Multicultural influences on Tripoli Architecture between 16th-19th century
Nuri Ben Said, Samira
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ÖZXVI. VE XIX. YÜZYIL TRABLUS MİMARİSİNDE ÇOKKÜLTÜRLÜLÜĞÜN ETKİSİBen Said Samira NuriBu çalışma bugünün Libya'sının özelikle Trablus'un mimari ve sanatsal birkimliğinin olmaması ve bunun nedenleri üzerinde durmak amacı ile yapılmıştır.Çalışmada kısaca İslam mimarisi, Libya'nın tarihsel perspektifte kendi sanatsal vemimari özellikleri araştırılmış ve 16. ve 19. Yüzyıllar arasında inşa edilen Osmanlıdönemi camilerinden dördü detaylı olarak incelenerek Libya mimari ve sanatsalmirasının özellikleri bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Süslemelerde kullanılan balık, çiçek,yıldız, ay, ya da hilal, servi ağacı ve el figürleri kullanımları ve anlamları, gerek bucamilerde gerekse bugünkü halkın görüşleri, tarihsel perspektifteki anlamları ilekarşılaştırılmış ve tartışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak geçmişte Libya'nın komşuları ve diğersosyal ilişkilerinden kaynaklanarak oluşan tarihi mirasının özümsenerek bir kimlikoluşturduğu görüşüne varılmış, bugün de ayni şekilde mimari ve sanatsal kimliğininoluşması gerektiği vurgulanmıştır.
ABSTRACTMULTI-CULTURE INFLUENCING OF TRIPOLI ARCHITECTUREBETWEEN 16th &19 th CENTURYBen Said Samira NuriThis thesis is being studied in order to find out the reasons of the absence ofarchitectural and artistic identity of today?s Libya and Tripoli. Within the frameworkof the study, Islamic architecture, historical background of Libya?s architecture andart are emphasized and studied and the historical character of Libya?s architectureand art is tried to be found and identified through the analysis of four mosques from16th through 19th Century Ottoman period. The ornamentation figures are analyzedand discussed depending on their historical and today?s meaning and usage which arefish, flower, star, crescent, cypress tree, and hand (khamisa).As a result Libya?s historical character of the architectural and artistic identity was aresult of its historical background and the effect of social and cultural relations ofLibya with other countries. And it is emphasized that today?s architectural andartistic character must be recreated by evaluating the modern life and historicalheritage and a new identity must be flourished.
ABSTRACTMULTI-CULTURE INFLUENCING OF TRIPOLI ARCHITECTUREBETWEEN 16th &19 th CENTURYBen Said Samira NuriThis thesis is being studied in order to find out the reasons of the absence ofarchitectural and artistic identity of today?s Libya and Tripoli. Within the frameworkof the study, Islamic architecture, historical background of Libya?s architecture andart are emphasized and studied and the historical character of Libya?s architectureand art is tried to be found and identified through the analysis of four mosques from16th through 19th Century Ottoman period. The ornamentation figures are analyzedand discussed depending on their historical and today?s meaning and usage which arefish, flower, star, crescent, cypress tree, and hand (khamisa).As a result Libya?s historical character of the architectural and artistic identity was aresult of its historical background and the effect of social and cultural relations ofLibya with other countries. And it is emphasized that today?s architectural andartistic character must be recreated by evaluating the modern life and historicalheritage and a new identity must be flourished.
Architectural Identity, Ornamentation Identity, Ornamentation, Meaning in Ornamentation, Architecture of Libya, Mosque Ornamentation, Mosque Architecture, Mimari Kimlik, Süslemede Kimlik, Süsleme, Süslemede Anlam, Libya Mimarisi, Cami Mimarisi, Cami Süslemesi
Nuri Ben Said, Samira (2006). Multicultural influences on Tripoli Architecture between 16th-19th century / XVI. ve XIX. yüzyıl Trablus mimarisinde çok kültürlülüğün etkisi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.