Yang, Xiao-JunTenreiro Machado, J. A.Baleanu, Dumitru2019-12-162019-12-162017Exact Traveling-Wave Solution For Local Fractional Boussinesq Equation in Fractal Domain. (2017) Yang, Xiao-Jun; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Baleanu, Dumitru, Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling in Nature And Society, 25(4)0218-348Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/2153The new Boussinesq-type model in a fractal domain is derived based on the formulation of the local fractional derivative. The novel traveling wave transform of the non-differentiable type is adopted to convert the local fractional Boussinesq equation into a nonlinear local fractional ODE. The exact traveling wave solution is also obtained with aid of the non-differentiable graph. The proposed method, involving the fractal special functions, is efficient for finding the exact solutions of the nonlinear PDEs in fractal domains.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessExact Traveling-Wave SolutionLocal Fractional Boussinesq EquationLocal Fractional DerivativeFractalsExact Traveling-Wave Solution For Local Fractional Boussinesq Equation In Fractal DomainExact Traveling-Wave Solution for Local Fractional Boussinesq Equation in Fractal DomainArticle25410.1142/S0218348X17400060