Pirgaip, Burak2020-02-262020-02-262017Pirgaip, Burak, "The causal relationship between stock markets and policy uncertainty in OECD countries", 5th Rsep International Conferences On Social Issues And Economic Studies, pp. 20-29, (2017).9786053077886http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/2513In this study, we examine the causal relationship between economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and stock market prices in OECD countries. We provide strong evidence that stock markets mostly Granger cause EPU. Such causality may also exist in the opposite direction for a few cases and we find no causality in some countries as well. Our results do not provide any support for bidirectional causality.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessEconomic Policy UncertaintyStock MarketsPanel Granger CausalityOECDThe causal relationship between stock markets and policy uncertainty in OECD countriesThe Causal Relationship Between Stock Markets and Policy Uncertainty in Oecd CountriesBook Part202910.19275/RSEPCONFERENCES105