Exploring an optimal selection method of photovoltaic systems for university campuses
Mohamad Bara, Mariam
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Elektrik enerjisi üretimi için fosil yakıtların yakılmasıyla ilgili sürekli artan çevresel sorunlar var. Ayrıca, kabul edilebilir maliyetlerde mevcutturlar. Bu gerçekler, güneş, rüzgar, hidro, jeotermal, biyokütle, okyanus enerjileri ve diğerlerinin alternatif kaynaklar olarak düşünüldüğü ve incelendiği bu tür enerjinin kirletici olmayan, yenilenebilir birincil kaynaklarının giderek daha fazla araştırılmasına yol açmıştır. Üniversite kampüslerinde ve eğitim kurumlarında ihtiyaç duyulan elektrik enerjisi, bu tür kurumların sayısı ve elektrik enerjisi ihtiyaçları arttıkça sürekli artmaktadır. Ağırlıklı olarak mahal ve su ısıtma, havalandırma, iklimlendirme, aydınlatma ve diğer bazı küçük tesis yüklerinden oluşan elektrik yüklerinin doğası, şantiye faaliyetlerinden sonra gündüz saatlerinde en ağır ve gece en düşük olmak üzere hemen hemen aynıdır. Çeşitli yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları arasında, fotovoltaik doğrudan güneş radyasyonunun elektrik enerjisine dönüştürülmesinin çeşitli durumlarda en uygun olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. PV sistemleri son yıllarda geliştirilmiş, verimliliklerini artırıp maliyetlerini düşürerek fizibilitelerini artırmıştır. Dünya çapında çeşitli kampüsler, sürdürülebilir enerji kaynağı, sıfır enerji uygulaması veya yeşil binalar olarak bilinen elektrik enerjisi yüklerinin tamamını veya en azından bir kısmını üretmek için bu teknolojileri tanıttı. Bazı üniversite yarışmaları bu konuyu bu yarışma maddelerinden biri olarak benimsemiştir. PV sistemlerinin farklı türleri, çeşitleri ve üreticileri vardır, bu nedenle ihtiyaçlarına en uygun olanı seçmek mümkündür. Optimum bir seçim için seçim süreci dikkatlice düşünülmelidir. Bu mevcut çalışma, üniversite kampüsleri için PV sistemlerinin uygulamasını gözden geçirmektedir ve sonuç olarak, binaya entegre fotovoltaiklerin (BIPV), özellikle kentsel alanlarda giderek daha fazla bina tasarlanıp inşa edildiğinden, binanın elektrik güç kaynağı için yeterli bir teknoloji olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Konvansiyonel şebekelerle beslenen binalara göre birçok avantajı vardır. Üniversite kampüs binaları için teknik, ekonomik, mimari, çevresel, sosyal ve yasal yönler dikkate alınarak optimum PV sisteminin seçilmesi için bir yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Bu modelin mevcut sistemler arasında en düşük maliyetle maksimum enerji verimini vermesi beklenmektedir. Yöntem daha sonra bir vaka çalışmasında gösterilir. Bu, Ankara, Türkiye'deki tipik bir üniversite kampüsünde yapıldı ve özellikle enerji tasarrufu yolları ve araçları uygulandığında önemli ölçüde ekonomik tasarruf sağlayan bu tür uygulamalarda PV sistemlerinin kullanımını daha da teşvik eden makul sonuçlar verdi. Burada ele alınan örnek vaka incelemesinde yıllık enerji verimi 22.059 MWH idi. Bunun 17.905 MWH'si cepheye monte edilen PV sisteminden, 4.154 MWH'si çatı üstü konumlandırma sisteminden elde edildi. Birim enerji maliyeti Kwh başına 8,47 Euro idi.
