Novel precise solutions and bifurcation of traveling wave solutions for the nonlinear fractional (3 + 1) -dimensional WBBM equation
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Siddique, Imran
Mehdi, Khush Bukht
Jarad, Fahd
Elbrolosy, Mamdouh E.
Elmandouh, Adel A.
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The nonlinear fractional differential equations (FDEs) are composed by mathematical modeling through nonlinear corporeal structures. The study of these kinds of models has an energetic position in different fields of applied sciences. In this study, we observe the dynamical behavior of nonlinear traveling waves for the M-fractional (3 + 1)-dimensional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mohany (WBBM) equation. Novel exact traveling wave solutions in the form of trigonometric, hyperbolic and rational functions are derived using (1/G′), modified (G′/G2) and new extended direct algebraic methods with the help of symbolic soft computation. We guarantee that all the obtained results are new and verified the main equation. To promote the essential propagated features, some investigated solutions are exhibited in the form of 2D and 3D graphics by passing on the precise values to the parameters under the constrain conditions, and this provides useful information about the dynamical behavior. Further, bifurcation behavior of nonlinear traveling waves of the proposed equation is studied with the help of bifurcation theory of planar dynamical systems. It is also observed that the proposed equation support the nonlinear solitary wave, periodic wave, kink and antikink waves and most important supernonlinear periodic wave. © 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company.
(3 + 1) -Dimensional Fractional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mohany Equation, Bifurcation Theory, Exact Solutions, M -Fractional Derivative
Siddique, Imran; (2023). "Novel precise solutions and bifurcation of traveling wave solutions for the nonlinear fractional (3 + 1) -dimensional WBBM equation", International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.37, No.2.