Khalid, AasmaNaeem, Muhammad NawazUllah, ZafarGhaffar, AbdulBaleanu, DumitruNisar, Kottakkaran Sooppy(Al-Qurashi, Maysaa M.2019-12-272019-12-272019Khalid, al. (2019). "Numerical Solution of the Boundary Value Problems Arising in Magnetic Fields and Cylindrical Shells", Mathematics, Vol. 7, No. 6.2227-7390 paper is devoted to the study of the Cubic B-splines to find the numerical solution of linear and non-linear 8th order BVPs that arises in the study of astrophysics, magnetic fields, astronomy, beam theory, cylindrical shells, hydrodynamics and hydro-magnetic stability, engineering, applied physics, fluid dynamics, and applied mathematics. The recommended method transforms the boundary problem to a system of linear equations. The algorithm we are going to develop in this paper is not only simply the approximation solution of the 8th order BVPs using Cubic-B spline but it also describes the estimated derivatives of 1st order to 8th order of the analytic solution. The strategy is effectively applied to numerical examples and the outcomes are compared with the existing results. The method proposed in this paper provides better approximations to the exact solution.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess8th OrderCubic B-SplineNumerical SolutionBoundary Value ProblemsCentral Finite Difference ApproximationsAbsolute ErrorSystem of Linear Algebraic EquationsNumerical Solution of the Boundary Value Problems Arising in Magnetic Fields and Cylindrical ShellsNumerical Solution of the Boundary Value Problems Arising in Magnetic Fields and Cylindrical ShellsArticle7610.3390/math7060508