Yüceer, Ümit2024-05-022024-05-022006Yüceer, Ümit (2006). "The equivalence of discrete convexity and the classical definition of convexity", International Mathematical Forum, No.7, pp.299-308.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/8124This article presents a proof of the fact that the classical definition of convexity of nondecreasing (increasing) first forward differences for discrete univariate functions is actually a special case of the concept of discrete convexity for functions defined on a discrete space. Consequently proving the discrete convexity of separable functions is simplified and becomes simply showing each univariate function is convex in the classical sense. An illustrative example is provided.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDiscrete ConvexityFirst Forward DifferenceSeperable FunctionThe equivalence of discrete convexity and the classical definition of convexityThe Equivalence of Discrete Convexity and the Classical Definition of ConvexityArticle7299308