The ever-increasing environmental problems associated with the burning of fossil fuels for electrical power generation, together with their availability at acceptable costs difficulties, have led to more and more search for non-polluting, renewable primary sources of such energy, where solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biomass, ocean energies and others have been considered and studied as alternative sources. The electrical power needs at university campuses and educational institutions have been increasing by the increasing number of such institutions and their need for electrical power. The nature of their electrical loads consisting mainly of space and water heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, and some other small facilities loads, is almost the same with its heaviest during the day hours and lowest at night, following the site activities. Among the various renewable energy sources, photo-voltaic direct solar radiation conversion to electrical energy has proved to be the most viable in various situations. The PV systems have been developed through the last years, increasing their efficiencies and lowering their costs, hence increasing their feasibility. Several campuses worldwide have introduced these technologies to generate all or at least part of their electrical energy loads, in what is known as sustainable energy supply, zero energy application, or green buildings. Some university competitions adopted this issue as one of these competition items. Among the different types, varieties, and manufacturers of PV systems, one may choose what fits his needs. The selection process needs to be considered carefully towards an optimum selection. In this work, the application of PV systems for university campuses is reviewed and has been found to indicate that building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is an adequate technology for building's electrical power supply, as more and more buildings are being designed and built, particularly in urban areas, realizing several advantages over buildings supplied through conventional grids. With the technical, economic, architectural, and environmental. social and legal aspects considered; a method is developed to select the optimum PV system for university campus buildings, that gives the maximum energy yield at the lowest cost among the available systems. The method is then demonstrated in a case study, at a typical university campus in Ankara, Turkey, giving reasonable results encouraging further the use of PV systems in such applications with considerable economic saving, particularly when energy conservation ways and means are applied. For the case study considered here, the annual energy yield was 22,059 MWH, of which 17,905 MWH was from the façade installed PV system, while 4,154 MWH was from on roof positioning system. The unit energy cost was 8.47 Euros per Kwh.
The ever-increasing environmental problems associated with the burning of fossil fuels for electrical power generation, together with their availability at acceptable costs difficulties, have led to more and more search for non-polluting, renewable primary sources of such energy, where solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biomass, ocean energies and others have been considered and studied as alternative sources. The electrical power needs at university campuses and educational institutions have been increasing by the increasing number of such institutions and their need for electrical power. The nature of their electrical loads consisting mainly of space and water heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, and some other small facilities loads, is almost the same with its heaviest during the day hours and lowest at night, following the site activities. Among the various renewable energy sources, photo-voltaic direct solar radiation conversion to electrical energy has proved to be the most viable in various situations. The PV systems have been developed through the last years, increasing their efficiencies and lowering their costs, hence increasing their feasibility. Several campuses worldwide have introduced these technologies to generate all or at least part of their electrical energy loads, in what is known as sustainable energy supply, zero energy application, or green buildings. Some university competitions adopted this issue as one of these competition items. Among the different types, varieties, and manufacturers of PV systems, one may choose what fits his needs. The selection process needs to be considered carefully towards an optimum selection. In this work, the application of PV systems for university campuses is reviewed and has been found to indicate that building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is an adequate technology for building's electrical power supply, as more and more buildings are being designed and built, particularly in urban areas, realizing several advantages over buildings supplied through conventional grids. With the technical, economic, architectural, and environmental. social and legal aspects considered; a method is developed to select the optimum PV system for university campus buildings, that gives the maximum energy yield at the lowest cost among the available systems. The method is then demonstrated in a case study, at a typical university campus in Ankara, Turkey, giving reasonable results encouraging further the use of PV systems in such applications with considerable economic saving, particularly when energy conservation ways and means are applied. For the case study considered here, the annual energy yield was 22,059 MWH, of which 17,905 MWH was from the façade installed PV system, while 4,154 MWH was from on roof positioning system. The unit energy cost was 8.47 Euros per Kwh.
Mohamad Bara, Mariam (2022). Exploring an optimal selection method of photovoltaic systems for university campuses / Üniversite kampüslerindeki güneş panellerinin optimal tasarımı. Yayımlanmış doktora tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.