Baleanu, DumitruEtemad, SinaRezapour, Shahram2020-04-282020-04-282020Baleanu, Dimitru; Etemad, S.; Rezapour, S. "A Hybrid Caputo Fractional Modeling for Thermostat With Hybrid Boundary Value Conditions", Boundary Value Problems, Vol. 2020, No.1, (2020).16872762 provide an extension for the second-order differential equation of a thermostat model to the fractional hybrid equation and inclusion versions. We consider boundary value conditions of this problem in the form of the hybrid conditions. To prove the existence of solutions for our hybrid fractional thermostat equation and inclusion versions, we apply the well-known Dhage fixed point theorems for single-valued and set-valued maps. Finally, we give two examples to illustrate our main results. © 2020, The Author(s).eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCaputo Fractional DerivativeHybrid Fractional Differential Equation and InclusionThermostat ModelingA Hybrid Caputo Fractional Modeling for Thermostat With Hybrid Boundary Value ConditionsA Hybrid Caputo Fractional Modeling for Thermostat With Hybrid Boundary Value ConditionsArticle2020110.1186/s13661-020-01361-0