Developing a framework for coping with uncontrolled urban sprawl of war: A case study for environmentally resilient Benghazi city
Barani, Abdelhamed
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Bingazi'nin çeşitli bölgelerine sınırlı bir biçimde yayılan yeşil alanlarve tarlalar ile çevresel bileşenleri, şehir için en önemli kaynaklardan biridir. Bu ekosistemler, 2011 yılındaki Libya ayaklanmasından sonra patlak veren savaştan etkilenmiştir. Bu etki, çatışmalardan ve yıkıma uğrayan alanlardan şehrin çevresine kaçan nüfusun yer değiştirmesi sonucu olarak kentsel yayılma problem ile ortaya çıkmıştır. Mevcut literatür, çarpık kentleşme sorununu çeşitli boyutlarda ele almıştır, ancak savaşların ve sivil çatışmaların bir sonucu olarak kentsel yayılma sorununun şiddetlenişine ve bu durumun çevrede yarattığı sonuçlara değinmemiştir. Bu araştırma, şehrin, kontrolsüz kentsel olarak yayılması sonucunda büyük ölçüde etkilenmiş olan çevresel kaynaklarını tehdit eden risklere odaklanmıştır. Araştırmanın temel amacı, Bingazi kentini inceleyerek savaş sonucunda ortaya çıkan kontrolsüz kentsel yayılma ile başa çıkmak için çevresel bakımdan dayanıklı bir çerçeve geliştirmektir. Bu araştırma, kentsel yayılma sorununun nedenlerini ve şehirdeki iç savaşın bu problem ile ilişkisini araştırmaktadır. Araştırma aynı zamanda, şehrin çevresel boyuttaki yıkıma odaklanarak, savaştan ve kentsel yayılmadan kaynaklanan hasarı değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın amaçlarından biri de çevresel kırılganlıkları araştırmaktır. Çalışma, şehir vizyonunu ve hedeflerini tanımlamayı ve kentsel yayılmaya ve kentin çevresel yapısına duyarlı ve dayanıklı eylem planları önermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Şehrin çevresel kırılganlıkları ile başa çıkma kapasitesini artıran eylemler. Bu çevresel dayanıklılık strateji planı, eylem planının ve proje önceliklerinin hazırlanmasında toplumun ve karar vericilerin etkili katılımı sayesindesavaşınkent üzerindeki çevresel etkilerinin üstesinden gelmek ve çevresel kırılganlıkları azaltmak için bir başlangıç olacaktır. Çalışma, karma bir araştırma yaklaşımına sahiptir. Nicel ve nitel teknikler, tamamlayıcı bir yaklaşımla kullanılmıştır. Nicel veriler, şehir ve çevresine ilişkin ikincil verilerden toplanmış ve sekiz bölgede uzaktan algılama uydu görüntüleme, Pearson Ki kare ve Kentsel Genişleme Yoğunluk İndeksi yöntemlerinin sonuçları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Nitel veriler, tartışma grupları ve görüşmeler yoluyla birincil verilerden elde edilmiş ve SWOT analiz yöntemi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada, kentüzerinde savaşın etkilerini anlamak, kentsel yayılma sorununu tanımlamak ve bunun nedenlerini ve etkilerini bilmek için nicel veriler kullanmıştır. Ayrıca, bu verilerin analiziyle kontrolsüz kentsel yayılmadan kaynaklanan çevresel kırılganlıklar çerçevesinde, çevresel boyuttaki yıkımı ortaya çıkarmak hedeflenmiştir. Nitel veriler üzerinde uygulananSWOT analizi, çevresel dayanıklılığa duyarlı şehir vizyonunu formüle etmek ve bu vizyonun sunduğu hedefler doğrultusunda başlangıç düzeyinde çevresel dayanıklılık eylem planını hazırlamak için kullanılmıştır. Çalışma, şehrin mevcut durumunu anlamak için birincil ve ikincil verilerin analiz sonuçlarını sentezleyerek; ikinci nesil planların kapsamlı bir değerlendirmesine ulaşmış, bu kapsamda planın uygulanmayan aşamalarını, plan sınırı dahilindeki boş alanları, plandaki merkezsizleşme olasılıklarını, gecekondu bölgelerindeki yenileme olanaklarını ve muhtemel gelişim alanlarını eşik analizine göre değerlendirmiştir Sentez sonucunda bir eylem planı önerilmiş, kentin çevresel kırılganlıklarını azaltacak ve gelecekteki gelişmeleri çözebilmedeki kapasitesini arttıracak,bu kapsamda önecelikli projeler önermek için çevresel dayanıklılık stratejileri sunacak, "şehrin gelecekte nasıl olması gerektiği"ne cevap veren çevresel dayanıklılık vizyonu formüle edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulguları, Bingazi'deki kentsel yayılmanın kentleşme ve savaştan kaynaklandığı; çevresel risklerin savaştan ve kentsel yayılmadan kaynaklandığını göstermektedir.Çalışma, artan çevresel bozulmayı ve kentsel yayılma sorununun artışını etkileyen temel konulara dair derin bir kavrayış sunmuş,şehirdeki savaş ile kentsel yayılma arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymuştur. Çalışma, Bingazi vakası özelinde geleneksel planlama yöntemlerinin yetersiz kalabileceği ve planlamada çevresel dayanıklılık stratejilerinin kullanımının, şehrin gelecekteki gelişmelere uyum sağlama becerisini artırmak suretiyle, çevresel kırılganlıklar ile başa çıkmak için faydalı olabileceği sonuçlarına ulaşmıştır. Çalışma; kentin güçlü ve zayıf yanları, fırsatları ve tehditleri çerçevesinde geliştirdiği eylemler ile Bengazi kenti için bir model önerisinde bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, dayanıklılık stratejilerine dayalı bir kentsel eylem planının uygulanmasında ve politika geliştirilmesinde çalışmanın ulaştığı bilgilerin , bugün ve gelecekte, Libya'nın diğer şehirlerinde var olan kentsel ve çevresel sorunları azaltmakta kullanılabileceği düşünülmektedir. Sonuçlar Bingazi kentiyle ilgili olması ve geliştirilen dayanıklılık planı bu kentin koşullara göre inşa edilmiş olmasına karşın, benzer koşulların yaşandığı ve yaşanabileceği diğer kentlerdeki plancılar ve politika koyucular için fayda sağlayabilecektir.
