6284 Sayılı ailenin Korunması ve Kadına Karşı Şiddetin Önlenmesine Dair Kanun'un Türkiye'de kadına yönelik şiddeti önlemedeki rolü
Dalkır Kahveci, Ayşegül
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6284 Sayılı Ailenin Korunması ve Kadına Karşı Şiddetin Önlenmesine Dair Kanun 8 Mart 2012 'de kabul edilmiştir. Kanunda kadın lehine pek çok konu ayrıntılı olarak düzenlenmiş olmasına rağmen Türkiye'de kadına yönelik şiddet ve kadın cinayetleri her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu kanun, çıkış sürecinde TBMM'de komisyon çalışmaları ve tasarı görüşmelerinde, sivil toplum örgütleri ve medyada çok tartışıldı. Avrupa Konseyi İstanbul Sözleşmesi ile AİHM Opuz - Türkiye Davası kararı ve sivil toplum örgütleri kanunun çıkışında etkin rol oynadı. Bu araştırmada tüm bu tartışmalarla; kanunu uygulayan aile mahkemesi hakimi, aile içi şiddet savcısı, polis, şiddet önleme ve izleme merkezi, belediyelerin kadın danışma merkezleri, sığınma evi müdürleri ve sivil toplum örgütleri temsilcilerinin kanun hakkındaki görüş ve önerileri analiz edildi. Israrlı takip mağduru, haksız tahrik indirimi, zorlama hapsi gibi kavramsal ve kimlik değiştirme, elektronik izleme, yakın koruma, kurumlar arası koordinasyon gibi detay uygulamalara yer verildi. Homo sacer figürü, ataerkil örüntüler, egemen iktidar, hukuk ve şiddet, yasaların gücü kanunun etkinliği açısından tartışıldı.
The Act No. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and the Prevention of Violence against Women was adopted on 8 March 2012. Despite the fact that many preventive measures have been introduced in detail in favor of women, the number of violence against women and killings of women increases day by day. Throughout the adopting period and during the procedure of legislation in the General Assembly, the bill was widely discussed in general assembly commissions and by non-governmental organizations and media platforms. The decision of the European Court of Human Rights on Turkey, particularly regarding Opuz, non-governmental organizations efforts along with provisions of the Council of Europe Convention of Istanbul played an active role in the adopting this resolution. In this study, all these discussions in conjunction with the respective legislation and the opinions and recommendations of the implementers and other stakeholders pertaining to the respective law, i.e. family court judge, prosecutor who is in charge of domestic violence, the relevant police department, violence prevention and monitoring centre, women issues counselling office of the municipalities, representatives of shelters and non-governmental organizations, were analysed. Conceptual applications such as persistent pursuance against the victim, unjustified incitement reduction, forced imprisonment and detailed applications such as identity change, electronic tagging, close protection, inter-institutional coordination were included as well. Homo sacer figure, patriarchal patterns, dominant power, law and violence, the power of laws were discussed in terms of the effectiveness of the law.
The Act No. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and the Prevention of Violence against Women was adopted on 8 March 2012. Despite the fact that many preventive measures have been introduced in detail in favor of women, the number of violence against women and killings of women increases day by day. Throughout the adopting period and during the procedure of legislation in the General Assembly, the bill was widely discussed in general assembly commissions and by non-governmental organizations and media platforms. The decision of the European Court of Human Rights on Turkey, particularly regarding Opuz, non-governmental organizations efforts along with provisions of the Council of Europe Convention of Istanbul played an active role in the adopting this resolution. In this study, all these discussions in conjunction with the respective legislation and the opinions and recommendations of the implementers and other stakeholders pertaining to the respective law, i.e. family court judge, prosecutor who is in charge of domestic violence, the relevant police department, violence prevention and monitoring centre, women issues counselling office of the municipalities, representatives of shelters and non-governmental organizations, were analysed. Conceptual applications such as persistent pursuance against the victim, unjustified incitement reduction, forced imprisonment and detailed applications such as identity change, electronic tagging, close protection, inter-institutional coordination were included as well. Homo sacer figure, patriarchal patterns, dominant power, law and violence, the power of laws were discussed in terms of the effectiveness of the law.
4320 Sayılı Kanun, 6284 Sayılı Kanun, Kadına Şiddet, Evden Uzaklaştırma, Sığınmaevi, Zorlama Hapsi, Israrlı Takip Mağduru, Haksız Tahrik İndirimi, Hukuk Ve Şiddet, Homo Sacer, Elektronik Kelepçe, Ataerkil Örüntü, Yasanın Gücü, Law No. 4320, Law No. 6284, Turkey, Violence Against Women, Temporary Debarment From Home, Shelter, Forced Imprisonment, The Victim Of Persistent Pursuance, Unjustified Incitement Reduction, Law And Violence, Homo Sacer Figure, Electronic Bracelet, Patriarchal Patterns, The Power Of Law
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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Dalkır Kahveci, Ayşegül (2019). 6284 Sayılı ailenin Korunması ve Kadına Karşı Şiddetin Önlenmesine Dair Kanun'un Türkiye'de kadına yönelik şiddeti önlemedeki rolü / The role of act No. 6284 on The Protection of the Family and the Prevention of Violence against women in the prevention of violence against women in Turkey. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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