The Angry Customers: A Reflection on Apparel Retailers in Turkey
A. Ergin, Elif
Özdemir, Handan
Özsaçmacı, Bülent
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While anger is the dominant affective reaction following service failure, little research focused on its potentially
damaging effects. Different consumers can have different emotional reactions to the same event depending on
their expectations and personality situations. The present study aims to discover the circumstances where
consumers reveal an anger emotion toward the apparel retail stores. The study also investigates how this anger
situation impacts consumers’ purchasing decisions and attitudes toward the apparel retail stores. Results revealed
five major sources of anger that influence consumers in a negative manner both in terms of their attitude toward
a particular retail store and their acts of purchases from the store.
Consumer Anger, Retail, Service Failures, Purchasing Decision, Consumer Behavior
A. Ergin, Elif; Özdemir, Handan; Özsaçmacı, Bülent (2015). "The Angry Customers: A Reflection on Apparel Retailers in Turkey", International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 84-89.