Quandt, AlexanderÖzdoğan, CemKuntsmann, JensFehske, Holger2016-04-122016-04-122008Quandt, A...et al. (2008). Boron doped graphene nanostructures. Physica Status Solidi B Basic Solid State Physics, 245(10), 2077-2081. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pssb.2008795590370-1972http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/898We present results from an ab initio study of metallized semiconducting graphene nanostructures. Our model system consists of an alternating chain of quasi-planar B(7) clusters embedded into a semiconducting arm-chair nanoribbon. We observe the appearance of overlapping bands around the Fermi-level, with crystal momenta pointing into the direction of these boron chains. This observation could be a vantage point for the development of graphene nanodevices and integrated nanocircuits, based on existing technologieseninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessTotal-Energy CalculationsWave Basis-SetPseudopotentialsSemiconductorsSystemsStateBoron doped graphene nanostructuresBoron doped graphene nanostructuresArticle245102077208110.1002/pssb.200879559