Baleanu, DumitruMustafa, Octavian G.O'Regan, Donal2017-03-132017-03-132013Baleanu, D., Mustafa, O.G., O'regan, D. (2013). A uniqueness criterion for fractional differential equations with Caputo derivative. Nonlinear Dynamics, 71(4), 635-640. investigate the uniqueness of solutions to an initial value problem associated with a nonlinear fractional differential equation of order alpha a(0,1). The differential operator is of Caputo type whereas the nonlinearity cannot be expressed as a Lipschitz function. Instead, the Riemann-Liouville derivative of this nonlinearity verifies a special inequality.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessFractional Differential EquationUniqueness Of SolutionCaputo Differential OperatorRiemann-Liouville DerivativesA uniqueness criterion for fractional differential equations with Caputo derivativeA Uniqueness Criterion for Fractional Differential Equations With Caputo DerivativeArticle71463564010.1007/s11071-012-0449-4