Medeni, İhsan TolgaMedeni, TunçTolun, Mehmet2024-04-252024-04-252011Medeni, İhsan Tolga; Medeni, Tunç; Tolun, M. (2011). "Tacıt Knowledge Vısualızatıon Through Organızatıonal Explıcıt Knowledge Warehouses: A Proposal For Research Methodology Desıgn And Executıon", International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, Vol.3, No.2, pp.91-100.2146-0744 visualization can be used in several fields from medical imaging to industrial engineering. Although there could be variety of applicable research areas, our consideration will be the tacit knowledge visualization in organizations. This proposal aims to suggest a study to develop a tacit knowledge visualization framework to support know-where requirements of the organizational knowledge. With the implementation of our framework in a software application, it is aimed to create a virtual environment, where subject-based knowledge requirements will be answered by the visualized tacit knowledge of individuals and possibly the relations among individual members of the organizationeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKnowledge VisualizationTacit KnowledgeResearch Methodology DesignTacıt Knowledge Vısualızatıon Through Organızatıonal Explıcıt Knowledge Warehouses: A Proposal For Research Methodology Desıgn And ExecutıonTacıt Knowledge Vısualızatıon Through Organızatıonal Explıcıt Knowledge Warehouses: A Proposal For Research Methodology Desıgn And ExecutıonArticle3291100