Hamilton-Jacobi formulation of interacting fields
Gül, Yusuf
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İki bağıl sistem kanonik yöntem ile incelendi. Toplam diferansiyel denklemler Proca Model için elde edildi. Kuantalaştırılmış alanların etkileşimleri incelendi ve n-alana genelleştirildi. Elektromanyetik alan uygulamasında, etkileşimlerin bağıl ifadesinin Feynman diyagram ve S-Matriks ile uygun olduğu gözlendi
Two singular systems are investigated by the canonical method. The to tal differential equations are obtained for the Proca model. Interactions of quantized fields are investigated and generalized to n-fields. In application to Electromagnetic interactions, it is verified that interpretation of interactions by constraints is convenient with the Feynman diagrams and S-Matrix
Two singular systems are investigated by the canonical method. The to tal differential equations are obtained for the Proca model. Interactions of quantized fields are investigated and generalized to n-fields. In application to Electromagnetic interactions, it is verified that interpretation of interactions by constraints is convenient with the Feynman diagrams and S-Matrix
Bağıl Sistemler, Hamilton Yöntemi, Hamilton-Jacobi Kısmi Türevli Denklemleri, Kuantalaştırılmış Alanlar, S-Matriks, Constrained Systems, Hamiltonian Formulation, Hamilton-Jacobi Partial Differential Equations, total Differential Equations, Quantized Fields, Per Turbation Theory, S-Matrix
GÜL, Y. (2003). Hamilton-Jacobi formulation of interacting fields. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü