Design and analysis of multiband circularly polarized antenna for modern wireless applications
Azeez Al-Mihrab, Mohammed Abdulrezzaq
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Bu tezde, yeni beş kompakt çok bantlı baskılı anten tasarlanmış ve analiz edilmiştir. İlk iki anten çok yönlü dairesel polarizasyona sahipken diğerleri tek yönlü dairesel polarizasyondur. İlki, kısmi bir zemin düzleminde iki basamak şeklinde yarığı olan açık döngülü altıgen tek kutuplu bir radyatör temel alınarak tasarlanmıştır. Farklı polarizasyona sahip beş çalışma bandı elde edilir. Bu beş banttan üç tanesi dairesel olarak polarize edilirken (CP) diğeri doğrusal olarak polarize edilmiştir. -10 dB empedans bant genişlikleri (IBW'ler) (1.55-1.72 GHz), (2.51-2.64 GHz), (3.1-3.31 GHz), (4.08-5.83 GHz) ve (6.14-6.7 GHz) iken 3 dB Eksenel oran bant genişlikleri (ARBW'ler) (1.6-1.75 GHz), (4.54-4.9 GHz) ve (6.21-6.49 GHz) şeklindedir. Ayrıca, bu anten üçlü bir duyu olan (sağ el, sol el, sağ el) CP, çift yönlü radyasyon modellerini gösterir. Ölçülen kazançlar sırasıyla 1.65 GHz, 2.55 GHz, 3.20 GHz, 4.75 GHz ve 6.35 GHz frekanslarında 1.75 dBi, 3.72 dBi, 3.2 dBi, 5.87dBi ve 7.61 dBi'dir. Genel boyutlar 65 mm × 45 mm × 1,6 mm'dir. Kısmi zemin düzlemine bir çift dikdörtgen şeritle başka iki merdiven şeklindeki yarık eklenmiştir. IBW'ler (empedans bant genişlikleri) sırasıyla (1.478-1.714 GHz), (2.54-2.72 GHz) ve (4.29-4.89 GHz) şeklindedir. Ölçülen 3-dB eksenel oran bant genişlikleri (ARBW'ler), alt ve üst bant için sırasıyla (1.510-1.606 GHz) ve (4.035-5.07 GHz) 'dir. Ölçülen kazançlar sırasıyla 1.575 GHz, 2.55 GHz ve 4.5 GHz frekanslarında 2.5 dBi, 3.6 dBi ve 5 dBi'dir. Bu antenin yan uzunluğu 70 mm'ye çıkarıldı. Önerilen son üç anten, 40 mm × 40 mm × 1 mm boyutlarında CPW ile beslenir. Bu üç antenden biri, karşılıklı köşede bulunan iki dikdörtgen şeritli yarıklı kare bir halkadır ve üç bant elde edilir. IBW'ler şunlardır: (3.59-5.01 GHz), (7.64 - 8.43 GHz) ve (10.81 - 11.28 GHz) 3-dB'deki ARBW'ler: (3.15-4.69 GHz), (7.77-8.17 GHz) ve (10.84 - 11.25 GHz) GHz. Simüle edilen kazançlar, sırasıyla 4.5 GHz, 8 GHz ve 11 GHz merkez frekanslarında 3.75 dBi, 3.2 dBi ve 4.62 dBi'dir. İlk güncellenen antende, önceki antende güçlü olmadığından radyatörün uzak köşesindeki zemin düzlemine ters çevrilmiş bir L-şeridi eklenerek, ilk banttaki CP özelliği artırıldı. Üç bant için IBW'ler: (3.2-5.39 GHz), (7.55 - 8.21 GHz) ve (10.79 -11.31 GHz) iken ARBW: (3.32-4.58 GHz) ve (10.79-11.13 GHz)'dir. Simüle edilen kazançlar sırasıyla 3.6 GHz, 8 GHz ve 11 GHz merkez frekanslarında 2.65 dBi, 3.9 dBi ve 5.3 dBi'dir. İkinci değiştirilmiş anten 5,8 GHz civarında yeni bir bant gösterdi. Dört bant için IBW'ler şunlardır: (3.72-4.88 GHz), (5.62-5.89 GHz), (7.68-8.27 GHz) ve (10.83-11.33 GHz) ARBW'ler ise: (3.17-3.64 GHz), (5.62-5.89 GHz) ve (10.64-11.1 GHz). Simüle edilmiş kazançlarla ilgili olarak sırasıyla 3.6 GHz, 5.8 GHz, 8 GHz ve 11 GHz frekanslarında 2.6 dBi, 2.1 dBi, 3.6 dBi ve 4.4 dBi vardır. Son olarak, bu çalışmada önerilen tüm antenler, 4.4 nispi geçirgenliğe sahip bir FR4 substratı kullanılarak tasarlanmıştır. Simülasyon sonuçları, Anasys'in HFSS simülatörü kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir.
In this dissertation, new five compact multiband printed antennas have been designed, and analyzed. The first two antennas have a dual-sense circular polarization while the others are single-sense circular polarization. The first one has been designed based on an open-loop hexagonal monopole radiator with two stair-shaped slits in a partial ground plane. Five operating bands with different polarization are obtained. Three bands out of these five are circularly polarized (CP) while the other are linearly polarized (LP). The -10 dB impedance bandwidths (IBWs) are (1.55-1.72 GHz), (2.51- 2.64 GHz), (3.1-3.31 GHz), (4.08-5.83 GHz), and (6.14-6.7 GHz), while the 3 dB axial ratio bandwidths (ARBWs) are (1.6-1.75 GHz), (4.54-4.9 GHz), and (6.21-6.49 GHz). Also, this antenna shows a triple sense (right hand, left hand, right hand) CP, bidirectional radiation patterns. The measured gains are 1.75 dBi, 3.72 dBi, 3.2 dBi, 5.87dBi, and 7.61 dBi at frequencies 1.65 GHz, 2.55 GHz, 3.20 GHz, 4.75 GHz, and 6.35 GHz respectively. Overall dimensions are 65 mm × 45 mm × 1.6 mm. Another two stair-shaped slits in the partial ground plane have been added with a pair of rectangular strips. The IBWs are (1.478-1.714 GHz), (2.54-2.72 GHz), and (4.29-4.89 GHz), respectively. The measured 3-dB axial ratio bandwidths (ARBWs) are (1.510- 1.606 GHz) and (4.035-5.07 GHz) for the lower and the upper band respectively. The measured gains are 2.5 dBi, 3.6 dBi, and 5 dBi at frequencies 1.575 GHz, 2.55 GHz, and 4.5 GHz respectively. The side length of this antenna has been increased to be 70 mm. The last three proposed antennas are fed by CPW with dimensions 40 mm ×40 mm ×1 mm. One of these three antennas is a slotted square ring with two rectangular strips, which are located at the opposite corner, and three bands are obtained. The IBWs are: (3.59-5.01 GHz), (7.64 to 8.43 GHz), and (10.81 to 11.28 GHz) whereas ARBWs at 3-dB are: (3.15-4.69 GHz), (7.77-8.17 GHz), and (10.84-11.25 GHz) GHz. The simulated gains are 3.75 dBi, 3.2 dBi, and 4.62 dBi at center frequencies 4.5 GHz, 8 GHz, and 11 GHz respectively. In the first updated antenna, the CP characteristic in the first band has been boosted by adding an inverted L-strip to the ground plane on the far corner of the radiator after it was not strong in the previous antenna. The IBWs for three bands are: (3.2-5.39 GHz), (7.55 to 8.21 GHz), and (10.79 to 11.31 GHz) whereas ARBW are: (3.32-4.58 GHz) and (10.79-11.13 GHz). The simulated gains are 2.65 dBi, 3.9 dBi, and 5.3 dBi at center frequencies 3.6 GHz, 8 GHz, and 11 GHz respectively. The second modified antenna demonstrated a new band around 5.8 GHz. The IBWs for four bands are: (3.72-4.88 GHz), (5.62-5.89 GHz), (7.68-8.27 GHz), and (10.83-11.33 GHz) whereas ARBWs are: (3.17-3.64 GHz), (5.62-5.89 GHz), and (10.64-11.1 GHz). Concerning simulated gains are 2.6 dBi, 2.1 dBi, 3.6 dBi, and 4.4 dBi at frequencies 3.6 GHz, 5.8 GHz, 8 GHz, and 11 GHz respectively. Finally, all the proposed antennas in this work have been designed using an FR4 substrate with relative permittivity of 4.4. The simulation results have been evaluated by using an HFSS simulator from Anasys.
