Ullah, Malik ZakaSerra-Capizzano, S.Baleanu, Dumitru2020-05-012020-05-012020Ullah, M.Z.; Serra-Capizzano, S.; Baleanu, D.,"A Numerical Simulation for Darcy-Forchheimer Flow of Nanofluid By A Rotating Disk With Partial Slip Effects", Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 7, (2020).2296424Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/3582This study examines Darcy-Forchheimer 3D nanoliquid flow caused by a rotating disk with heat generation/absorption. The impacts of Brownian motion and thermophoretic are considered. Velocity, concentration, and thermal slips at the surface of the rotating disk are considered. The change from the non-linear partial differential framework to the non-linear ordinary differential framework is accomplished by utilizing appropriate variables. A shooting technique is utilized to develop a numerical solution of the resulting framework. Graphs have been sketched to examine how the concentration and temperature fields are affected by several pertinent flow parameters. Skin friction and local Sherwood and Nusselt numbers are additionally plotted and analyzed. Furthermore, the concentration and temperature fields are enhanced for larger values of the thermophoresis parameter. © Copyright © 2020 Ullah, Serra-Capizzano and Baleanu.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDarcy-Forchheimer FlowHeat Absorption/GenerationNanoparticlesNumerical SolutionRotating DiskSlip ConditionsA Numerical Simulation for Darcy-Forchheimer Flow of Nanofluid By A Rotating Disk With Partial Slip EffectsA Numerical Simulation for Darcy-Forchheimer Flow of Nanofluid by A Rotating Disk With Partial Slip EffectsArticle710.3389/fphy.2019.00219