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Heat transfer analysis of magnetized Cu-Ag-H2O hybrid nanofluid radiative flow over a spinning disk when the exponential heat source and Hall current are substantial: Optimization and sensitivity analysis

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Thumma, Thirupathi
Pyari, Devarsu Radha
Ontela, Surender
Al-Mdallal, Qasem M.
Jarad, Fahd

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The main motive of the instigated mathematical model is to observe the impact of Hall current on the hybrid nanofluid flow over a disk that is rotating. The copper and silver metal nanoparticles have been considered with volume fraction φ1=φ2=0.01(0.01)0.04 and are suspended in water to form the hybrid nanofluid. Diverse characteristics like magnetic field, thermal radiation, and (ESHS) exponential space dependent heat source are incorporated to investigate the nature of the flow. The present mathematical model is initiated with partial derivative equations (PDEs) which are redrafted as ordinary derivative equations (ODEs) with appropriate transformations of similarity. The results are attained through a blend of the Runge-Kutta method, shooting procedure, and the influences of parameters on the flow of nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid are compared and illustrated both as tables and graphs. The present numerical research is unique because by employing a complete quadratic CCD framework using the RSM strategy, the sensitivity and optimization analysis of the heat transmission improvement for the volume fraction, ESHS, and thermal radiation parameters have been performed. The R-squared and adjusted R-Squared are obtained as 100%. The residual graphs and contour diagrams of the same are also shown. The current study establishes that the Hall parameter increases the radial velocity, but it also controls the energy and cross-radial velocity. The rate of heat transmission is increased by thermal radiation even at low levels of ESHS. The rate of heat transmission is more sensitive (0.024670) to the volume fraction of the hybrid nanofluid when ESHS is at an intermediate level. The lowest sensitivity (-1.269967) value towards ESHS is observed For thermal radiation and ESHS parameter values, the heat transmission rate of the mono nanofluid is not as great as that of hybrid nanofluid. The current study finds applications in the generation of hydroelectric power, air cleansing and rotating equipment, healthcare devices, and many other industries.



Exponential Space Dependent Heat Source, Hall Current, Hybrid Nanofluid Flow, Response Surface Methodology, Sensitivity Analysis, Spinning Disk, Thermal Radiation

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

Fields of Science


Thumma, Thirupathi...et al. "Heat transfer analysis of magnetized Cu-Ag-H2O hybrid nanofluid radiative flow over a spinning disk when the exponential heat source and Hall current are substantial: Optimization and sensitivity analysis", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 50.


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Case Studies in Thermal Engineering




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