Ali Naci Karacan'ın yayımladığı politika ve inkılapgazetelerinin Serbest Fırka tartışmalarındaki rolü(1929-1931)
Özcan, Elifnur
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Bu çalışmada, 1930 Döneminde çok partili hayata geçiş denemesini incelemek için birinci el kaynaklar ve araştırma eserler kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı Ali Naci Karacan tarafından kurulan Politika ve İnkılap gazetelerini temel alarak Serbest Cumhuriyet Fırkası dönemi hakkında bilgi vermektir. Birinci el kaynakların çoğunluğunu oluşturan gazeteler, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Kütüphanesi ve İstanbul Üniversitesi Gazete Arşivinden temin edilmiştir. Çalışmanın büyük bölümünde hatıralara da yer verilmiş ve bu kaynaklarla birlikte diğer kaynaklar da ikinci el ve dijital olarak elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca meclis içi konuşmalar için T.B.M.M. Zabıt Ceridesi kaynak olarak kullanılmıştır. Atatürk'ün kendi güdümünde kurdurttuğu Serbest Fırka ile Halk Fırkasının mücadelesinde basının tutumu dikkat çekicidir. Basın iktidar cephesi, Atatürk cephesi ve muhalif cephe olarak bölünmüştür. Fırkanın kuruluşundan ve yerel seçimlere, kapanış aşamasından sonrasındaki döneme kadar olaylar kronolojik sırasıyla tüm aşamalarıyla ele alınarak incelenmiştir. Türk siyasi hayatında önemli bir yere sahip olan ikinci çok partili hayata geçiş denemesinin başarısız sonuçlanmasında birçok etken göze çarpmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, iktidar cephesinin basın üzerinde mücadelesi dikkat çekmektedir. Özellikle İsmet İnönü'ye yakınlığıyla öne çıkan Ali Naci Karacan, Politika ve İnkılap gazeteleri üzerinden muhalefet ve iktidar çekişmesinin iktidar cephesi tarafından nasıl karşılandığına dair basına yansıyan yüzünü göstermiştir.
In this study, primary sources and research studies were used to investigate the attempts to transition to multi-party life in the 1930s. The aim of the study is to give information about the Liberal Free Republican Party period, which consists of the Politika and İnkılap newspapers designed by Ali Naci Karacan. The newspapers that bought the first hand allocation were obtained from the Turkish Grand National Assembly Library and Istanbul University Newspaper Archive. Memories were also included in most of the study, and along with these sources, other sources were obtained second-hand and digitally. Also, T.B.M.M. speech Records were used as a source. The attitude of the press in the struggle between the Liberal Free Republican Party and the People's Party, which was founded by Atatürk under his own guidance, is remarkable. The press also was divided as pro-governments "Atatürk's party supporters" and the oppositions. The events that took place from the foundation of the party to the local elections, from the closing stage to the period after it were examined in chronological order and with all their stages. Many factors stand out in the unsuccessful outcome of the second attempt to transition to a multi-party system, which has an important place in Turkish political life. In this context, the struggle of the power front over the press draws attention. Ali Naci, who stands out especially with his closeness to İsmet İnönü, showed the government perceptions during political conflicts over the Politika and İnkılap newspapers
In this study, primary sources and research studies were used to investigate the attempts to transition to multi-party life in the 1930s. The aim of the study is to give information about the Liberal Free Republican Party period, which consists of the Politika and İnkılap newspapers designed by Ali Naci Karacan. The newspapers that bought the first hand allocation were obtained from the Turkish Grand National Assembly Library and Istanbul University Newspaper Archive. Memories were also included in most of the study, and along with these sources, other sources were obtained second-hand and digitally. Also, T.B.M.M. speech Records were used as a source. The attitude of the press in the struggle between the Liberal Free Republican Party and the People's Party, which was founded by Atatürk under his own guidance, is remarkable. The press also was divided as pro-governments "Atatürk's party supporters" and the oppositions. The events that took place from the foundation of the party to the local elections, from the closing stage to the period after it were examined in chronological order and with all their stages. Many factors stand out in the unsuccessful outcome of the second attempt to transition to a multi-party system, which has an important place in Turkish political life. In this context, the struggle of the power front over the press draws attention. Ali Naci, who stands out especially with his closeness to İsmet İnönü, showed the government perceptions during political conflicts over the Politika and İnkılap newspapers
Serbest Cumhuriyet Fırkası, Ali Naci Karacan, İnkılap Gazetesi, Politika Gazetesi, Çok Partili Hayata Geçiş Denemesi
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Özcan, Elifnur (2021). Ali Naci Karacan'ın yayımladığı politika ve inkılapgazetelerinin Serbest Fırka tartışmalarındaki rolü(1929-1931) / The role of Ali Naci Karacan's politika and inkilap newspapers in Serbest Firka discussions (1929-1931). Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
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