Yazar, AhmetÇetin, A. EnisTöreyin, B. Uǧur2022-05-202022-05-202012Yazar, Ahmet; Çetin, A. Enis; Töreyin, B. Uǧur (2012). "Human activity classification using vibration and PIR sensors", 2012 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2012.9781467300568http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/5527Fall detection is an important problem for elderly people living independently and people in need of care. In this paper, a fall detection method using seismic and passive infrared (PIR) sensors is proposed. Fast Fourier transform, mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients, and discrete wavelet transform based features are extracted for classification. Seismic signals are classified into "fall" and "not a fall" classes using support vector machines. Once a moving person is detected by the PIR sensor within a region of interest, fall is detected by fusing seismic and PIR sensor decisions. The proposed system is implemented on a standard personal computer and works in real-time. © 2012 IEEE.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHuman activity classification using vibration and PIR sensorsHuman Activity Classification Using Vibration and Pir Sensorsİnsan Hareketleri̇ni̇n Vi̇brasyon ve Pır Algılayıcıları Kullanılarak SınıflandırılmasıConference Object10.1109/SIU.2012.6204718