Bayrak, Özlem TürkerYüksel, Ebru2020-04-082020-04-082012Yuksel, Ebru; Bayrak, "Ozlem Turker, Cyclical behavior of stock exchange index by sectors: a case from Turkey", World Conference On Business, Economics and Management (Bem-2012), Vol. 62, pp. 947-951, (2012)1877-0428 this study, the relation between the cyclical behaviors of stock market indices of industry, service, finance and technology sectors at Istanbul Stock Exchange and gross domestic product of Turkey between the 1998 January and 2011 September, is analyzed. The results suggest that stock exchange indices move in the same direction with economic activity and stock market leads the economy by about one quarter. However, when the sectoral differences are considered, movements in technology sector index are transmitted to economy in two months whereas it is three months for the industrial and service sector. The slowest sector is the financial sector for which pass-through speed is four months. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Huseyin Araslieninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBusiness CycleCo-MovementFinancial CycleGranger CausalityHodrick-Prescott FilterIstanbul Stock ExchangeTurkeyCyclical Behavior of Stock ExchangeIndex By Sectors: A Case From TurkeyCyclical Behavior of Stock Exchangeindex by Sectors: a Case From Turkey6294795110.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.161