Engine block heat rejection enhancement for a four cylinder ci engine
İçten yanmalı dizel motorlar günümüzde otomotiv, tarım, ulaşım, havacılık ve benzeri alanlarda farklı uygulamalarda sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bu motorlar istenilen güç, iş çıktılarına göre farklı silindir ve hacimde kullanılabilirler. Her içten yanmalı motorda olduğu gibi, yanma sonucu açığa çıkan ısı, motor ve motora bağlı tüm ekipmanların ömrünü korumak adına gözlemlenmeli ve kontrol altına alınmalıdır. Günümüzde içten yanma sonucu ortaya çıkan egzoz gazları için homologasyon çerçevesinde bir çok sistem kullanılmakta ve açığa çıkan gazların zararı minimize edilmektedir. Bu sistemlere paralel olarak, motorun ömrünü korumak adına soğutma sistemleri özelinde bir çok detaylı çalışma yapılmış ve günümüzde de devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın en temel amacı, motorda yanma sonucu oluşan motor blok sıcaklıklarının, motor su ceketine ve soğutma suyuna olan etkilerini gözlemlemek ve motor bloğu su ceketi çıkış portları üzerinde iyileştirme yaparak soğutma suyu sıcaklıklarında iyileştirme yapmaktır. Bu hedefler kapsamında bir çok literatür çalışması incelenmiş olup, motor su ceketi geometrilerinde kullanılan numerik modeller, kullanılan bilgisayar destekli analizler incelenmiştir. Bu incelemeler sonucunda bu teze konu olan çalışma için geometri hazırlama ve sonlu akışkanlar elemanları yöntemi ile çözdürme metod kurguları oluşturulmuştur. Kurgulanan çözümleme modelleri ve deneysel çalışmaları karşılaştırmak adına bir motor dinamometresi kullanılarak gerçek bir motor test edilmiştir. Yüksek motor devirleri sonrasında oluşan radyatör su giriş çıkışları ölçülmüştür. Yapılan ölçümlere paralel olarak numerik çalışmalar başlatılmıştır. Bilgisayar ortamında analiz edilen ve test motorunda ölçülen sıcaklık dağılımlarında dört derecelik bir fark görülmüştür. Literatürde yapılan araştırmalar göz önünde bulundurulduğunda bu farkın yapılan varsayımlar çerçevesinde çok beklenir bir düzeyde olduğu kabul edilmiş ve geometri iyileştirmeleri için çalışmalar başlatılmıştır. Üç farklı motor bloğu tasarımı yapılmış ve bu tasarımlar analiz edilmiştir. Mevcut motor bloğuna göre ısıl çıktılarda %6.1 iyileşme sağlanmıştır.
The study aims to simulate and analyze the thermal behavior of an internal combustion diesel engine and find a optimal solution for heat rejection of the engine block water jacket of a tractor. Tractors are widely used in rough terrains at high temperatures. They produce massive powers, due to such situations, heat rejection rates play an essential role in the engine to stabilize and protect engine life. During the study the temperature behavior of engine block is simulated to eliminate any possible risks of overheating phenomena in terrain. The cylinder block is surrounded by water jacket and the main engine block. After combustion, generated heat causes the temperature increase on the block, which needs to be cooled and stabilized. Coolant mixtures are also widely used on engine systems to stabilize engine temperature. There is a closed circuit between the water jacket, the coolant, the water pump, the pipes and the radiator. Tractors work at high temperatures under huge power take of loads with low speeds. Due to low speed, they cannot take advantage of passive cooling effects. Because of that, coolant systems should be designed to overcome any possible overheating situation. The main aim of this study is to analyze the temperature distribution of actual engine model, and make geometrical enhancements on outlet water ports and reduce the average temperature of coolant mixture by using special CFD tools. Firstly, a literature survey is completed. Water jacket optimization of diesel engines, thermal behavior of engine block, computational fluid dynamics used to make such analysis in engine and on agricultural vehicles keywords are used widely. Many articles, case study samples and referred journals have been inspected. At the first stage of the study, a 3D model of the engine block is prepared and simplified with CFD tools. The water flow rate of the inlet, pressures of the outlet passages, heat flux after combustion, water pump efficiencies are calculated. For numerical validation, a realistic test bench is used to compare numerical and analytical results with error rates. A four-cylinder engine is mounted on an engine dynamometer. Worst case scenario is performed. The temperature, pressure and velocity specifications are measured for base engine. In the scope of numerical studies, analyses are done in STAR CCM+. Calculated boundary conditions and simplified geometry has been used. Three different geometry enhancements are designed and analyzed on STAR CCM+. %6.1 heat coolant rejection enhancement is achieved as a result of this study.
The study aims to simulate and analyze the thermal behavior of an internal combustion diesel engine and find a optimal solution for heat rejection of the engine block water jacket of a tractor. Tractors are widely used in rough terrains at high temperatures. They produce massive powers, due to such situations, heat rejection rates play an essential role in the engine to stabilize and protect engine life. During the study the temperature behavior of engine block is simulated to eliminate any possible risks of overheating phenomena in terrain. The cylinder block is surrounded by water jacket and the main engine block. After combustion, generated heat causes the temperature increase on the block, which needs to be cooled and stabilized. Coolant mixtures are also widely used on engine systems to stabilize engine temperature. There is a closed circuit between the water jacket, the coolant, the water pump, the pipes and the radiator. Tractors work at high temperatures under huge power take of loads with low speeds. Due to low speed, they cannot take advantage of passive cooling effects. Because of that, coolant systems should be designed to overcome any possible overheating situation. The main aim of this study is to analyze the temperature distribution of actual engine model, and make geometrical enhancements on outlet water ports and reduce the average temperature of coolant mixture by using special CFD tools. Firstly, a literature survey is completed. Water jacket optimization of diesel engines, thermal behavior of engine block, computational fluid dynamics used to make such analysis in engine and on agricultural vehicles keywords are used widely. Many articles, case study samples and referred journals have been inspected. At the first stage of the study, a 3D model of the engine block is prepared and simplified with CFD tools. The water flow rate of the inlet, pressures of the outlet passages, heat flux after combustion, water pump efficiencies are calculated. For numerical validation, a realistic test bench is used to compare numerical and analytical results with error rates. A four-cylinder engine is mounted on an engine dynamometer. Worst case scenario is performed. The temperature, pressure and velocity specifications are measured for base engine. In the scope of numerical studies, analyses are done in STAR CCM+. Calculated boundary conditions and simplified geometry has been used. Three different geometry enhancements are designed and analyzed on STAR CCM+. %6.1 heat coolant rejection enhancement is achieved as a result of this study.
Diesel Engine, CFD, Water Jacket Cooling, Dizel Motorlar, Bilgisayar Destekli Akışkanlar Mekaniği, Isı Ceketinin Soğutulması
Altuğ, Hakan (2022). Engine block heat rejection enhancement for a four cylinder ci engine / Dört silindirli bir dizel motorda motor bloğunun soğutulmasının iyileştirilmesi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.