Yaman, KemalÇoğun, Can2017-06-092017-06-092014Yaman, K., Çoğun, C. (2014). An experimental work on using conductive powder-filled polymer composite cast material as tool electrode in EDM. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73(1-4), 535-543. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00170-014-5839-y0268-3768http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/1615This paper introduces the composite tool electrodes made of electrical conductive powder-filled polyester resin matrix material, providing promise for the electrical discharge machining (EDM) process. The dendrite-shaped copper powder, graphite powder, and their mixture were used as conductive fillers. Six different types of composite electrodes, namely, plain copper-polyester, pressed copper-polyester, furnaced copper-polyester, plain copper-graphite-polyester, pressed copper-graphite-polyester, and furnaced copper-graphite-polyester were prepared. It is found experimentally that increasing v (f) improved workpiece material removal rate, tool wear rate, relative wear, and electrical conductivity of electrodes. The pressed copper-polyester electrodes were found to be promising in the ED finishing of workpieces at low machining current settings. The practical applicability of the proposed composite electrodes in the industry was also illustratedeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessElectric Discharge MachiningComposite ElectrodePolymerCopper PowderRemoval RateTool WearFiller Volume RatioElectrical ConductivityAn experimental work on using conductive powder-filled polymer composite cast material as tool electrode in EDMAn Experimental Work on Using Conductive Powder-Filled Polymer Composite Cast Material as Tool Electrode in EdmArticle731-453554310.1007/s00170-014-5839-y