Ali, IzazKhan, HassanFarooq, UmarBaleanu, DumitruArif, Muhammad2020-05-102020-05-102020Ali, al. (2012). "An Approximate-Analytical Solution to Analyze Fractional View of Telegraph Equations", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 25638-25649.21693536 the present research article, a modified analytical method is applied to solve time-fractional telegraph equations. The Caputo-operator is used to express the derivative of fractional-order. The present method is the combination of two well-known methods namely Mohan transformation method and Adomian decomposition method. The validity of the proposed technique is confirmed through illustrative examples. It is observed that the obtained solutions have strong contact with the exact solution of the examples. Moreover, it is investigated that the present method has the desired degree of accuracy and provided the graphs closed form solutions of all targeted examples. The graphs have verified the convergence analysis of fractional-order solutions to integer-order solution. In conclusion, the suggested method is simple, straightforward and an effective technique to solve fractional-order partial differential equations.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAdomian Decomposition MethodCaputo OperatörMohand TransformationTelegraph EquationsAn Approximate-Analytical Solution to Analyze Fractional View of Telegraph EquationsAn Approximate-Analytical Solution To Analyze Fractional View of Telegraph EquationsArticle8256382564910.1109/ACCESS.2020.2970242