Botmart, ThongchaiSahoo, Soubhagya KumarKodamasingh, BibhakarLatif, Muhammad AmerJarad, FahdKashuri, Artion2023-11-282023-11-282023Botmart, (2023). "Certain midpoint-type Feje acute accent r and Hermite-Hadamard inclusions involving fractional integrals with an exponential function in kernel", AIMS Mathematics, Vol.8, No.3, pp.5616-5638.2473-6988 this paper, using positive symmetric functions, we offer two new important identities of fractional integral form for convex and harmonically convex functions. We then prove new variants of the Hermite-Hadamard-Fejer type inequalities for convex as well as harmonically convex functions via fractional integrals involving an exponential kernel. Moreover, we also present improved versions of midpoint type Hermite-Hadamard inequality. Graphical representations are given to validate the accuracy of the main results. Finally, applications associated with matrices, q-digamma functions and modifed Bessel functions are also discussed.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHermite-Hadamard-Fejér InequalitiesConvex FunctionHarmonically Convex FunctionFractional Integral OperatorsMatricesQ-Digamma FunctionsModifed Bessel FunctionsCertain midpoint-type Feje acute accent r and Hermite-Hadamard inclusions involving fractional integrals with an exponential function in kernelCertain Midpoint-Type Feje Acute Accent R and Hermite-Hadamard Inclusions Involving Fractional Integrals With an Exponential Function in KernelArticle835616563810.3934/math.2023283