Agarwal, Ravi PrakashKarapinar, ErdalKostić, MarkoCao, JianDu, Wei-Shih2024-02-072024-02-072022-08Agarwal, Ravi Prakash; (2022). "A Brief Overview and Survey of the Scientific Work by Feng Qi", Axioms, Vol.11, No.8.20751680 the paper, the authors present a brief overview and survey of the scientific work by Chinese mathematician Feng Qi and his coauthors.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAdditivityBell NumberBernoulli NumberComplete Elliptic İntegralCompletely Monotonic DegreeConvex FunctionGamma FunctionInequalityLogarithmically Completely Monotonic FunctionMathematical MeanMatrixOverviewPartial Bell PolynomialPolygamma FunctionPólya InequalitySeries ExpansionSpecial FunctionStatisticsSurveyWallis RatioA Brief Overview and Survey of the Scientific Work by Feng Qiarticle118