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Plasmonic System as a Compound Eye: Image Point-Spread Function Enhancing by Entanglement

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In this paper, we introduce a plasmonic system that can operate as a compound eye. Based on the advantages mentioned in some previous works for the compound eye, we designed a plasmonic system that contains faraway plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) that act independently like an ommatidium in the compound eye. This plasmonic system performance is analyzed with full quantum theory by which it is theoretically proved that with the interaction of light with NPs, the scattering light, and generated phonon can be entangled due to the NPs Ohmic loss. Consequently, the quantum states of the system before, after, and during the absorption and scattering of the incident photon, were quantum mechanically subjected. By the introduced theoretical formula and modeling results, it is shown that the plasmonic system can operate similar to the compound eye, if the critical parameters, such as system's focus point, NPs scattering angle, and inter-distance between NPs are suitably designed. More importantly, due to the entanglement between the scattering light and the generated phonon, it is theoretically proved that the point-spread function is improved when the traditional lens in the compound eye is replaced by the plasmonic NPs leading to an enhanced image resolution. Finally, a simple conceptual design of the plasmonic system is presented and then a few contributed modeling results are introduced.



Plasmonic System, Compound Eye, Nanoparticle, Entanglement, Full Quantum Theory, Point-Spread Function

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gecim, H. Selcuk; Piskin, Erhan, "Plasmonic System as a Compound Eye: Image Point-Spread Function Enhancing by Entanglement", Ieee Sensors Journal, Vol. 18, No.14, pp. 5723-5731, (2018)


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Ieee Sensors Journal





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