Circadian lighting design: Effects of OLED lighting conditions on visual comfort and well-being in an indoor office environment
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Avcı, Ayşe Nihan
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İnsan ihtiyaçlarına cevap verecek şekilde çeşitli aydınlatma armatürleri geliştirilmiştir. Akkor ve deşarjlı lambalar yaygın olarak kullanılmaya devam ederken, katı hal aydınlatma ailesinin bir üyesi olan organik ışık yayan diyot (OLED) paneller gibi daha yeni teknolojiler daha avantajlı hale gelmiştir. OLED'ler, sirkadiyen sistem dostu olma, düşük güç tüketimi, uzun ömür ve mavi ışık riski taşımama gibi diğer yapay aydınlatma alternatiflerine göre çok sayıda avantajla birlikte tamamen yeni bir yapay aydınlatma olanakları seti sunmaktadır. Aydınlatma, insan değerlendirmelerine dayalı olarak görsel ve görsel olmayan açılardan insan ve çevre arasındaki ilişkiyi etkilemektedir. Vurgu, iç mekanlarda insanın görsel konforuna ve refahına fayda sağlayan konforlu ve sağlıklı aydınlatmanın sağlanmasıdır. OLED aydınlatma ile insan sirkadiyen sistemi, görsel konfor ve ofis iç mekanlarında refah arasındaki ilişki üzerine çalışmalar sınırlıdır. Bu tez, OLED aydınlatma koşullarının kapalı bir ofis ortamında insan sirkadiyen sistemini, görsel konfor seviyesini ve refahını nasıl etkilediğini araştırmaktadır. Deney, Çankaya Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi'nden 31 gönüllü ile yapılmıştır. Tam ölçekli ofis ortamı, OLED aydınlatmanın iki farklı renk sıcaklığı (CCT), yani 3000 K ve 4000 K ile tasarlanmıştır. OLED aydınlatma koşullarının insan sirkadiyen sistemi üzerindeki etkilerini gerçek anlamda araştırmak için bilek aktigrafisi kullanılmışır. İki OLED aydınlatma koşulunun görsel konfor üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendirmek için Ofis Aydınlatma Anketi kullanılmış ve iki OLED aydınlatma koşulunun, katılımcıların refahını değerlendirmek için Küller'in Çevresel Değerlendirme Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Veri toplama süreci, her katılımcı için 3000K ve 4000K OLED aydınlatma koşulları olmak üzere iki farklı gün ile 10:00-15:00 saatleri arasında çalışma saatlerinin büyük bir bölümünü almıştır. Toplanan veriler daha sonra çok değişkenli istatistiksel yöntemler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlarla ilgili olarak, insan sirkadiyen sistemi, sıcak beyaz (3000 K) OLED aydınlatmaya maruz kaldığında çalışma günü boyunca etkili olmaya devam etmiştir. Ayrıca sıcak beyaz (3000 K) OLED aydınlatma, sirkadiyen ritmik aktivite ve aydınlık düzeyinde nötr beyaz (4000 K) OLED aydınlatmaya göre daha etkilidir. Görsel konfor koşulları açısından, sıcak beyaz (3000 K) OLED aydınlatma, nötr beyaz (4000 K) OLED aydınlatmaya göre daha konforlu bulunmuştur. Refah açısından, her iki OLED aydınlatma koşulu da ölçeğin pozitif ucuna doğru derecelendirilmiş; ancak katılımcılar, sıcak beyaz (3000 K) OLED aydınlatmaya maruz kaldıklarında, nötr beyaz (4000 K) OLED aydınlatmaya göre daha sakin, tatmin olmuş, meraklı, ilgili ve enerjik hissetmişlerdir. Çalışmanın bulguları, OLED aydınlatmanın sirkadiyen aydınlatma tasarımında etkili olduğunu göstermektedir; burada görsel olmayan yönleri de hesaba katarak insanların görsel konforunu ve refahını iyileştirmek amacıyla iç mekanlardaki aydınlatmayı optimize etmek için önemli bir referans görevi görmektedir. Bulgular ayrıca, insan sirkadiyen sistemi ile iç mekanlardaki farklı aydınlatma türleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak için iç mimari ve aydınlatma tasarımı üzerine gelecekteki çalışmalarda bilek aktigrafisinin kullanılması gerektiğini düşündürmektedir. Bu, sirkadiyen aydınlatma tasarım yöntemleri hakkında ilginç bulgulara ve tartışmalara yol açabilir.
