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Analytical, numerical and experimental observation of isolated branches of periodic orbits in 1DOF mechanical parametric oscillator

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Junaid-U-Rehman, Muhammad
Kudra, Grzegorz
Witkowski, Krzysztof
Wasilewski, Grzegorz
Jarad, Fahd
Awrejcewicz, Jan

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The aim of this study is to investigate the dynamic properties of an existing experimental stand of 1DOF mechanical parametric oscillator, with a focus on approximate analytical solutions of the observed isolated branches of periodic orbits. The experimental stand involves a cart moving along a rolling guide, with the stiffness consisting of two components: a time-varying linear element created by a rotating rod with a rectangular cross-section and a nonlinear hardening stiffness caused by magnetic springs. It was demonstrated that a rolling bearing's nonlinear resistance to motion consists of viscous damping and a second component analytically compared to dry friction. The study utilises multiple scales and harmonic balancing methods to provide analytical solutions. It is then successfully validated using numerical simulations and experimental data. The study investigates how dry friction influences oscillator response and applies the modified Mathieu–Duffing equation to represent the system's dynamics. Different branches of periodic orbits are researched to determine their function in energy harvesting and mechanical system improvement. This research demonstrates the distinctions across analytical, numerical, and experimental methodologies, providing a comprehensive understanding of investigating intricate nonlinear systems.



Analytical Solutions, Dry Friction, Harmonic Balance Approach (HBM), Mathieu–Duffing Oscillator, Multiple Scales Technique (MMS), Parametric Oscillator

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Junaid-U-Rehman, Muhammad...et al. (2024). "Analytical, numerical and experimental observation of isolated branches of periodic orbits in 1DOF mechanical parametric oscillator", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 584.


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Journal of Sound and Vibration




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