yapılandırması, Borç Geri Alım, Büyüme
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
Fields of Science
Pirim, İbrahim (2023). Debt buy–back operations and growth: Evidence from HIPCs / Borç geri-alım uygulamaları ve büyüme: HIPCs ülkeleri örneği. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
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