Production and characterization of Ti-based MXene alloys
Özkan, Merve
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Bu çalışmada Ti3AlC2 MAX ve Ti3C2Tx MXene alaşım tozlarının sentezlenmesi ile birlikte biyomedikal uygulamalar için gözenekli yapıda Ti3AlC2 MAX ve Ti3C2Tx MXene alaşımlarının üretimi ve karakterizasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlk olarak toz metalurjisi ile üretilen Ti3AlC2 MAX alaşımlarından öğütme ve eleme yöntemi ile toz elde edilmiş, ardından hem ticari, hem de çalışmada üretilen MAX tozları kullanılarak kimyasal dağlama yöntemi ile Ti3C2Tx MXene alaşım tozları sentezlenmiştir. Yapay vücut sıvısı kullanılarak apatit oluşumunu araştırmak için yaklaşık % 45 gözeneğe sahip MAX alaşım köpükleri boşluk yapıcı metodla MAX alaşım tozları kullanılarak üretilmiştir. MXene alaşım köpükleri ise üretilen MAX alaşım köpüklerinin kimyasal dağlanması ile elde edilmiştir. MAX tozundan üretilmiş olan MXene tozları ise ağırlıkça % 1, 5 ve 10 oranlarında polivinil alkol ile karıştırılarak tozun antibakteriyel özellikleri belirlenmiştir. 1400 oC sıcaklıkta sinterleme sonucu öğütme ile üretilen Ti3AlC2 MAX tozlarında Ti3AlC2 fazı ile ticari tozların aksine çok az miktarda TiC fazına rastlanmıştır. HF asit ile dağlanma işlemi ticari ve laboratuvar üretimi MAX tozlarının ortalama tane büyüklüğünü düşürmüştür. Al elementinin dağlanması sonucu ticari MAX tozlarından katmanlı MXene tozları sentezlenmiş, fakat laboratuvar üretimi MAX tozlarında bu yapılara rastlanmamıştır. İnce MXene katmanları oluşturmak için uygulanan ultrasonik işlem ise tozların oksitlenmesine neden olmuştur. MXene katkılanarak üretilmiş polivinil alkol esaslı kompozitlerle yapılan testlerde MXene miktarının artışıyla kompozitin Escherichia coli gram negatif bakterisine karşı antibakteriyel özelliğinin arttığı gözlemlenmiştir. Diğer taraftan MXene alaşım köpüklerinin 25 gün sonunda dahi apatit oluşumuna olanak sağlamadığı tespit edilmiştir. MAX alaşım köpüklerinin ise 15 gün sonunda apatit oluşumuna olanak sağladığı ve kemik grefti uygulamalarında aday malzeme olarak değerlendirilebileceği görülmüştür.
In this study, production and characterization studies were carried out for both Ti3AlC2 MAX and Ti3C2Tx MXene alloy powders, and their foam counterparts. Firstly, MAX alloy powders were obtained by grinding and sieving via utilizing the Ti3AlC2 MAX alloy produced by powder metallurgy. Afterwards, Ti3C2Tx MXene alloy powders were synthesized by chemical etching method using both commercial and lab produced MAX alloy powders. In order to investigate the apatite formation ability using simulated body fluid, MAX alloy foams with around 45% porosity were produced using space holder method. On the other hand, MXene alloy foams were obtained by etching of produced MAX alloy foams. Synthesized MXene powders were added to polyvinyl alcohol by 1, 5 and 10 wt.% and their antibacterial properties were determined. Ti3AlC2 MAX powders, produced by grinding and sieving of sintered MAX alloy compacts at 1400 oC, displayed mainly Ti3AlC2 phase and in contrast to commercial MAX alloy powders, very small amount of TiC phase formed in lab produced alloy powders. In both types of MAX alloy powders, etching with HF acid decreased the average powder particle size. Although layered structure was formed as a result of selective etching of Al in commercial MAX alloy powders, similar structure didn't form in lab produced powders. Ultrasonication, applied to obtained thinner MXene layers, resulted in oxidation of the powders. MXene alloy powder added polyvinyl alcohol composites displayed higher antibacterial resistance to Escherichia coli gram negative bacteria with increased MXene powder content. On the other hand, MXene alloy foams didn't allow apatite formation even after 25 days. However, MAX alloy foam allowed apatite formation after 15 days; therefore, it is concluded that MAX alloy foams can be considered as candidate materials in bone graft applications.
In this study, production and characterization studies were carried out for both Ti3AlC2 MAX and Ti3C2Tx MXene alloy powders, and their foam counterparts. Firstly, MAX alloy powders were obtained by grinding and sieving via utilizing the Ti3AlC2 MAX alloy produced by powder metallurgy. Afterwards, Ti3C2Tx MXene alloy powders were synthesized by chemical etching method using both commercial and lab produced MAX alloy powders. In order to investigate the apatite formation ability using simulated body fluid, MAX alloy foams with around 45% porosity were produced using space holder method. On the other hand, MXene alloy foams were obtained by etching of produced MAX alloy foams. Synthesized MXene powders were added to polyvinyl alcohol by 1, 5 and 10 wt.% and their antibacterial properties were determined. Ti3AlC2 MAX powders, produced by grinding and sieving of sintered MAX alloy compacts at 1400 oC, displayed mainly Ti3AlC2 phase and in contrast to commercial MAX alloy powders, very small amount of TiC phase formed in lab produced alloy powders. In both types of MAX alloy powders, etching with HF acid decreased the average powder particle size. Although layered structure was formed as a result of selective etching of Al in commercial MAX alloy powders, similar structure didn't form in lab produced powders. Ultrasonication, applied to obtained thinner MXene layers, resulted in oxidation of the powders. MXene alloy powder added polyvinyl alcohol composites displayed higher antibacterial resistance to Escherichia coli gram negative bacteria with increased MXene powder content. On the other hand, MXene alloy foams didn't allow apatite formation even after 25 days. However, MAX alloy foam allowed apatite formation after 15 days; therefore, it is concluded that MAX alloy foams can be considered as candidate materials in bone graft applications.
Ti3AlC2 MAX Alloy, Ti3C2Tx MXene Alloy, Foams, Apatite Formation, Antibacterial Test, Ti3AlC2 MAX Alaşımları, Ti3C2Tx MXene Alaşımları, Köpükler, Apatit Oluşumu, Antibakteriyel Test
Özkan, Merve (2023). Production and characterization of Ti-based MXene alloys / Titanyum esaslı MXene alaşımlarının üretimi ve karakterizasyonu. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.