Various lighting fixtures have been developed in response to human needs. While incandescent and discharge lamps are still widely used, newer technologies such as organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panels, which are members of the solid-state lighting family, have become more advantageous. OLEDs provide an entirely new set of artificial lighting possibilities, with numerous advantages over other artificial lighting alternatives, such as being more circadian system friendly, low power consumption, long life span, and posing no blue light risk. Lighting influences the relationship between humans and the environment in visual and non-visual respects based on human appraisals. The emphasis is on providing comfortable and healthy lighting that benefits human visual comfort and well-being in interiors. Studies on the relationship between OLED lighting and the human circadian system, visual comfort, and well-being in office interiors are limited. This thesis investigates how OLED lighting conditions affect the human circadian system, visual comfort level, and well-being in an indoor office environment. An experiment was conducted with 31 voluntary responses from the Faculty of Architecture, Çankaya University in Ankara, Türkiye. The full-scale setup office environment was designed with two different correlated color temperatures (CCT) of OLED lighting, i.e., 3000 K and 4000 K. Wrist actigraphy was used to investigate the effects of OLED lighting conditions on the human circadian system in a real-time setting. The Office Lighting Survey was used to assess the effects of two OLED lighting conditions on visual comfort, and Küller's Environmental Assessment Scale was used to assess the well-being of two OLED lighting conditions. The data collection took up a large portion of the working hours between 10:00 to 15:00, with two different days, including 3000K and 4000K OLED lighting conditions, for each participant. The collected data was then analyzed using multivariate statistical methods. Regarding the results, the human circadian system remains effective throughout the working day when exposed to warm white (3000 K) OLED lighting. In addition, warm white (3000 K) OLED lighting is more effective than neutral white (4000 K) OLED lighting in circadian rhythmicity activity and illuminance level. In terms of visual comfort conditions, the warm white (3000 K) OLED lighting is more comfortable than the neutral white (4000 K) OLED lighting. In terms of well-being, both OLED lighting conditions were rated towards the positive end of the scale; however, participants felt more calm, satisfied, curious, engaged, interested, and energetic when exposed to warm white (3000 K) OLED lighting than when exposed to neutral white (4000 K) OLED lighting. The findings of the study show that OLED lighting is effective for circadian lighting design, where they serve as an important reference for interior architecture to optimize the lighting in interiors to improve humans' visual comfort and well-being, taking non-visual aspects into account. The findings also suggest that wrist actigraphy should be used in future studies on interior architecture and lighting design to investigate the relationship between the human circadian system and different types of lighting in interiors. This could lead to interesting findings and discussions about circadian lighting design methods.
Various lighting fixtures have been developed in response to human needs. While incandescent and discharge lamps are still widely used, newer technologies such as organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panels, which are members of the solid-state lighting family, have become more advantageous. OLEDs provide an entirely new set of artificial lighting possibilities, with numerous advantages over other artificial lighting alternatives, such as being more circadian system friendly, low power consumption, long life span, and posing no blue light risk. Lighting influences the relationship between humans and the environment in visual and non-visual respects based on human appraisals. The emphasis is on providing comfortable and healthy lighting that benefits human visual comfort and well-being in interiors. Studies on the relationship between OLED lighting and the human circadian system, visual comfort, and well-being in office interiors are limited. This thesis investigates how OLED lighting conditions affect the human circadian system, visual comfort level, and well-being in an indoor office environment. An experiment was conducted with 31 voluntary responses from the Faculty of Architecture, Çankaya University in Ankara, Türkiye. The full-scale setup office environment was designed with two different correlated color temperatures (CCT) of OLED lighting, i.e., 3000 K and 4000 K. Wrist actigraphy was used to investigate the effects of OLED lighting conditions on the human circadian system in a real-time setting. The Office Lighting Survey was used to assess the effects of two OLED lighting conditions on visual comfort, and Küller's Environmental Assessment Scale was used to assess the well-being of two OLED lighting conditions. The data collection took up a large portion of the working hours between 10:00 to 15:00, with two different days, including 3000K and 4000K OLED lighting conditions, for each participant. The collected data was then analyzed using multivariate statistical methods. Regarding the results, the human circadian system remains effective throughout the working day when exposed to warm white (3000 K) OLED lighting. In addition, warm white (3000 K) OLED lighting is more effective than neutral white (4000 K) OLED lighting in circadian rhythmicity activity and illuminance level. In terms of visual comfort conditions, the warm white (3000 K) OLED lighting is more comfortable than the neutral white (4000 K) OLED lighting. In terms of well-being, both OLED lighting conditions were rated towards the positive end of the scale; however, participants felt more calm, satisfied, curious, engaged, interested, and energetic when exposed to warm white (3000 K) OLED lighting than when exposed to neutral white (4000 K) OLED lighting. The findings of the study show that OLED lighting is effective for circadian lighting design, where they serve as an important reference for interior architecture to optimize the lighting in interiors to improve humans' visual comfort and well-being, taking non-visual aspects into account. The findings also suggest that wrist actigraphy should be used in future studies on interior architecture and lighting design to investigate the relationship between the human circadian system and different types of lighting in interiors. This could lead to interesting findings and discussions about circadian lighting design methods.
Avcı, Ayşe Nihan (2022). Circadian lighting design: Effects of OLED lighting conditions on visual comfort and well-being in an indoor office environment / Sirkadiyen aydınlatma tasarımı: OLED aydınlatma koşullarının iç mekan ofis ortamında görsel konfor ve refah düzeyi üzerindeki etkileri. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.