In this dissertation, new five compact multiband printed antennas have been designed, and analyzed. The first two antennas have a dual-sense circular polarization while the others are single-sense circular polarization. The first one has been designed based on an open-loop hexagonal monopole radiator with two stair-shaped slits in a partial ground plane. Five operating bands with different polarization are obtained. Three bands out of these five are circularly polarized (CP) while the other are linearly polarized (LP). The -10 dB impedance bandwidths (IBWs) are (1.55-1.72 GHz), (2.51- 2.64 GHz), (3.1-3.31 GHz), (4.08-5.83 GHz), and (6.14-6.7 GHz), while the 3 dB axial ratio bandwidths (ARBWs) are (1.6-1.75 GHz), (4.54-4.9 GHz), and (6.21-6.49 GHz). Also, this antenna shows a triple sense (right hand, left hand, right hand) CP, bidirectional radiation patterns. The measured gains are 1.75 dBi, 3.72 dBi, 3.2 dBi, 5.87dBi, and 7.61 dBi at frequencies 1.65 GHz, 2.55 GHz, 3.20 GHz, 4.75 GHz, and 6.35 GHz respectively. Overall dimensions are 65 mm × 45 mm × 1.6 mm. Another two stair-shaped slits in the partial ground plane have been added with a pair of rectangular strips. The IBWs are (1.478-1.714 GHz), (2.54-2.72 GHz), and (4.29-4.89 GHz), respectively. The measured 3-dB axial ratio bandwidths (ARBWs) are (1.510- 1.606 GHz) and (4.035-5.07 GHz) for the lower and the upper band respectively. The measured gains are 2.5 dBi, 3.6 dBi, and 5 dBi at frequencies 1.575 GHz, 2.55 GHz, and 4.5 GHz respectively. The side length of this antenna has been increased to be 70 mm. The last three proposed antennas are fed by CPW with dimensions 40 mm ×40 mm ×1 mm. One of these three antennas is a slotted square ring with two rectangular strips, which are located at the opposite corner, and three bands are obtained. The IBWs are: (3.59-5.01 GHz), (7.64 to 8.43 GHz), and (10.81 to 11.28 GHz) whereas ARBWs at 3-dB are: (3.15-4.69 GHz), (7.77-8.17 GHz), and (10.84-11.25 GHz) GHz. The simulated gains are 3.75 dBi, 3.2 dBi, and 4.62 dBi at center frequencies 4.5 GHz, 8 GHz, and 11 GHz respectively. In the first updated antenna, the CP characteristic in the first band has been boosted by adding an inverted L-strip to the ground plane on the far corner of the radiator after it was not strong in the previous antenna. The IBWs for three bands are: (3.2-5.39 GHz), (7.55 to 8.21 GHz), and (10.79 to 11.31 GHz) whereas ARBW are: (3.32-4.58 GHz) and (10.79-11.13 GHz). The simulated gains are 2.65 dBi, 3.9 dBi, and 5.3 dBi at center frequencies 3.6 GHz, 8 GHz, and 11 GHz respectively. The second modified antenna demonstrated a new band around 5.8 GHz. The IBWs for four bands are: (3.72-4.88 GHz), (5.62-5.89 GHz), (7.68-8.27 GHz), and (10.83-11.33 GHz) whereas ARBWs are: (3.17-3.64 GHz), (5.62-5.89 GHz), and (10.64-11.1 GHz). Concerning simulated gains are 2.6 dBi, 2.1 dBi, 3.6 dBi, and 4.4 dBi at frequencies 3.6 GHz, 5.8 GHz, 8 GHz, and 11 GHz respectively. Finally, all the proposed antennas in this work have been designed using an FR4 substrate with relative permittivity of 4.4. The simulation results have been evaluated by using an HFSS simulator from Anasys.
Circular Polarization Antennas, Compact Multiband Antennas, Axial Ratio, Coplanar Waveguide (CPW), Dairesel Polarizasyon Antenleri, Kompakt Çok Bantlı Antenler, Eksenel Oran, Eşdüzlemli Dalga Kılavuzu
Azeez Al-Mihrab, Mohammed Abdulrezzaq (2021). Design and analysis of multiband circularly polarized antenna for modern wireless applications / Modern kablosuz uygulamalar için çok bantlı dairesel polarize antenin tasarımı ve analizi. Yayımlanmış doktora tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.