The environmental components of the green lands and the farms that are spread around Benghazi in a limited manner are among the most important resources for the city. These ecosystems were affected by the war that erupted after the Libyan uprising in 2011. This effect appeared in the spread of the phenomenon of urban sprawl as a result of the displacement of the population escaping from clashes and destroyed areas to the city periphery. The literature and studies reviewed dealt with the problem of urban sprawl in several dimensions, but they did not address the exacerbation of the problem of urban sprawl as a result of wars and civil conflicts, and its consequence in the environment. This research was directed at specific objectives in response to the risks that threaten the city's environmental resources, which were greatly affected by the spread of uncontrolled urban sprawl. The main aim of the research is to examine the case of Benghazi, and develop an environmentally resilient framework to cope with the uncontrolled urban sprawl resulting from the war. This framework is investigating the reasons of urban sprawl problem and the relationship of civil war in the city with the spread of the phenomenon. The research also aims to assess the damage in the city's dimensions resulting from this war and from urban sprawl by focusing on the destruction in the environmental dimension. One of the aims of the research is also to investigate environmental vulnerability. The study aims to define the city vision and objectives and propose a resilient action plan sensitive to urban sprawl and city environment to build and increase the city's adaptive capacity to cope with environmental vulnerability. This environmental resilience strategy plan will be a stage to may overcome the effects of war in urban dimensions of the city and reduce environmental vulnerabilities by suggesting an effective participation of the community and decision makers in preparing the action plan and assigning priority to proposed projects. The study has a mixed research approach. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were used in a complementary manner. Quantitative data were collected from secondary data on the city and its environment, and analyzed using the results of remote sensing satellite imagery and Eight regions, Pearson's chi-square, and Urban Expansion Intensity Index techniques. Qualitative data were collected from the primary data through discussion groups and interviews and were analyzed using the SWOT analysis technique. The research used the quantitative data to understand the effects of war on the dimensions of the city, to define the problem of urban sprawl, and to understand its causes and effects. It has also been used to uncover the destruction of the environmental dimension within the framework of environmental vulnerability resulting from the uncontrolled urban sprawl. Qualitative data and their SWOT analysis were used to formulate the city vision that is sensitive to the environmental resilience and to prepare the initial environmental resilience action plan based on the goals of this vision. By synthesizing the analysis results of the primary and secondary data to understand where the city stands today, the study reached to a comprehensive evaluation of the second-generation plans in terms of evaluating the unimplemented stages, vacant areas within the plan boundary, decentralization possibilities in the plan, renewal possibilities in slum areas, and possible development areas according to the threshold analysis. The synthesis also formulated the environmental resilient vision "where the city should stand in the future'' by proposing the action plan and presenting the environmental resilience strategies to increase the city's adaptive capacity to overcome environmental vulnerability and future developments, and propose projects with priorities to reach this aim. The study concluded that the urban sprawl in Benghazi resulted from urbanization and war and environmental risks resulted from war, and urban sprawl. The study presented a deep understanding of the main issues affecting the increasing environmental degradation and the spread of the problem of urban sprawl. The study showed the relationship between war and the urban sprawl in the city. The study concluded that traditional planning methods may not be beneficial in the special case of Benghazi, and that the use of environmental resilience strategies in planning may be useful to cope with environmental vulnerability, increasing the city's ability to adapt to future developments. The study formulated a framework model plan, including details of the actions within the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat of the city. The study concluded that these valuable information in policymaking and implementing an urban action plan based on resilience strategies may overcome urban and environmental problems that exist in other Libyan cities in the present and future. Although the results are relevant to the case of Benghazi and the resilience plan was built according to its specific conditions, it may be beneficial for planners and policy makers in other cities that have gone through or are experiencing similar conditions.
