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Analysis of the fractional corona virus pandemic via deterministic modeling

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Tuan, Nguyen Huy
Tri, Vo Viet
Baleanu, Dumitru

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With every passing day, one comes to know that cases of the corona virus disease are increasing. This is an alarming situation in many countries of the globe. So far, the virus has attacked as many as 188 countries of the world and 5 549 131 (27 May 2020) human population is affected with 348 224 deaths. In this regard, public and private health authorities are looking for manpower with modeling skills and possible vaccine. In this research paper, keeping in view the fast transmission dynamics of the virus, we have proposed a new mathematical model of eight mutually distinct compartments with the help of memory-possessing operator of Caputo type. The fractional order parameter psi of the model has been optimized so that smallest error can be attained while comparing simulations and the real data set which is considered for the country Pakistan. Using Banach fixed point analysis, it has been shown that the model has a unique solution whereas its basic reproduction numberR0is approximated to be 6.5894. Disease-free steady state is shown to be locally asymptotically stable forR0<0, otherwise unstable. Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm under MATLAB Toolbox with daily real cases of the virus in Pakistan is employed to obtain best fitted values of the parameters for the model's validation. Numerical simulations of the model have come into good agreement with the practical observations wherein social distancing, wearing masks, and staying home have proved to be the most effective measures in order to prevent the virus from further spread.



Basic Reproduction Number, Caputo Fractional Derivative, Numerical Simulations, Real Data

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

Fields of Science


Tuan, Nguyen Huy; Tri, Vo Viet; Baleanu, Dumitru (2021). "Analysis of the fractional corona virus pandemic via deterministic modeling", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 1086-1102.


Scopus Q


Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences





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