Büzüşen şehir kavramı: Türkiye örneği
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Canlı organizma olarak kabul edilen illerin, büzüşmesi küreselleşen dünyanın bazı yörelerinde ortaya çıkan bir olgudur. İnsanların öncelikleri para kazanmak ve hayatını idam ettirmek iken genellikle aniden çıkan ekonomik krizleri özümseyemeyen illerden göç etmeleri normal karşılanmalıdır. Sanayisizleşme ve küreselleşme etkisiyle büyük iller daha kaliteli, daha rekabet edilebilir, daha iyi yaşam standartları için planlanırken, bunlarla rekabet edemeyen tek sektöre bağımlı illerin nüfusları azalmakta ve büzüşmektedir. Şehirler kriz anında eski haline dönmek için birçok politika uygulamakta ve projeler yapmaktadır. Bu tez kapsamında önce,dünyadan büzüşen il örnekleri olan Detroit, Leipzig, Halle, Makiivka gibi örnekler incelenerek büzüşme nedenleri ve büzüşmeye karşı geliştirilen politikalar araştırılmıştır. Daha sonrasında Türkiye'de büzüşme sürecine giren iller ve büzüşme dinamikleri araştırılmıştır. Bunun sonucunda Ağrı, Ardahan, Çorum, Erzurum, Kars, Muş, Tokat, Tunceli, Yozgat ve Zonguldak illerinin, 2013-2020 yılları arasında nüfusları azaldığı için büzüşmekte oldukları belirlenmiştir. Yapılan korelasyon ve regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre; Türkiye'de 2013 - 2020 nüfus artış hızı kümülatif,2013-2017 İRE sıralaması değişimi yüzde, 2013 -2019 kişi başı GSYH değişim %,2013 - 2020 istihdam oranı değişimi, 2013 -2020 kümülatif net göç hızı, 65+ yaş dağılımı değişkenlerinin 2013-2020 değişiminde büzüşmeye yol açan etmenleri temsil ettikleri belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler; küreselleşme, sanayisizleşme, nüfusun azalması, kentsel büzüşme, Türkiye
The shrinkage of the provinces, which are considered as living organisms, is a phenomenon that occurs in some parts of the globalizing world. Immigration of people from provinces that could not absorb an economic crisis is not an unexpected phonemenon, as their basic priorities are to earn money for their living. With the effect of deindustrialization and globalization, while big cities are planned for better quality life in an increasingly competitive environment and better living standards, the provinces that are dependent on a single sector cannot continue being competitive nationally as well as internationally. Provinces that are loosing population in this process are considered shrinking. In order to stop this process, cities and their provinces implement many policies and projects. Within the scope of this thesis,firstly, the reasons of shrinking and the policies developed against shrinkage were investigated by examining the examples of shrinking cities, such as Detroit, Leipzig, Halle, and Makiivka. Afterwards, the provinces in the shrinking process and shrinkage dynamics in Turkey were investigated. As a result, the provinces of Ağrı, Ardahan,Çorum, Erzurum, Kars, Muş, Tokat, Tunceli, Yozgat and Zonguldak are considered shrinking, on the basis of the negative population growth between 2013-2020.According to the results of the correlation and regression analysis; the variables 2013 - 2020 cumulative population growth rate in Turkey, 2013-2017 IRE rank change (%), 2013 -2019 GDP per capita % change, 2013 - 2020 employment rate change, 2013 -2020 cumulative net migration rate and the change in the 65+ age dispersion between 2013-2020 are found out being the factors that cause shrinkage in Turkey. Keywords; globalization, deindustrialization, depopulation, urban shrinkage, Turkey
The shrinkage of the provinces, which are considered as living organisms, is a phenomenon that occurs in some parts of the globalizing world. Immigration of people from provinces that could not absorb an economic crisis is not an unexpected phonemenon, as their basic priorities are to earn money for their living. With the effect of deindustrialization and globalization, while big cities are planned for better quality life in an increasingly competitive environment and better living standards, the provinces that are dependent on a single sector cannot continue being competitive nationally as well as internationally. Provinces that are loosing population in this process are considered shrinking. In order to stop this process, cities and their provinces implement many policies and projects. Within the scope of this thesis,firstly, the reasons of shrinking and the policies developed against shrinkage were investigated by examining the examples of shrinking cities, such as Detroit, Leipzig, Halle, and Makiivka. Afterwards, the provinces in the shrinking process and shrinkage dynamics in Turkey were investigated. As a result, the provinces of Ağrı, Ardahan,Çorum, Erzurum, Kars, Muş, Tokat, Tunceli, Yozgat and Zonguldak are considered shrinking, on the basis of the negative population growth between 2013-2020.According to the results of the correlation and regression analysis; the variables 2013 - 2020 cumulative population growth rate in Turkey, 2013-2017 IRE rank change (%), 2013 -2019 GDP per capita % change, 2013 - 2020 employment rate change, 2013 -2020 cumulative net migration rate and the change in the 65+ age dispersion between 2013-2020 are found out being the factors that cause shrinkage in Turkey. Keywords; globalization, deindustrialization, depopulation, urban shrinkage, Turkey
Küreselleşme, Sanayisizleşme, Nüfusun Azalması, Kentsel Büzüşme, Türkiye, Globalization, Deindustrialization, Depopulation, Urban Shrinkage, Turkey
Durukan, Hazal (2021). Büzüşen şehir kavramı: Türkiye örneği / Concept of shrinking city: Example of Turkey. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.