The environmental components of the green lands and the farms that are spread around Benghazi in a limited manner are among the most important resources for the city. These ecosystems were affected by the war that erupted after the Libyan uprising in 2011. This effect appeared in the spread of the phenomenon of urban sprawl as a result of the displacement of the population escaping from clashes and destroyed areas to the city periphery. The literature and studies reviewed dealt with the problem of urban sprawl in several dimensions, but they did not address the exacerbation of the problem of urban sprawl as a result of wars and civil conflicts, and its consequence in the environment. This research was directed at specific objectives in response to the risks that threaten the city's environmental resources, which were greatly affected by the spread of uncontrolled urban sprawl. The main aim of the research is to examine the case of Benghazi, and develop an environmentally resilient framework to cope with the uncontrolled urban sprawl resulting from the war. This framework is investigating the reasons of urban sprawl problem and the relationship of civil war in the city with the spread of the phenomenon. The research also aims to assess the damage in the city's dimensions resulting from this war and from urban sprawl by focusing on the destruction in the environmental dimension. One of the aims of the research is also to investigate environmental vulnerability. The study aims to define the city vision and objectives and propose a resilient action plan sensitive to urban sprawl and city environment to build and increase the city's adaptive capacity to cope with environmental vulnerability. This environmental resilience strategy plan will be a stage to may overcome the effects of war in urban dimensions of the city and reduce environmental vulnerabilities by suggesting an effective participation of the community and decision makers in preparing the action plan and assigning priority to proposed projects. The study has a mixed research approach. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were used in a complementary manner. Quantitative data were collected from secondary data on the city and its environment, and analyzed using the results of remote sensing satellite imagery and Eight regions, Pearson's chi-square, and Urban Expansion Intensity Index techniques. Qualitative data were collected from the primary data through discussion groups and interviews and were analyzed using the SWOT analysis technique. The research used the quantitative data to understand the effects of war on the dimensions of the city, to define the problem of urban sprawl, and to understand its causes and effects. It has also been used to uncover the destruction of the environmental dimension within the framework of environmental vulnerability resulting from the uncontrolled urban sprawl. Qualitative data and their SWOT analysis were used to formulate the city vision that is sensitive to the environmental resilience and to prepare the initial environmental resilience action plan based on the goals of this vision. By synthesizing the analysis results of the primary and secondary data to understand where the city stands today, the study reached to a comprehensive evaluation of the second-generation plans in terms of evaluating the unimplemented stages, vacant areas within the plan boundary, decentralization possibilities in the plan, renewal possibilities in slum areas, and possible development areas according to the threshold analysis. The synthesis also formulated the environmental resilient vision "where the city should stand in the future'' by proposing the action plan and presenting the environmental resilience strategies to increase the city's adaptive capacity to overcome environmental vulnerability and future developments, and propose projects with priorities to reach this aim. The study concluded that the urban sprawl in Benghazi resulted from urbanization and war and environmental risks resulted from war, and urban sprawl. The study presented a deep understanding of the main issues affecting the increasing environmental degradation and the spread of the problem of urban sprawl. The study showed the relationship between war and the urban sprawl in the city. The study concluded that traditional planning methods may not be beneficial in the special case of Benghazi, and that the use of environmental resilience strategies in planning may be useful to cope with environmental vulnerability, increasing the city's ability to adapt to future developments. The study formulated a framework model plan, including details of the actions within the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat of the city. The study concluded that these valuable information in policymaking and implementing an urban action plan based on resilience strategies may overcome urban and environmental problems that exist in other Libyan cities in the present and future. Although the results are relevant to the case of Benghazi and the resilience plan was built according to its specific conditions, it may be beneficial for planners and policy makers in other cities that have gone through or are experiencing similar conditions.
Environmental Resilience, Urban Sprawl, War, Vulnerability, Benghazi, Building Capacity, Çevresel Dayanıklılık, Kentsel Yayılma, Savaş, Kırılganlık, Bingazi
Barani, Abdelhamed (2020). Developing a framework for coping with uncontrolled urban sprawl of war: A case study for environmentally resilient Benghazi city / Savaş kaynaklı kontrolsüz kentsel yayılma ile baş etmek için bir çerçeve geliştirmek: Çevresel bakımdan dayanıklı Bingazi şehri için vaka çalışması. Yayımlanmış doktora tezi. Ankara. Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.