The effects of emotional valence and emotional arousal on event-based prospective memory in young adults
Aydın, Öykü
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Mevcut araştırmanın temel amacı genç yetişkinlerde duygusal değerliğin ve duygusal uyarılmışlığın olay temelli ileriye yönelik bellek (OT-İYB) üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmaya, 18-30 yaş aralığında toplamda 63 genç yetişkin katılmıştır. Araştırma iki aşamadan oluşmuştur. İlk aşamada katılımcılar, Demografik Bilgi Formu ve Beck Depresyon Envanteri (BDE)'ni içeren çevrim-içi anketi tamamlamışlardır. İkinci aşamaya katılan katılımcılar, son altı ay içerisinde herhangi bir psikiyatrik veya nörolojik rahatsızlık geçirmemiş, belirli içeriklere (örn., yılan, köpek, yükseklik vs.) yönelik şiddetli korkusu olmayan ve BDE'den 16 ve altında puan alan genç yetişkinler arasından seçilmiştir. Araştırmanın ikinci aşaması, Uluslararası Duygusal Resim Sistemi (IAPS)'nden farklı duygu kategorileri (olumlu-yüksek uyarılmışlık, olumlu-düşük uyarılmışlık, nötr, olumsuz-yüksek uyarılmışlık ve olumsuz-düşük uyarılmışlık) dikkate alınarak seçilen resimler için İYB performansının incelendiği bilgisayar temelli bir OT-İYB görevinden oluşmuştur. OT-İYB görevi içerisinde, İYB görevi ile 1-geri çalışma belleği görevi eş zamanlı olarak sunulmuştur ve doğru tepkiler ile tepki süreleri kaydedilmiştir. Ayrıca, yönergeler ile OT-İYB görevi arasında ara görevler olarak Pozitif ve Negatif Duygu Ölçeği (PNDÖ) ile Şifre Testi sunulmuştur. Ek olarak katılımcılar, OT-İYB görevinden sonra tanıma testi ve Deney Sonrası Tarama Soruları'nı tamamlamışlardır. Sonuçlar, İYB doğru tepki oranları üzerindeki duygusal değerlik ve duygusal uyarılmışlığın temel etkileri ile bu iki boyutun etkileşim etkisinin anlamlı olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, bu iki boyutun İYB tepki süreleri üzerindeki temel etkileri de anlamlıdır. Öte yandan, bu boyutların tepki süreleri üzerindeki etkileşim etkisi anlamlı değildir. Ek olarak, İYB görevi ile 1-geri çalışma belleği görevi arasında tepki süreleri açısından anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuşken, bu ilişki doğru tepki oranları açısından incelendiğinde anlamlı değildir. PNDÖ puanları incelendiğinde, yalnızca negatif duygu durum puanları ile toplam İYB doğru tepki oranları arasında negatif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. PNDÖ puanları ile İYB performansı arasında başka anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamamıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular ilgili alan yazın kapsamında değerlendirilmiş ve tartışılmıştır.
The main aim of the current study was to examine the effects of emotional valence and emotional arousal on event-based prospective memory (EB-PM) among young adults. A total of 63 young adults aged between 18 to 30 participated in the study. The study was conducted in two sessions. In the first online session, participants filled out an online survey that included a Demographical Information Form and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Participants for the second experimental session was recruited from young adults who did not report any psychiatric or neurological disorder within the past six months, did not have intense fears for specific contents (e.g., snakes, dogs, heights, etc.), and got scores of 16 and below from the BDI. The second session consisted of a computer-based EB-PM task in which participants' PM performance was measured for pictures from different emotional categories (i.e., positive-high arousal, positive-low arousal, neutral, negative-high arousal, and negative-low arousal) selected from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Within the EB-PM task, a PM task was embedded in a 1-back working memory task, and both correct responses and reaction times were recorded. Besides, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) and Coding Test were applied as filler tasks between the instructions and the EB-PM task. Moreover, a recognition task and Post-Experimental Questionnaire was administered at the end of the EB-PM task. The results showed that the main effects of both emotional valence and emotional arousal, as well as their interaction, on PM accuracy were significant. Moreover, the main effects of both dimensions on reaction times in the PM task were significant. However, the interaction effect of these dimensions on reaction times was not significant. In addition, the correlation between PM task performance and 1-back working memory task performance was significant in terms of reaction times, but no correlation was found for accuracy. Regarding the PANAS scores, only the negative affect scores were negatively correlated with overall PM accuracy. No other correlations between PANAS scores and PM task performance were found. The findings from the current study were evaluated and discussed in relation to the relevant literature.
The main aim of the current study was to examine the effects of emotional valence and emotional arousal on event-based prospective memory (EB-PM) among young adults. A total of 63 young adults aged between 18 to 30 participated in the study. The study was conducted in two sessions. In the first online session, participants filled out an online survey that included a Demographical Information Form and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Participants for the second experimental session was recruited from young adults who did not report any psychiatric or neurological disorder within the past six months, did not have intense fears for specific contents (e.g., snakes, dogs, heights, etc.), and got scores of 16 and below from the BDI. The second session consisted of a computer-based EB-PM task in which participants' PM performance was measured for pictures from different emotional categories (i.e., positive-high arousal, positive-low arousal, neutral, negative-high arousal, and negative-low arousal) selected from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Within the EB-PM task, a PM task was embedded in a 1-back working memory task, and both correct responses and reaction times were recorded. Besides, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) and Coding Test were applied as filler tasks between the instructions and the EB-PM task. Moreover, a recognition task and Post-Experimental Questionnaire was administered at the end of the EB-PM task. The results showed that the main effects of both emotional valence and emotional arousal, as well as their interaction, on PM accuracy were significant. Moreover, the main effects of both dimensions on reaction times in the PM task were significant. However, the interaction effect of these dimensions on reaction times was not significant. In addition, the correlation between PM task performance and 1-back working memory task performance was significant in terms of reaction times, but no correlation was found for accuracy. Regarding the PANAS scores, only the negative affect scores were negatively correlated with overall PM accuracy. No other correlations between PANAS scores and PM task performance were found. The findings from the current study were evaluated and discussed in relation to the relevant literature.
Prospective Memory, Emotion, Valence, Arousal, İleriye Yönelik Bellek, Duygu, Değerlik, Uyarılmışlık
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
Fields of Science
Aydın, Öykü (2023). The effects of emotional valence and emotional arousal on event-based prospective memory in young adults / Genç yetişkinlerde duygusal değerlik ve duygusal uyarılmışlık boyutlarının olay temelli ileriye yönelik bellek performansı üzerindeki etkisi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
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