Khennaoui, Amina-AichaOuannas, AdelMomani, ShaherDibi, ZohirGrassi, GiuseppeBaleanu, DumitruPham, Viet-Thanh2022-05-232022-05-232021Khennaoui, al. (2021). "HYPERCHAOTIC DYNAMICS of A NEW FRACTIONAL DISCRETE-TIME SYSTEM", Fractals, Vol. 29, No. 8.0218-348X recent years, some efforts have been devoted to nonlinear dynamics of fractional discrete-Time systems. A number of papers have so far discussed results related to the presence of chaos in fractional maps. However, less results have been published to date regarding the presence of hyperchaos in fractional discrete-Time systems. This paper aims to bridge the gap by introducing a new three-dimensional fractional map that shows, for the first time, complex hyperchaotic behaviors. A detailed analysis of the map dynamics is conducted via computation of Lyapunov exponents, bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, approximated entropy and C0 complexity. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the approach illustrated herein. © 2021 The Author(s).eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessChaosDiscrete Fractional CalculusHyperchaotic MapHYPERCHAOTIC DYNAMICS of A NEW FRACTIONAL DISCRETE-TIME SYSTEMHyperchaotic Dynamics of a New Fractional Discrete-Time SystemArticle29810.1142/S0218348X2140034X