A fractional Dirac equation and its solution
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Muslih, Sami I.
Agrawal, Om. P.
Baleanu, Dumitru
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IOP Publishing LTD
This paper presents a fractional Dirac equation and its solution. The fractional Dirac equation may be obtained using a fractional variational principle and a fractional Klein-Gordon equation; both methods are considered here. We extend the variational formulations for fractional discrete systems to fractional field systems defined in terms of Caputo derivatives. By applying the variational principle to a fractional action S, we obtain the fractional Euler-Lagrange equations of motion. We present a Lagrangian and a Hamiltonian for the fractional Dirac equation of order a. We also use a fractional Klein-Gordon equation to obtain the fractional Dirac equation which is the same as that obtained using the fractional variational principle. Eigensolutions of this equation are presented which follow the same approach as that for the solution of the standard Dirac equation. We also provide expressions for the path integral quantization for the fractional Dirac field which, in the limit a. 1, approaches to the path integral for the regular Dirac field. It is hoped that the fractional Dirac equation and the path integral quantization of the fractional field will allow further development of fractional relativistic quantum mechanics
Euler-Lagrange Equations, Sequential Mechanics, Linear Velocities, Derivatives, Formulation, Formalism, Systems
Muslih, S.I., Agrawal, Om P., Baleanu, D. (2010). A fractional Dirac equation and its solution. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 43(5). http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/43/5/055203