Exact solutions for thermomagetized unsteady non-singularized jeffrey fluid: Effects of ramped velocity, concentration with newtonian heating
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The classical calculus due to the fact that it assumed as the instant rate of change of the output, when the input level changes. Therefore it is not able to include the previous state of the system called memory effect. But in the Fractional Calculus (FC), the rate of change is affected by all points of the considered interval, so it is able to incorporate the previous history/memory effects of any system. Due to the importance of this effect we used the modern concept of the Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative on the considered Jeffrey fluid model. In this paper the effect of Newtonian heating, concentration and velocity on unsteady MHD free convective flow of Jeffrey fluid over long vertical an infinite ramped wall nested in porous material are discussed. Exact analytical solutions are derived via Laplace transformation technique for principal equations of energy, concentration and ramped velocity. The prime features of various coherent parameters are deliberated and illuminated with the aid of plotted graphs. A comparative study to show the significance of fractional order model with an integer order model is accomplished. The fractional order model is found to be the best choice for explaining the memory effect of the considered problem. It is identified that temperature distribution, concentration and ramped velocity profiles for fractional model are converges to an ordinary model when fractional parameter tends to integer order, which shows that fractional model is more appropriate to explicate experimental results.
Newtonian Heating, Laplace Transform, Memory Effect, Jeffrey Fluid, Ramped Conditions, Time Fractional Differential Operator
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
Fields of Science
Aziz-Ur, Rehman...et al. (2021). "Exact solutions for thermomagetized unsteady non-singularized jeffrey fluid: Effects of ramped velocity, concentration with newtonian heating", Results in Physics, Vol. 26.
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Results in Physics